From electrons to quarks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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From electrons to quarks


From electrons to quarks - 1st part: the development of Particle Physics What is particle physics -- why do it? Early days atoms, electron, proton – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: From electrons to quarks

From electrons to quarks - 1st part the
development of Particle Physics
  • What is particle physics -- why do it?
  • Early days atoms, electron, proton
  • Models of the atom Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr
  • Cosmic rays
  • Detectors scintillators, cloud chamber,
    emulsion, bubble chamber, spark chamber
  • More particles neutron, positron
  • Muon, pion
  • Kaon strange particles
  • Webpages of interest
  • http// (Fermilab homepage)
  • http//
    (has links to many particle physics sites)
  • http//
    (Fermilab particle physics tour)
  • http//
    (Lawrence Berkeley Lab.)
  • http// (CERN -- European Laboratory
    for Particle Physics)

What is particle physics?
  • particle physics or high energy physics
  • is looking for the smallest constituents of
    matter (the ultimate building blocks) and for
    the fundamental forces between them
  • aim is to find description in terms of the
    smallest number of particles and forces
  • at given length scale, it is useful to describe
    matter in terms of specific set of constituents
    which can be treated as fundamental at shorter
    length scale, these fundamental constituents may
    turn out to consist of smaller parts (be
  • concept of smallest building block changes in
  • in 19th century, atoms were considered smallest
    building blocks,
  • early 20th century research electrons, protons,
  • now evidence that nucleons have substructure -
  • going down the size ladder atoms -- nuclei --
    nucleons -- quarks preons, strings ???... ???

  • seeing an object
  • detecting light that has been reflected off the
    object's surface
  • light electromagnetic wave
  • visible light those electromagnetic waves that
    our eyes can detect
  • wavelength of e.m. wave (distance between two
    successive crests) determines color of light
  • wave hardly influenced by object if size of
    object is much smaller than wavelength
  • wavelength of visible light between 4?10-7
    m (violet) and 7? 10-7 m (red)
  • diameter of atoms 10-10 m
  • generalize meaning of seeing
  • seeing is to detect effect due to the presence of
    an object
  • quantum theory ? particle waves, with
    wavelength ?1/(m v)
  • use accelerated (charged) particles as probe, can
    tune wavelength by choosing mass m and
    changing velocity v
  • this method is used in electron microscope, as
    well as in scattering experiments in nuclear
    and particle physics

Experimental High Energy Physics
  • Goal
  • To understand matter and energy under extreme
    conditions at T 1015 K
  • Why?
  • To understand more organized forms of matter
  • To understand the origin and destiny of the
  • Basic questions
  • Are there irreducible building blocks?
  • Are there few or infinitely many?
  • What are they?
  • What are their properties?
  • What is mass?
  • What is charge?
  • What is flavor?
  • How do the building blocks interact?
  • Why are there 3 forces?
  • gravity, electroweak, strong
  • (or are there more?)

  • 1869 Johann Hittorf (1824-1914) (Münster)
  • determined that discharge in a vacuum tube was
    accomplished by the emission of rays ( named
    glow rays by him, later termed cathode rays)
    capable of casting a shadow of an opaque body on
    the wall of the tube.
  • rays seemed to travel in straight lines and
    produce a fluorescent glow where they passed
    through the glass.
  • Rays deflected by magnetic field
  • 1870s William Crookes (1832-1919) (London)
  • detailed investigation of discharges
  • Confirms Hittorfs findings about deflection in
    magnetic field
  • Concludes that rays consist of particles carrying
    negative charge
  • 1886 - 1887 Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894)
  • Built apparatus to generate and detect
    electromagnetic waves predicted by Maxwells
  • High voltage induction coil to cause spark
    discharge between two pieces of brass once spark
    forms conducting path between two brass
    conductors ? charge oscillated back and forth,
    emitting e.m. radiation
  • Circular copper wire with spark gap used as
    receiver presence of oscillating charge in
    receiver signaled by spark across the spark gap
  • Experiment successful
  • detected radiation up to 50 ft away
  • Established that radiation had properties
    reminiscent of light was reflected and refracted
    as expected, could be polarized, speed speed of

