Title: Circulatory System
1Circulatory System
- HS317b Coding Classification of Health Data
2Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Folio lookup
- myocardium, myocardial (acute or with a stated
duration of 4 weeks or less) I21 - chronic or with a stated duration of over 4
weeks I25.8 - healed or old I25.2
- nontransmural I21.4
- other
- complications I23.88
- past
3Terminology - confusing
- MI
- Non Q Wave
- Non-ST elevation MI
- ST elevation MI
- Q Wave
- Anterior MI
- Inferior MI
4Terminology-See Inclusions
- I21.0-I21.3 Acute myocardial infarction (includes
Q Wave) - I21.4 Acute subendocardial myocardial infarction
(Includes Non-Q-wave myocardial infarction) - I21.9 Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified
(Myocardial infarction (acute) NOS)
5Coding Myocardial Infarctions
- Overlapping sites classified to other sites
- Either I21.2 or I21.42 other sites
- Acute phase is 28 days
- After 28 days consider it a chronic condition
- I25.8 Other forms of chronic ischaemic heart
disease - Any condition in (I21-I22) and (I24.-) specified
as chronic or with a stated duration of more than
4 weeks (more than 28 days) from onset. - Code this if patient currently receiving acute
care (observation, evaluation or treatment)
6Re-infarction gt 28 days
- I22. Subsequent myocardial infarction
- Criteria
- Includes further extension of myocardial
infarction - recurrent
- Diagnosis typing based on significance
- Excludes specified as chronic or with a stated
duration of more than 4 weeks (more than 28 days)
from onset (I25.8)
7Other conditions following MI
- I23 Certain current complications following
acute myocardial infarction - Haemopericardium
- Atrial or Ventricular septal defect
- Rupture of cardiac wall, chordae tindineae, or
papillary muscle - Thrombosis, Papillary muscle dysfunction,
pericarditis, postmyocardial infarction angina,
8Exclusions to using I23.
- Used for specific complications that may occur
following acute MI (usually 2-7 days post MI) - When condition is concurrent with acute
myocardial infarction (I21-I22) - It is included in the acute myocardial infarction
code, dont code separately
9Old Myocardial Infarction
- I25.2 Old myocardial infarction
- Considered a history of
- Assign if
- The old MI occurred more than four weeks ago (28
days) - The patient is currently not receiving care
(observation, evaluation or treatment) for the
10I24 Other acute ischemic heart diseases
- Use for terms
- Missed MI
- Aborted MI
- Averted MI
11Mandatory Intervention
- 1.ZZ.35.HA-C1 Pharmacotherapy, total body NEC,
using antithrombotic agent - Intent reperfusion of heart
- Examples Streptokinase or Urokinase
- Mandatory
12 - Ms. M. who was known to have coronary
atherosclerosis presented to the emergency
department with unstable angina. She was
subsequently admitted to undergo coronary artery
bypass grafting (CABG). - Final Dx CAD with unstable angina
- What is MRDx?
13 Coronary Artery Disease
- Terminology chronic ischemic heart disease,
atherosclerotic heart disease (ASHD), coronary
artery disease (CAD), coronary atherosclerosis,
arteriosclerotic heart disease - All coded to I25.1 atherosclerotic heart
disease. - specificity native/graft vein/artery
14Angina CAD
- A history of angina with no documented episode
occurring during the patients stay in hospital
is simply a risk factor and may be coded at the
facilitys discretion with diagnosis type 3 - RULE angina may only be coded as a significant
diagnosis when there is a documented episode of
angina on admission or at any given time during
the hospital stay
15Diagnosis typing for CAD
- In scenario where physician writes CAD with
angina as MRDx ask yourself where is treatment
being directed. - Patients can be treated with either percutaneous
transluminal coronary angioplasty or coronary
artery bypass graft - Depends on circumstances and whether course of
treatment was directed at unstable angina.
16CABG 1.IJ.76.
- Tissue used for the bypass is coded
- i.e. procurement for saphenous vein or radial
artery - When pedicled and free autografts are used the
qualifier for combined grafts should be selected - Inherent in CABG code are hypothermia,
cardioplegia and chest tube insertions - Code cardiopulmonary bypass (Mandatory)
- Affects CMG assignment
17Other Interventions
- 1.IJ.50. Angioplasty (Dilation, coronary
arteries) - Mandatory to include cardiac catheterization with
attribute intraoperative - 1.IJ.57. Endarterectomy (Extraction, coronary
18Complications of CAD
- Follow postprocedural conditions and
complications rules - If occlusion, thrombosis or stenosis of coronary
artery grafts occur - Consider it T82.8 Other complications of cardiac
and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and
grafts. - If due to an atheromaindicative of natural
process of disease rather than a complication of
bypass graft
19Natural progress of disease versus occlusion
- Thrombus formation
- Within a month T82.8
- Over a year likely natural progression
- Atherosclerosis changes
- Within a monthpossibly due to a technical error
- Over a year natural progression
20Heart Failure/Cardiac Insufficiency
- Following surgery, patient was taken to the ICU
for post-operative monitoring where she developed
congestive heart failure within the first 24
hours. - The CHF was not a pre-existing condition
21Folio look-up for CHF
- Failure
- heart (acute) (sudden) I50.9
- complicating
- anesthesia (general) (local) or other
sedation - surgery T81.8
- cardiorespiratory (see also Failure, heart)
R09.2 - specified, during or due to a procedure
T81.8 - long term effect of cardiac surgery
22 - T81.88 (2) Other complications of procedures, NEC
- I50. (3) Heart failure
- Y83.9 (9) Surgical procedure, unspecified as the
cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of
later complications,..
