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We pray for your church throughout the world, thanking you for all who serve Christ. By your Spirit strengthen your people for their work and witness in the world. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


FORUM 2009 Whanganui
Grace and peace to you from God Kia tau ki a
koutou, te atawhai me te rangimarie o te
Atua God fill you with truth and joy Ma te Atau
koe e whakau, ki te pono me te hari
This is the day which the Lord has made Ko te ra
tenei i hanga e Ihowa Let us rejoice and be
glad in it Kia hari, kia koa tatou
  • These hills where the hawk flies lonely
  • beaches where the long surf rolls
  • mountains where the snows
  • meet heaven,
  • these are our care.
  • Pastures where the sheep graze calmly,
  • orchards where the apples grow,
  • gardens where the roses cluster,
  • These are our prayer.

  • Forests, where the tree ferns tower,
  • rivers running strong and clear,
  • oceans where the great whales wander,
  • these are our care.
  • Race meeting race as equals,
  • justice for age-old wrong,
  • worth for every man and woman,
  • these are our prayer.

  • Cities where the young roam restless,
  • lives brought to deep despair,
  • homeless and powerless people,
  • these are our care.
  • Places where the Word is spoken,
  • hands held in serving love,
  • faiths of our many cultures,
  • these are our prayer.

  • All that the old world gave us,
  • all that the new world brings,
  • language, ideas, and custom,
  • these are our care.
  • Life finding joy and value,
  • faith seeking truth and light,
  • God heard and seen in all things,
  • this be our prayer.
  • Colin Gibson
  • CCL110425

Opening Prayer
We come to this beautiful place, O God at your
invitation. You welcome us all and challenge
us to welcome one another in Christs name. Help
us to recognize in each person here the wonderful
greatness that you perceive and to celebrate each
ones worth for Christs sake. Amen
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH We are not alone,
we live in Gods world We believe in God who has
created and is creating, who has come in Jesus,
the Word made flesh, to reconcile and make
new, who works in us and others by the Spirit. We
trust in God
We are called to be the Church to celebrate
Gods presence, to love and serve others, to seek
justice and resist evil, to proclaim Jesus,
crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In
life, in death, in life beyond death, God is
with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God.
The United Church of Canada
Let us pray for the Church and world giving
thanks for Gods goodness.Holy God, though this
world depends upon your grace, it is governed and
tended by humans.So we pray for those who walk
the corridors of power in the parliaments of this
and other lands, whose judgements we value or
May they always consider those they represent,
making decisions with courage and integrity, and
resist any temptation to abuse the trust placed
in them. God of grace Hear our prayer
We pray for your church throughout the world,
thanking you for all who serve Christ. By your
Spirit strengthen your people for their work and
witness in the world. May the Partner Churches to
whom we belong be salt of the earth and light to
the world. Unite them and us in your truth and
love, that we who confess your name may also
reflect your glory. God of grace Hear our prayer
We pray for those who hold key positions in the
worlds of finance, business and industry whose
decisions may profit some or impoverish many.
May they always value people higher than profit
may they never impose burdens on the poor which
they would not carry themselves and may they
never divorce money from morality or ownership
from stewardship. God of grace Hear our prayer
God of truth and justice we ask you to help the
men and women who administer and police our laws.
Grant them insight, courage and compassion,
protect them from corruption and arrogance.
Grant that we, whom they serve, may give them the
support they need so may our people be
strengthened more and more in respect and concern
for one another. God of grace Hear our prayer
We pray for those in the caring professions who
look after and listen to kind, cruel and
cantankerous folk, and for those who make
decisions regarding the nations health and
May they always sense the sanctity of life and
every persons uniquenessmay they help and heal
by their interest as well as their skill and may
they be saved from tiredness and an excess of
demands. God of grace Hear our prayer
And let us remember those for whom we are
responsible and to whom we are accountable in
what we do today.May we show to them the
thoughtfulness, tolerance and kindness of
Jesus. God of grace Hear our prayer
Holy God, hear our prayers, and if today we might
be the means by which you answer the prayers of
others, then may you find us neither deaf nor
defiant, but keen to fulfil your purpose, for
Jesus sake.Amen
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your
kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it
is in heaven. Give us today our daily
bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those
who sin against us. Save us from the time of
trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom,
the power and the glory are yours Now and for
ever. Amen.
Great and deep the Spirits purpose hidden now
in mystery Nature bursts with joyful promise ripe
with what is yet to be. In a wealth of rich
invention still the work of art unfolds barely
have we seen, and faintly, what Gods great
salvation holds.
Great and deep the Spirits
purpose making Jesus seen and heard. Every age of
God creation grasps new meaning from the
Word. Show us, Holy Spirit, show us your new work
begun today eyes and ears and hearts are
open teach us what to do and say.
Great and deep the Spirits
purpose all Gods children brought to birth freed
from hunger, fear and evil every corner of the
earth, and a million million voices speak with
joy the Saviours name every face reflects his
image never any two the same.

Great and deep the Spirits
purpose nothing shall be left to chance. All that
lives will be united in the everlasting
dance. All fulfilled and all perfected each
uniquely loved and known Christ in glory
unimagined once for all receives his own.

CCL 110425

Marnie Barrell
God of power, may the boldness of
your Spirit transform
us. May the gentleness of
your Spirit lead us. May the gifts of
your Spirit be our strength during our
day together and always. Amen
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