  • 1887 Heinrich Hertz
  • Unexpected new observation when receiver spark
    gap is shielded from light of transmitter spark,
    the maximum spark-length became smaller
  • Further investigation showed
  • Glass effectively shielded the spark
  • Quartz did not
  • Use of quartz prism to break up light into
    wavelength components ? find that wavelenght
    which makes little spark more powerful was in the
  • Hertz conclusion I confine myself at present
    to communicating the results obtained, without
    attempting any theory respecting the manner in
    which the observed phenomena are brought about

  • 1888 Wilhelm Hallwachs (1859-1922) (Dresden)
  • Performs experiment to elucidate effect observed
    by Hertz
  • Clean circular plate of Zn mounted on insulating
    stand plate connected by wire to gold leaf
  • Electroscope charged with negative charge stays
    charged for a while but if Zn plate illuminated
    with UV light, electroscope loses charge quickly
  • Electroscope charged with positive charge
  • UV light has no influence on speed of charge
  • But still no explanation
  • Calls effect lichtelektrische Entladung
    (light-electric discharge)

  • 1894 Hertz and Philipp Lenard (1862-1947)
  • Further investigations of cathode rays using
    discharge tubes
  • Cathode rays penetrate through thin Al window ate
    end of tube,
  • Cause fluorescence over distance of few
    centimeters in air
  • Deflected by magnetic field
  • No deflection by electric fields
  • (later explained due to insufficiently
    good vacuum)
  • 1895 Wilhelm Röntgen (1845-1923) (Würzburg)
  • Uses discharge tubes designed by Hittorf and
    Lenard (but improved pump) to verify Hertz and
    Lenards experiments
  • Discovers X-rays -- forget about cathode rays!

  • Röntgen and X-rays

Hand of Anna Röntgen
From Life magazine,6 April 1896
  • 1895 Jean Perrin (1870-1942) (Paris)
  • Modifies cathode ray tube adds Faraday cup
    which is connected to electrometer
  • Shows that cathode rays carry negative charge
  • 1896 Hendrik A Lorentz (1853-1928) (Leiden)
  • Formulates atomistic interpretation of Maxwells
    equations in terms of electrically charged
    particles (called ions by him)
  • Lorentz force force exerted by magnetic field
    on moving charged particles
  • 1896 Pieter A. Zeeman (1865-1943) (Amsterdam)
  • Observes broadening of Na D line in magnetic
  • measures broadening vs field strength
  • 1896 Explanation of this effect by Lorentz
  • based on light emitted by ions orbiting within
    Na atom
  • Calculates expected broadening ?f ? (e/m)B
  • By comparing with measured line broadening,
    obtains estimate of e/m of ions in Na atom
  • e/m ? 107 emu/g ? 1011 C/kg (cf modern
    value of 1.76x10 C11/kg)
  • 1897 three experiments measuring e/m, all with
    improved vacuum
  • Emil Wiechert (1861-1928) (Königsberg)
  • Measures e/m value similar to that obtained by
  • Assuming value for charge that of H ion,
    concludes that charge carrying entity is about
    2000 times smaller than H atom

  • 1897 Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940) (Cambridge)
  • Improves on tube built by Perrin with Faraday cup
    to verify Perrins result of negative charge
  • Conclude that cathode rays are negatively charged
  • Then designs other tube with electric deflection
    plates inside tube, for e/m measurement
  • Result for e/m in agreement with that obtained
    by Lorentz, Wiechert, Kaufmann, Wien
  • Bold conclusion we have in the cathode rays
    matter in a new state, a state in which the
    subdivision of
    matter is carried very much further than in the
    ordinary gaseous state a state in which all
    matter... is of one and the same kind this
    matter being the substance from which all the
    chemical elements are built up.

