AP EXAM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AP EXAM More and more and more Review Part 3 Understanding and managing living systems – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AP EXAM

  • More and more and more Review
  • Part 3
  • Understanding and managing living systems

  • Is the variation of organisms in a given area
  • Includes
  • Species diversity
  • Number of different species in an area
  • Includes species richness ( of species in an
  • And Species evenness (relative distribution of
    the different species in an area)
  • Genetic diversity
  • The genetic variety within a species
  • Ecosystem diversity
  • Which is the complexity of species interactions
    in biological communities

  • Is a group of similar looking organisms that can
    interbreed and produce fertile offspring
  • Or defining species based on genetic studies and
    evolutionary branches
  • Molecular biology allows scientist to analyze DNA
    to test relationships between organisms
  • Is the Red Wolf endangered from low numbers or
    b/c its a hybrid from a gray wolf and a coyote
  • Mitochondrial DNA indicates that it is a hybrid,
    but from how long ago?
  • USFWS has listed it as endangered

Biodiversity Hot Spots
  • Concentrated around tropical regions
  • Are areas that have 1,500 endemic (native)
    species and have lost 70 percent of their habitat
    due to habitat disruption and invasion of exotic
  • 34 hot spots have 1.4 of the worlds area but
    75 of the worlds threatened mammals, birds, and
  • Tend to be islands Madagascar, Indonesia,
  • Geographic isolation results in highly unique
    flora and fauna

Benefits of Biodiversity
  • Utilitarian benefits primitive societies used
    wild plants and animals to provide clothing,
    food and shelter. Nearly all is now cultivated
  • Ecological benefits
  • plants function in carbon cycle
  • animals help pollinate
  • soil formation, pest control, waste disposal and
    water purification are all dependent upon the
    species that make up the earth
  • Nature has aesthetic value

  • Is the elimination of an entire species when the
    last of its members have died
  • It is irreversible process
  • It is perfectly natural process, as species
    become less suited over time to changes in the
  • Species arise through mutation and natural
    selection, so those not as fit become extinct
    through the same processes
  • Background extinction rate is the natural reae of
  • Mass extinctions have occurred periodically,
    followed by radiation and rapid evolution of
  • Humans are currently accelerating extinctions by
    damaging habitats
  • Current extinction rates are from 100-1,000 times
    background extinction levels
  • Primary threats to biodiversity are habitat
    disruption, invasive species, pollution,
    population, and overharvesting

Habitat Disruption
  • TWO main reasons
  • Agriculture
  • for crops or livestock
  • Timber cutting
  • Provides firewood, charcoal, lumber, and pulp
  • Also disruption for construction and commercial
  • Humans drain wetlands and flood other areas with
    water diversion projects
  • Mining disrupts significant amounts of habitat

Exotic Species
  • Considered biotic pollution
  • An introduction of a non-native species into an
    area where it is not natural
  • May be accidental (Zebra mussels via ballast
  • Or deliberate introduced (melaleuca and
    Australian pine in South Florida to protect
    canals, levees, and other areas from erosion)
  • Considered invasive due to lack of controls on
    population growth in the new area
  • Tropical areas with high tourism and ports are
    most susceptible
  • Islands are extremely vulnerable b/c of

Solutions to Exotic Species
  • All solutions can be expensive and time consuming
  • Mechanical control invasive is physically
  • Biological control where you introduce a
    predator or parasite is introduced to control the
  • Ecological control fire kills exotics and allows
    fire resistant natives to regenerate

  • Humans pollute air, water, and soil on a regular
  • Pesticides, PCBs, dioxins, mercury and lead
  • Water pollutants include sediment, organic waste
    and nitrates and phosphates
  • Regional problem of acid deposition and global
    warming are having adverse effects on a wide
    variety of ecosystems throughout the world

Human Population
  • The ever-increasing human population affects
    biodiverstiy as humans are forced to move into
    previously uninhabited areas.
  • To support the huge population, we must harvest
    more timber, raise more grain and lievestock,
    harvest more fish, and mine for more nonrenewable
    resources than ever before in the history of

  • Has lead to the endangerment and extinction of
    numerous species in the world
  • American passenger pigeon became extinct in 1914
    b/c they were commercially hunted and their food
    supply swindled as they lost habitat due to
  • American bison were killed in the American west
    in a genocide attempt to destroy Native American
    populations dependent upon the bison for their
  • Shark, bluefin tuna, and marlin are under severe
    pressure from overfishing
  • Animals harvested in the wild for the pet trade,
    zoos, research labs and aquaria