- Complication of CHF is within the postoperative
monitoring period of 96 hours - External cause mandatory. Cause-effect
relationship. - Not a pre-existing condition
24 - What if patient developed an episode of
congestive heart failure on day 8 of her stay and
Lasix was added to her treatment, how would you
code this? - CHF is not pre-existing
25Which Rules to Apply?
- I97.1 Other postprocedural disorders of
circulatory system, NEC - I97.8 Other postprocedural disorders of
circulatory system, not elsewhere classified - T81.88 Other complications of procedures, not
elsewhere classified - I50.0 Congestive heart failure
26Late complication
- I97.1 (2) other postprocedural disorders of
circulatory system, NEC - I50.0 (3) Congestive heart failure.
- Rationale
- Occurring during hospitalization
- External cause not required
- gt 96 hours, lt 15 days
- No documented evidence of any relationship to the
intervention. - Apply External Cause if physician indicates
27Pleural Effusion CHF
- Patient comes into hospital with exacerbation of
CHF and pleural effusion. - Thoracentesis is done to treat the pleural
28Rules for Pleural Effusion
- (M or 1) I50.0 Congestive heart failure
- (1) J90 Pleural effusion, not elsewhere
classified - 1.GV.52.HA Drainage pleura
29Rules for Pleural Effusion
- Rationale
- If Pleural effusion is documented on X-ray only
no intervention this diagnosis should not be
coded. (Included in diagnosis of CHF) - If treatment is directed to effusion by
therapeutic thoracentesis or chest tube drainage - the pleural effusion may be coded as an
additional diagnosis
30Atrial Fibrillation
- Classified as a functional disturbance
- Any code in range of I44 I50 is a functional
disturbance - AF following open-heart surgery
- Occurs within postop monitoring period or chart
documentation indicates related to surgery - Not pre-existing
31Atrial Fibrillation
- I97.1 (2) Other functional disturbance following
cardiac surgery - I48.0 (3) Atrial Fibrillation
- Y83. Surgical operation
32AF gt 95 hours, lt 15 days
- Not related to surgery by documentation
- No assumed cause effect relationship
- I97.8 (2) other postprocedural disorders of
circulatory system, NEG - I48.0(3) AF
33Folio lookup Cardiac Arrest
- Arrest, arrested
- -Cardiac I46.9
- - - complicating
- - - - surgery T81.8
- - - postoperative I97.8
- - - - long term effect of cardiac surgery I97.1
- Cannot use both I97.8 and T81.88
34Cardiac Arrest
- Not occurring postprocedural
- Only code if resuscitative intervention is
undertaken - I46.0 Cardiac arrest with successful
resuscitation - I46.9 Cardiac arrest unspecified
- Occurring as expected terminal event
- Code only underlying or contributing condition.
35Cardiac Arrest following Intervention
- lt 96 hours
- Documentation
- T81.88 (2) Other complications of procedures, NEC
- gt 96 hours, lt 15 days
- I97.8 (2) other post-procedural disorders of
circulatory system - I46.0 (3) Cardiac arrest with successful
36Resuscitation, heart
- New for April 2006
- Code resuscitation, heart NEC when CPR is
performed, regardless of outcome. - Code 1.HZ.09. Stimulation, heart NEC when CPR
is followed by defibrillation.
37Resuscitation, heart why?
- In 2006 the Grouper is going to use high cost
interventions as a factor in the Resource
Intensity Weights methodology. This will not
affect the CMG but will be applied at the RIW
stage. - CPR is such an intervention. It will be
mandatory to code anytime it is performed.
- Cardiac Catheterization
- Affects CMG assignment
- Mandatory
- Cardiopulmonary bypass
- Affects CMG assignment
- Mandatory
39Classification based on MRDx
- MCC 5 Diseases and Disorders of the Circulatory
System - MCC 5A Cardiac Diseases and Disorders
- MCC 5B Vascular Diseases and Disorders
- CMG assigned based on whether procedure was
undertaken or not (surgical or medical partition)
40CMG Examples
- Heart or Lung Transplant CMG 175
- Tracheostomy and Gastrostomy procedure CMG 40
- Surgical Procedures broken down based on heart
pump usage and/or cardiac catheterizations
- No to heart pump
- No to cardiac cath CMG 184 Major
Cardio-Thoracic Procedures without heart pump and
without cardiac cath - Yes to heart pump
- Yes to cardiac cath CMG 183 Major
Cardio-Thoracic procedures with Heart Pump with
Cardiac Cath
42Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Factors influencing CMG Assignment
- If shock or pulmonary embolism
- LOS gt 4 days
- If CHF present
- Is there ventricular tachycardia
- Angina present
- Cardiac Catheterization