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  • 1899 J.J. Thomson studies of photoelectric
  • Modifies cathode ray tube make metal surface to
    be exposed to light the cathode in a cathode ray
  • Finds that particles emitted due to light are the
    same as cathode rays (same e/m)
  • 1902 Philipp Lenard
  • Studies of photoelectric effect
  • Measured variation of energy of emitted
    photoelectrons with light intensity
  • Use retarding potential to measure energy of
    ejected electrons photo-current stops when
    retarding potential reaches Vstop
  • Surprises
  • Vstop does not depend on light intensity
  • energy of electrons does depend on color
    (frequency) of light

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  • 1905 Albert Einstein (1879-1955) (Bern)
  • Gives explanation of observation relating to
    photoelectric effect
  • Assume that incoming radiation consists of light
    quanta of energy hf (h Plancks constant,
  • ? electrons will leave surface of metal with
  • E hf W W work function energy
    necessary to get electron out of the metal
  • When cranking up retarding voltage until current
    stops, the highest energy electrons must have had
    energy eVstop on leaving the cathode
  • Therefore eVstop hf W
  • ? Minimum light frequency for a given metal, that
    for which quantum of energy is equal to work
  • 1906 1916 Robert Millikan (1868-1963) (Chicago)
  • Did not accept Einsteins explanation
  • Tried to disprove it by precise measurements
  • Result confirmation of Einsteins theory,
  • measurement of h with 0.5 precision
  • 1923 Arthur Compton (1892-1962)(St.Louis)
  • Observes scattering of X-rays on electrons

  • atom sphere of positive charge
    (diameter ?10-10 m),
  • with electrons embedded in it, evenly
    distributed (like raisins in cake)
  • (Geiger, Marsden, 1906 - 1911) (interpreted by
    Rutherford, 1911)
  • get particles from radioactive source
  • make beam of particles using collimators
    (lead plates with holes in them, holes aligned in
    straight line)
  • bombard foils of gold, silver, copper with beam
  • measure scattering angles of particles with
    scintillating screen (ZnS) .

Geiger, Marsden, Rutherford expt.
  • result
  • most particles only slightly deflected (i.e. by
    small angles), but some by large angles - even
  • measured angular distribution of scattered
    particles did not agree with expectations from
    Thomson model (only small angles expected),
  • but did agree with that expected from scattering
    on small, dense positively charged nucleus with
    diameter lt 10-14 m, surrounded by electrons at
    ?10-10 m

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Rutherford model
  • RUTHERFORD MODEL OF ATOM(planetary model of
  • positive charge concentrated in nucleus (lt10-14
  • negative electrons in orbit around nucleus at
    distance ?10-10 m
  • electrons bound to nucleus by Coulomb force.
  • problem with Rutherford atom
  • electron in orbit around nucleus is accelerated
    (centripetal acceleration to change direction of
  • according to theory of electromagnetism
    (Maxwell's equations), accelerated electron emits
    electromagnetic radiation (frequency revolution
  • electron loses energy by radiation ? orbit
  • changing revolution frequency ? continuous
    emission spectrum (no line spectra), and atoms
    would be unstable (lifetime ? 10-10 s )
  • ? we would not exist to think about this!!

Beta decay
  • b decay changes a neutron into a proton
  • Only observed the electron and the recoiling
  • non-conservation of energy
  • Pauli predicted a light, neutral, feebly
    interacting particle (1930)
  • the neutrino
  • Although accepted since it fit so well, not
    actually observed initiating interactions until
    1956-1958 (Cowan and Reines)

b decay n p e- ne
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  • Cloud chamber
  • Container filled with gas (e.g. air), plus vapor
    close to its dew point (saturated)
  • Passage of charged particle ? ionization
  • Ions form seeds for condensation ? condensation
    takes place along path of particle ? path of
    particle becomes visible as chain of droplets

  • Positron (anti-electron)
  • Predicted by Dirac (1928) -- needed for
    relativistic quantum mechanics
  • Anderson Neddermeyer discovered it (1932) in a
    cloud chamber
  • existence of antiparticles doubled the number of
    known particles!!!
  • Positron track going upward through lead plate

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Experimentalists ...
  • Strange quark
  • kaons discovered 1947

Not seen, but should be common
K0 production and decay in a bubble chamber
Experimental High Energy Physics
  • Method
  • Subject matter to extreme temperatures and
  • Energy 2 trillion eV
  • Temperature 24,000 trillion K
  • Density 2000 x nuclear density
  • Accelerate sub-atomic particles, to closer than
    100 millionth the speed of light, and arrange for
    them to collide head on.
  • Study the debris of particles that emerges from
    the collisions.