Endangered and Threatened Species
  • Endangered Species Act
  • Defines endangered species as being in imminent
    danger of extinction throughout all or most of
    its range
  • California condor, whooping crane, giant panda
    and black rhinoceros
  • Threatened species is one that is likely to
    become endangered in the near future, throughout
    all or a significant portion of its range
  • Bald eagle, grizzly bear and the American

Characteristics of Endangered Species
  • Occupy a narrow habitat or occupy a small range
  • Therefore, altering their habitat has greater
  • Narrow habitat reiterates that species that are
    native to certain islands are more likely to be
  • Animals that require a large territory, such as
    predators, are likely to become extinct if their
    territory is modified by humans
  • Animals with low reproductive success, low
    reproductive rates, or small numbers of offspring
    per gestation are at risk
  • Animals that have highly specialize feeding
  • Animals wit large size b/c they require more
    space to supply food needs
  • Grizzly bears need large area to maintain Minimum
    Viable Population (MVPs)

  • By end of 1800s, states had hunting and fishing
  • 1900 Lacey Act required a federal permit to
    transport live, dead, or parts of wild animals
    across state lines
  • 1973 Endangered Species Act
  • Disproportionate amount of money spent on
    charismatic creatures
  • Funding based on emotion not biological impact
  • Ignore role of keystone and indicator species
  • Flagship species get attention (manatee and
  • Opponents argue that economic impacts are not
    considered before listing

More Legislation
  • 1996 Sustainable Fisheries Act
  • Amended the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and
    Management Act of 1976
  • Federal government to manage fisheries from 3 to
    200 miles off US coast.
  • Can impose limits on fish taken in this area
  • Revisions have NMFS implement management and
    conservation plans
  • Now manage Atlantic sharks, swordfish, bill fish
    and bluefin tuna

More Legislation
  • 1975 CITES Convention on international Trade in
    Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna
  • Goal to ensure trade of species does not lead to
    their extinction
  • Bans hunting, capturing and selling of endangered
    or threatened species
  • Appendix 1 trade prohibited on endangered
  • Appendix 2 limited trade on threatened species
  • Appendix 3 assists in species protected in one

Species Survival Plans
  • Ex situ conservation Animals are taken from
    nature into captivity in zoos and bred in the
    attempt to increase numbers
  • Determine what brought species to brink of
    extinction before reintroducing to wild
  • Successful breeding programs for black-footed
    ferret and whooping crane
  • Captive breeding techniques used to increase
    genetic diversity
  • Artificial insemination transfer of sperm w/o
  • Cross incubation bird of one species hatches
    anothers egg
  • Embryo transfer production of numerous amounts
    of eggs in a viable female with the use of
    hormones eggs are harvested and fertilized in
    vitro embryos are transplanted to less desirable
    genetic stock
  • Artificial incubation harvests eggs in nature
    and rearing the offspring to a viable size in
    captivity to return to nature
  • Botanical Gardens serve the same purpose for
    assisting with the recovery of plant species
  • Important to set aside habitat for critically
    endangered species in the wild to maintain as
    much genetic diversity as possible
  • Protection from poaching is essential

World Land Use
  • Forest and Woodland 29
  • Range and Pasture 27
  • Cropland 11
  • Other 11
  • Cities, arid land that will not support
    agriculture or grazing, and wetlands

  • Closed canopy forests are those that have tree
    crowns that cover 20 or more of the ground
  • Open canopy cover less than 20
  • Old growth forests had little human intervention
  • Trees can live entire lifespan
  • Coast redwoods can live thousands of years and
    reach 300 ft tall
  • Temperate deciduous forest or southern pine can
    live 300-400 years
  • Largest remaining old growth is boreal in Russia,
    Canada and tropical forests in Brazil and Oceania

Utilitarian Forest Use
  • Used for lumber, wood pulp
  • In U.S. mainly from trees managed for sustainable
  • Developing countries harvest for fuelwood and to
    make charcoal 50 worldwide
  • Developing countries sell exotic tropical
    hardwoods (mahogany and teak)
  • Harvested from virgin old growth at an
    unsustainable rate
  • Forests are damaged due to mining
  • Clear cut for rangeland
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