Title: The Future
1The Future of Angus Beef
Tom Brink
2Effective Business Pyramid
Added Value Product differentiation
Commodity principles Low costs production
Both are required for success in todays industry.
3 Angus Beef
More or Less evaluation
4What will we see MORE of ?
LESS of ?
Winners, Losers and making the industry better
5MORE of the SAME regarding
Angus Beef Popularity
Dominant position with consumers will be
maintained, because Angus is synonymous with HIGH
6- CAB started the revolution in 1978.
- Today USDA lists 51 certified beef brands.
- 35 brands use the ANGUS name (69).
- 15 new beef brands were created in 2004 and 2005
alone - And 14 of these incorporate ANGUS into their
label (93).
7Packers are using the Angus name in their brands
- Booker Elkhorn Valley Packing
- Harris Excel
- Packerland National
- Swift Tyson
- Washington Beef Creekstone
- Plusdistributors SYSCO and AFG
- Even Wal-Mart has an Angus brand
8 Black Angus SteaksFor
those who only insist on the very best, only
Angus beef will do. Famous for its tenderness,
juiciness, and flavor, this is the kind of meat
that melts in your mouth. Pfaelzer Brothers has
established a set of strict quality standards to
insure that when you care enough to send Black
Angus Beef, you get only the very finest.
9 Angus Beef is Everywhere most recognized
name in branded beef
Black Angus SteaksFor
those who only insist on the very best, only
Angus beef will do. Famous for its tenderness,
juiciness, and flavor, this is the kind of meat
that melts in your mouth. Pfaelzer Brothers has
established a set of strict quality standards to
insure that when you care enough to send Black
Angus Beef, you get only the very finest.
10- Midwestern Grain fed
- USDA Prime, Omaha Steaks Angus USDA Choice
- Custom Hand-Trimmed
- Small Pack Sizes
11 Google Search Test
- Angus Beef 1.38 million matches
- Hereford Beef 312,000
- Charolais Beef 131,000
- Limousin Beef 124,000
- Simmental Beef 116,000
- Gelbvieh Beef 46,100
- Salers Beef 32,200
- S. Highlander Beef 33,400
12 More Differentiation in Angus Beef Program
13 More Granularity
- Live animal requirements
- Marbling, maturity yield grade
- Carcass weight range
- Natural product claim
- Source verified
- Age Verified
- Story line raised and fed with a mountain view
Affording both opportunity and risk for producers.
14 More Room for a few strong Non-Angus Beef
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16 More Angus Beef from Southern Cattle in
Southern Plants
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18Costing the Beef Industry gt160 million per year
19The problem is easy to see
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25What do most Southern Genetics need ?
Answer Hes black and walks on four
26 More Angus Beef from Non-Angus Parents
27 More Angus Beef Produced from Hybrid-Angus
Bulls on Angus-based cows
28 Why? because
- No success goes unchallenged
- Cant beat them.join them
- Hybrid vigor still matters in the cow-calf
business - Structured cross-breeding too difficult to
implement - Hybrid seedstock are convenient to use
- More muscle (better YGs) from Continentals
- Feeders, packers and consumers dont care how the
Angus genes get into the final product
29Tracking the Hybrid Movement
- Simmental ---SimAngus - 40 of annual
registrations - Gelbvieh ---Balancers - 33
- Limousin ---Lim-Flex -12
- 60 and 40 of Chi and Maine registrations are
Angus-based hybrids, respectively. - Approximately 50,000 total registrations this
year and growing by 15 to 20 annually.
30Hybrid Seedstock Registrations
100,000 by 2010
Per Year
31Five Rivers Personnel Comment on Angus Strengths
- Grade, Grade, Grade Quality Grade
- Premium Programs
- Uniformity ---add uniformity to a calf crop
- Rib and Volume
- Able to eat a lot of feed
- Crossing ability with other breeds
- Marketability
32Five Rivers Personnel Identify Angus Soft Spots
- Over fats
- Cutability problems before reaching desired
dressing percent - Higher percentage Angus means lower yields and
a higher percentage of YG4s YG5s - Dressing percent, yield grade muscling
- Not enough muscle for their out weights
- They cost too much
33Ideal Angus Percentage?
They said.
50 - 75
With the balance being Continental, as opposed to
another British breed.
34 More problems with YG4s in the Northern
U.S. (in the short run)
35 Increasingly difficult for feeders and
packers to deal with
36What will we see LESS of?
- LESS opportunity to produce cattle with
anonymity - LESS profit potential on commodity cattle that
cant fit any branded beef program - LESS room for seedstock and commercial cattle
that have no Angus influence - LESS of a hard line distinction between some
breeds---Angus genetics are becoming the common
link -
37What does all this mean to you as an Angus
38Angus genetics will be recognized as the main
ingredient for the entire beef supply chain
But not the only ingredient
39A whole new level of genetic accountability for
seedstock and commercial producers is on the way
40Extremely broad range of needs wants within
commercial cow-calfsegment
41Angus genetics---some in a non-traditional
package---will continue to win big in the years
42Angus in both Purebred and Hybrid form will
dominate more of the seedstock sector
43Cement is the main ingredient in concrete
44 Both products can produce concrete
45 Purebreds and Hybrids Selling Side by Side
Angus inside
46 The U.S. Beef Industry WINS too.