Particle physics experiments
  • Particle physics experiments
  • collide particles to
  • produce new particles
  • reveal their internal structure and laws of
    their interactions by observing regularities,
    measuring cross sections,...
  • colliding particles need to have high energy
  • to make objects of large mass
  • to resolve structure at small distances
  • to study structure of small objects
  • need probe with short wavelength use particles
    with high momentum to get short wavelength
  • remember de Broglie wavelength of a particle ?
  • in particle physics, mass-energy equivalence
    plays an important role in collisions, kinetic
    energy converted into mass energy
  • relation between kinetic energy K, total energy E
    and momentum p
    E K mc2 ?(pc)2 (mc2)c2

About Units
  • Energy - electron-volt
  • 1 electron-volt kinetic energy of an electron
    when moving through potential difference of 1
  • 1 eV 1.6 10-19 Joules 2.1 10-6 Ws
  • 1 kWhr 3.6 106 Joules 2.25 1025 eV
  • mass - eV/c2
  • 1 eV/c2 1.78 10-36 kg
  • electron mass 0.511 MeV/c2
  • proton mass 938 MeV/c2
  • professors mass (80 kg) ? 4.5 1037 eV/c2
  • momentum - eV/c
  • 1 eV/c 5.3 10-28 kg m/s
  • momentum of baseball at 80 mi/hr
    ? 5.29 kgm/s ? 9.9 1027 eV/c

How to do a particle physics experiment
  • Outline of experiment
  • get particles (e.g. protons, antiprotons,)
  • accelerate them
  • throw them against each other
  • observe and record what happens
  • analyse and interpret the data
  • ingredients needed
  • particle source
  • accelerator and aiming device
  • detector
  • trigger (decide what to record)
  • recording device
  • many people to
  • design, build, test, operate accelerator
  • design, build, test, calibrate, operate, and
    understand detector
  • analyze data
  • lots of money to pay for all of this

How to get high energy collisions
  • Need Ecom to be large enough to
  • allow high momentum transfer (probe small
  • produce heavy objects (top quarks, Higgs boson)
  • e.g. top quark production ee- tt,
    qq tt, gg tt,
  • Shoot particle beam on a target (fixed target)
  • Ecom 2ÖEmc2 20 GeV for E 100 GeV,
    m 1 GeV/c2
  • Collide two particle beams (collider
  • Ecom 2E 200 GeV for E 100 GeV

How to make qq collisions, contd
  • However, quarks are not found free in nature!
  • But (anti)quarks are elements of (anti)protons.
  • So, if we collide protons and anti-protons we
    should get some qq collisions.
  • Proton structure functions give the probability
    that a single quark (or gluon) carries a
    fraction x of the proton momentum (which is 900
    GeV/c at the Tevatron)

  • accelerators
  • use electric fields to accelerate particles,
    magnetic fields to steer and focus the beams
  • synchrotron
    particle beams kept in circular orbit by
    magnetic field at every turn, particles kicked
    by electric field in accelerating station
  • fixed target operation particle beam extracted
    from synchrotron, steered onto a target
  • collider operation
    accelerate bunches of protons and antiprotons
    moving in opposite direction in same ring make
    them collide at certain places where detectors
    are installed

Fermilab accelerator complex
DÆ Upgrade
Luminosity and cross section
  • Luminosity is a measure of the beam intensity
    (particles per
    area per second) (
    L1031/cm2/s )
  • integrated luminosity
    is a measure of the amount of data collected
    (e.g. 100 pb-1)
  • cross section s is measure of effective
    interaction area, proportional to the probability
    that a given process will occur.
  • 1 barn 10-24 cm2
  • 1 pb 10-12 b 10-36 cm2 10- 40 m2
  • interaction rate

Examples of particle detectors
  • photomultiplier
  • photomultiplier tubes convert small light signal
    (even single photon) into detectable charge
    (current pulse)
  • photons liberate electrons from photocathode,
  • electrons multiplied in several (6 to 14)
    stages by ionization and acceleration in high
    electric field between dynodes, with gain ?
    104 to 1010
  • photocathode and dynodes made from material with
    low ionization energy
  • photocathodes thin layer of semiconductor made
    e.g. from Sb (antimony) plus one or more alkali
    metals, deposited on glass or quartz
  • dynodes alkali or alkaline earth metal oxide
    deposited on metal, e.g. BeO on Cu (gives high
    secondary emission)

Examples of particle detectors
  • Spark chamber
  • gas volume with metal plates (electrodes) filled
    with gas (noble gas, e.g. argon)
  • charged particle in gas ? ionization ? electrons
    ? string of electron - ion pairs along particle
  • passage of particle through trigger counters
    (scintillation counters) triggers HV
  • HV between electrodes ? strong electric field
  • electrons accelerated in electric field ? can
    liberate other electrons by ionization which in
    turn are accelerated and ionize ? avalanche of
    electrons, eventually formation of plasma
    between electrodes along particle path
  • gas conductive along particle path
    ? electric breakdown ? discharge ? spark
  • HV turned off to avoid discharge in whole gas

Examples of particle detectors, contd
  • Scintillation counter
  • energy liberated in de-excitation and capture of
    ionization electrons emitted as light -
    scintillation light
  • light channeled to photomultiplier in light guide
    (e.g. piece of lucite or optical fibers)
  • scintillating materials certain crystals (e.g.
    NaI), transparent plastics with doping (fluors
    and wavelength shifters)
  • Geiger-Müller counter
  • metallic tube with thin wire in center, filled
    with gas, HV between wall (-, cathode) and
    central wire (,anode) ? strong electric
    field near wire
  • charged particle in gas ? ionization ? electrons
  • electrons accelerated in electric field ?
    liberate other electrons by ionization which in
    turn are accelerated and ionize ? avalanche of
    electrons avalanche becomes so big that all of
    gas ionized ? plasma formation ? discharge
  • gas is usually noble gas (e.g. argon), with some
    additives e.g. carbon dioxide, methane,
    isobutane,..) as quenchers

Particle detectors, contd
  • Scintillator
  • energy liberated in de-excitation and capture of
    ionization electrons emitted as light -
    scintillation light'
  • light channeled to photomultiplier in light guide
    (e.g. optical fibers)
  • scintillating materials certain crystals (e.g.
    NaI), transparent plastics with doping (fluors
    and wavelength shifters)
  • proportional tube
  • metallic tube with thin wire in center, filled
    with gas, HV between wall (-, cathode) and
    central wire (,anode) ? strong electric
    field near wire
  • charged particle in gas ? ionization ? electrons
  • electrons accelerated in electric field ? can
    liberate other electrons by ionization which in
    turn are accelerated and ionize ? avalanche of
    electrons moves to wire ? current pulse current
    pulse amplified ? electronic signal
  • gas is usually noble gas (e.g. argon), with some
    additives e.g. carbon dioxide, methane,
    isobutane,..) as quenchers

Particle detectors, contd
  • multi wire proportional chamber
  • contains many parallel anode wires between two
    cathode planes (array of prop.tubes with
    separating walls taken out)
  • operation similar to proportional tube
  • cathodes can be metal strips or wires ? get
    additional position information from cathode
  • drift chamber
  • field shaping wires and electrodes on wall to
    create very uniform electric field, and divide
    chamber volume into drift cells, each
    containing one anode wire
  • within drift cell, electrons liberated by passage
    of particle move to anode wire, with avalanche
    multiplication near anode wire
  • arrival time of pulse gives information about
    distance of particle from anode wire ratio of
    pulses at two ends of anode wire gives position
    along anode wire

Particle detectors, contd
  • Cherenkov detector
  • measure Cherenkov light (amount and/or angle)
    emitted by particle going through counter volume
    filled with transparent gas liquid, aerogel,
    or solid ? get information about speed of
  • calorimeter
  • destructive method of measuring a particle's
    energy put enough material into particle's way
    to force formation of electromagnetic or hadronic
    shower (depending on kind of particle)
  • eventually particle loses all of its energy in
  • energy deposit gives measure of original
    particle energy.
  • Note
    many of the detectors and techniques
    developed for particle and nuclear physics are
    now being used in medicine, mostly diagnosis, but
    also for therapy.

Particle detectors, contd
  • Scintillator
  • energy liberated in de-excitation and capture of
    ionization electrons emitted as light
    scintillation light'
  • light channeled to photomultiplier in light guide
    (e.g. optical fibers)
  • scintillating materials certain crystals (e.g.
    NaI), transparent plastics with doping (fluors
    and wavelength shifters)
  • proportional tube
  • metallic tube with thin wire in center, filled
    with gas, HV between wall (-, cathode) and
    central wire (,anode) ? strong electric
    field near wire
  • charged particle in gas ? ionization ? electrons
  • electrons accelerated in electric field ? can
    liberate other electrons by ionization which in
    turn are accelerated and ionize ? avalanche of
    electrons moves to wire ? current pulse current
    pulse amplified ? electronic signal
  • gas is usually noble gas (e.g. argon), with some
    additives e.g. carbon dioxide, methane,
    isobutane,..) as quenchers

Particle detectors, contd
  • multi wire proportional chamber
  • contains many parallel anode wires between two
    cathode planes (array of prop.tubes with
    separating walls taken out)
  • operation similar to proportional tube
  • cathodes can be metal strips or wires ? get
    additional position information from cathode
  • drift chamber
  • field shaping wires and electrodes on wall to
    create very uniform electric field, and divide
    chamber volume into drift cells, each
    containing one anode wire
  • within drift cell, electrons liberated by passage
    of particle move to anode wire, with avalanche
    multiplication near anode wire
  • arrival time of pulse gives information about
    distance of particle from anode wire ratio of
    pulses at two ends of anode wire gives position
    along anode wire

Particle detectors, contd
  • Cherenkov detector
  • measure Cherenkov light (amount and/or angle)
    emitted by particle going through counter volume
    filled with transparent gas liquid, aerogel,
    or solid ? get information about speed of
  • calorimeter
  • destructive method of measuring a particle's
    energy put enough material into particle's way
    to force formation of electromagnetic or hadronic
    shower (depending on kind of particle)
  • eventually particle loses all of its energy in
  • energy deposit gives measure of original
    particle energy.
  • Note
    many of the detectors and techniques
    developed for particle and nuclear physics are
    now being used in medicine, mostly diagnosis, but
    also for therapy.

  • Detectors
  • use characteristic effects from interaction of
    particle with matter to detect, identify and/or
    measure properties of particle has transducer
    to translate direct effect into
    observable/recordable (e.g. electrical) signal
  • example our eye is a photon detector
    (photons light quanta packets of light)
  • seeing is performing a photon scattering
  • light source provides photons
  • photons hit object of our interest -- some
    absorbed, some scattered, reflected
  • some of scattered/reflected photons make it into
    eye focused onto retina
  • photons detected by sensors in retina
    (photoreceptors -- rods and cones)
  • transduced into electrical signal (nerve pulse)
  • amplified when needed
  • transmitted to brain for processing and

Standard Model
  • A theoretical model of interactions of elementary
  • Symmetry
  • SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1)
  • Matter particles
  • quarks
  • up, down, charm,strange, top bottom
  • leptons
  • electron, muon, tau, neutrinos
  • Force particles
  • Gauge Bosons
  • ? (electromagnetic force)
  • W?, Z (weak, elctromagnetic)
  • g gluons (strong force)
  • Higgs boson
  • spontaneous symmetry breaking of SU(2)
  • mass

Standard Model
Brief History of the Standard Model
  • Late 1920s - early 1930s Dirac, Heisenberg,
    Pauli, others extend Maxwells theory of EM to
    include Special Relativity QM (QED) - but it
    only works to lowest order!
  • 1933 Fermi introduces 1st theory of weak
    interactions, analogous to QED, to explain b
  • 1935 Yukawa predicts the pion as carrier of a
    new, strong force to explain recently observed
    hadronic resonances.
  • 1937 muon is observed in cosmic rays first
    mistaken for Yukawas particle
  • 1938 heavy W as mediator of weak interactions?
  • 1947 pion is observed in cosmic rays
  • 1949 Dyson, Feynman, Schwinger, and Tomonaga
    introduce renormalization into QED - most
    accurate theory to date!
  • 1954 Yang and Mills develop Gauge Theories
  • 1950s - early 1960s more than 100 hadronic
    resonances have been observed !
  • 1962 two neutrinos!
  • 1964 Gell-Mann Zweig propose a scheme whereby
    resonances are interpreted as composites of 3
    quarks. (up, down, strange)

Brief History of the Standard Model (continued)
  • 1970 Glashow, Iliopoulos, Maiani 4th quark
    (charm) explains suppression of K decay into ??
  • 1964-1967spontaneous symmetry breaking (Higgs,
  • 1967 Weinberg Salam propose a unified Gauge
    Theory of electroweak interactions, introducing
    the W,Z as force carriers and the Higgs field to
    provide the symmetry breaking mechanism.
  • 1967 deep inelastic scattering shows Bjorken
  • 1969 parton picture (Feynman, Bjorken)
  • 1971-1972 Gauge theories are renormalizable
    (tHooft, Veltman, Lee, Zinn-Justin..)
  • 1972 high pt pions observed at the CERN ISR
  • 1973 Gell-Mann Fritzsch propose that quarks
    are held together by a Gauge-Field whose quanta,
    gluons, mediate the strong force Þ Quantum
  • 1973 neutral currents observed (Gargamelle
    bubble chamber at CERN)

Brief History of the Standard Model (continued)
  • 1975 J/? interpreted as cc bound state
  • 1974 J/? discovered at BNL/SLAC
  • 1976 t lepton discovered at SLAC
  • 1977 ? discovered at Fermilab in 1977,
    interpreted as bb bound state (bottomonium) ?
    3rd generation
  • 1979 gluon observed at DESY
  • 1982 direct evidence for jets in hadron hadron
    interactions at CERN (pp collider)
  • 1983 W, Z observed at CERN (pp collider built
    for that purpose)
  • 1995 top quark found at Fermilab (D0, CDF)
  • 1999 indications for neutrino oscillations
    (Super-Kamiokande experiment)
  • 2000 direct evidence for tau neutrino (??) at
    Fermilab (DONUT experiment)
  • 2003 Higgs particle observed at Fermilab

Cathode ray history
  • 1855 German inventor Heinrich Geissler develops
    mercury pump - produces first good vacuum tubes,
    these tubes, as
  • modified by Sir William Crookes, become the first
    to produce cathode rays, leading eventually to
    the discovery of the
  • electron (and a bit farther down the road to
  • 1858 Julius Plücker shows that cathode rays bend
    under the influence of a magnet suggesting that
    they are connected in some way this leads in
    1897 to discovery that cathode rays are composed
    of electrons.
  • 1865 H. Sprengel improves the Geissler vacuum
    pump. Plücker uses Geissler tubes to show that at
    lower pressure,
  • the Faraday dark space grows larger. He also
    finds that there is an extended glow on the walls
    of the tube and that
  • this glow is affected by an external magnetic
  • 1869 J.W. Hittorf finds that a solid body put in
    front of the cathode cuts off the glow from the
    walls of the tube.
  • Establishes that "rays" from the cathode travel
    in straight lines.

  • 1871 C.F. Varley is first to publish suggestion
    that cathode rays are composed of particles.
    Crookes proposes that
  • they are molecules that have picked up a negative
    charge from the cathode and are repelled by it.
  • 1874 George Johnstone Stoney estimates the charge
    of the then unknown electron to be about 10-20
    coulomb, close to
  • the modern value of 1.6021892 x 10-19 coulomb.
    (He used the Faraday constant (total electric
    charge per mole of
  • univalent atoms) divided by Avogadro's Number.
    James Clerk Maxwell had recognized this method
    soon after
  • Faraday had published, but he did not accept the
    idea that electricity is composed of particles.)
    Stoney also proposes
  • the name "electrine" for the unit of charge on a
    hydrogen ion. In 1891, he changes the name to
  • 1876 Eugen Goldstein shows that the radiation in
    a vacuum tube produced when an electric current
    is forced through
  • the tube starts at the cathode Goldstein
    introduces the term cathode ray to describe the
    light emitted.
  • 1881 Herman Ludwig von Helmholtz shows that the
    electrical charges in atoms are divided into
    definite integral
  • portions, suggesting the idea that there is a
    smallest unit of electricity.

  • 1883 Heinrich Hertz shows that cathode rays are
    not deflected by electrically charged metal
    plates, which would
  • seem to indicate (incorrectly) that cathode rays
    cannot be charged particles.
  • 1886 Eugen Goldstein observes that a cathode-ray
    tube produces, in addition to the cathode ray,
    radiation that travels
  • in the opposite direction - away from the anode
    these rays are called canal rays because of holes
    (canals) bored in
  • the cathode later these will be found to be ions
    that have had electrons stripped in producing the
    cathode ray.
  • 1890 Arthur Schuster calculates the ratio of
    charge to mass of the particles making up cathode
    rays (today known as
  • electrons) by measuring the magnetic deflection
    of cathode rays. Joseph John (J.J.) Thomson first
    becomes interested
  • in the discharge of electricity through a gas a
    low pressure, that is to say, cathode rays.

  • 1892 Heinrich Hertz who has concluded
    (incorrectly) that cathode rays must be some form
    of wave, shows that the
  • rays can penetrate thin foils of metal, which he
    takes to support the wave hypothesis. Philipp von
    Lenard develops a
  • cathode-ray tube with a thin aluminum window that
    permits the rays to escape, allowing the rays to
    be studied in the
  • open air.
  • 1894 J.J. Thomson announces that he has found
    that the velocity of cathode rays is much lower
    than that of light. He
  • obtained the value of 1.9 x 107 cm/sec, as
    compared to the value 3.0 x 1010 cm/sec for
    light. This was in response to
  • the prediction by Lenard that cathode rays would
    move with the velocity of light. However, by
    1897, he distrusts this
  • measurement.
  • Special Note At this time there was great
    rivalry between German and British researchers.
    As concerning the nature
  • of the cathode ray, the Germans tended to the
    explanation that cathode rays were a wave (like
    light), whereas the
  • British tended to believe that the cathode ray
    was a particle. As events unfold over the next
    few decades,
  • both will be
  • proven correct.

  • In fact, J.J. Thomson will be awarded the Nobel
    Prize in Physics in 1906 for proving the electron
    is a particle and his
  • son, George Paget Thomson, will be awarded the
    Nobel Prize in Physics in 1937 for showing that
    the electron is a
  • wave.
  • 1895 Jean-Baptiste Perrin shows that cathode rays
    deposit a negative electric charge where they
    impact, refuting
  • Hertz's concept of cathode rays as waves and
    showing they are particles.
  • 1896 Pieter P. Zeeman discovers that spectral
    lines of gases placed in a magnetic field are
    split, a phenomenon call
  • the Zeeman effect Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
    explains this effect by assuming that light is
    produced by the motion of
  • charged particles in the atom. Lorentz uses
    Zeeman's observations of the behavior of light in
    magnetic field to
  • calculate the charge to mass ratio of the
    electron in an atom, a year before electrons are
    discovered and 15 years
  • before it is known that electron are constituents
    of atoms.
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