Food Resources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Food Resources


Food Resources Chapter 13 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Food Resources

Food Resources
  • Chapter 13

Were not in Kansas anymore
  • New technology for Kansas Prairies
  • Polyculture
  • Plant perennial grasses
  • Legumes (return nitrogen to the soil)
  • Sunflowers
  • Grain crops
  • Plants that provide natural pesticide

This makes Toto very happy
  • Perennial polyculture blended with monoculture
    helps in the following way
  • Less plowing lower soil erosion
  • Less pollution from pesticide use/fertilizer
  • Less need for irrigation (deep root systems)

How is the world fed?
  • Cropland (produce grain mostly)
  • Rangeland (livestock)
  • Oceanic fisheries
  • Food production has increased to keep up with the
    growing population
  • Machines,inorganic fertilizers,irrigation,
    pesticides, high-yield varieties of wheat/rice,
    increased density in feedlots, aquaculture

What are the implications of increased food
  • Environmental degradation
  • Soil loss, lost habitat, contaminated water
  • Pollution nitrogen, phosphates, pesticides
  • Lack of water diminishing water table
  • Overgrazing reducing grassland productivity
  • Overfishing reducing fish stocks (?)
  • Loss of ecological services

What do we really eat
  • (other than McDonalds, of course)
  • 15 plants and 8 animals make up 90 of the food
    we consume
  • Big 3 grains wheat, rice, corn
  • Big 3 meats beef, pork, chicken
  • Fish important food source for more than a
    billion people
  • What, no tofurkey?

Types of Agriculture
  • Industrialized or high input
  • Uses high amounts of
  • fossil fuel energy
  • Water
  • Commercial inorganic fertilizer
  • Pesticide use
  • monocultures

Types of Ag continued
  • Plantation Agriculture (a variety of industrial)
  • In tropical areas
  • Growing cash crops (tobacco, coffee, sugarcane,
    cocoa, bananas, soybeans)

Types of Ag continued
  • Traditional Subsistence Ag
  • Uses mostly human and animal labor
  • Low use of inorganic fertilizer
  • Low pesticide use
  • Usually food for family only, small surplus
  • Includes shifting cultivation in tropical areas
    and nomadic livestock

Types of Ag continued
  • Traditional Intensive Ag
  • High labor
  • High fertilizer/pesticide use
  • High yield (able to sell for profit)
  • Typical of rice production

Green Revolution
  • High input monocultures to the rescue?
  • Three steps
  • Developing high yield monocultures
  • Using large inputs of fertilizer/pesticide/water
  • Increase the frequency and density of farming
  • First green revolution US and Europe
  • Second green revolution Tropical areas
    especially rice in Asia

The US and Food
  • With only 0.3 of the farm labor force, the US
    produces 17 of the worlds grain
  • US spends only about 10-12 of their income on
    food (18 Japan, 40-70 developing countries)
  • In the US it takes 10 units of fossil fuel to
    produce 1 unit of food ( as compared to intensive
    which takes 1 unit to produce 10)

Growing Techniques
  • Monoculture only one plant type
  • Interplanting several monocultures on one plot
    of land (including)
  • Polyvarietal cultivation several varieties of
    the same plant
  • Intercropping two or more plant types grown at
    the same time
  • Alley cropping plants and trees together
  • Polyculture several types of plants on one plot
    at one time harvested at different times usually

Increase in food production
  • Since 1950 grain production has tripled
  • Average food price dropped 25
  • Food traded worldwide quadrupled
  • Meat production has risen for 41 years

Problems with production
  • Areas with 2 billion (sub-Saharan Africa) growth
    is surpassing food production
  • Grain production has leveled off
  • Limits to irrigation, fertilizer, pesticide
  • Loss of topsoil, agricultural land, and
    salinization of the soil

  • Nutrition affects life expectancy, disease
    resilience, and life quality
  • Undernutrition do not get enough food
  • Malnutrition do not get enough key nutrients
    (vitamins and minerals)
  • WHO says that 10 million die annually (most under
    5) from poor nutrition and diseases associated
    with it

Effects of Food Production
  • Biodiversity loss clearing land, pesticide
    runoff, lack of predators
  • Soil degradation- erosion, loss of fertility,
    salinization, desertification
  • Air pollution- fossil fuel emissions, dust
  • Water- sediment, fertilizers, pesticides, aquifer
    depletion, increased runoff
  • Human Health- nitrates in water, pesticides,
    bacterial contamination of meat

  • Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Faster than crossbreeding, less costly, unlimited
  • Nearly 2/3 of US food in supermarkets contains
  • Do not know all the long term effects on the

Meat Production
  • Rangeland 40 of the planets ice free land,
    mostly grasslands
  • Pasture managed grasslands and meadows, often
    irrigated, normally fenced
  • Rangeland plants- anchor soil, extract deep water
    (survive drought), store nutrients
  • Most grasses can have the top eaten and grow back

Problems with meat production
  • Concentrated production facilities
  • Foul odor, water pollution (wastes) ( aquifer)
  • Overgrazing
  • Lower productivity of grasses
  • Reduces plant cover (soil erosion wind/water)
  • Compacts soil
  • Increase amount of woody shrubs
  • Major cause of desertification

Pesticide and pest control
Do you know
  • What are the problems with pesticide?
  • What are the different types of pesticide?
  • When should pesticides be used?
  • How are pesticides part of a negative feedback

Pesticide problems
  • Kills many other organisms
  • Only about 2 reaches target species
  • Kills genetically weak species, strengthening the
    species overall
  • Often the toxin has a long life span
  • Creates birth defects
  • Kills natural predators

Types of pesticide
  • Herbicides weed killers
  • Fungicides fungus killers
  • Nematocides worm killers
  • Rodenticides rat and mouse killers
  • DDT first of the second generation pesticides
    and worlds most used pesticide in 1948. In the
    US most pesticide is used on corn and cotton (90
    of insecticide and 80 herbicide)

Pros for pesticide
  • Human lives are saved by killing disease carrying
    pests (mosquitoes)
  • Increased food supply
  • Increased profit for farmers
  • Pesticides work quickly to remove pests
  • When used appropriately the health risk to humans
    is low compared to the benefit (ACSH)

Pesticide info
  • Insecticide
  • Chlorinated hydrocarbons DDT, aldrin, diedrin,
    chlordane, toxaphene, mirex
  • These are the bad ones
  • Long lasting
  • Biologically magnified

Pesticide info continued
  • Most other types of pesticide are relatively safe
    low persistence (up to a few weeks) and are not
    biologically magnified
  • Organophosphates malathion, DDVP
  • Carbamates aldicarb
  • Botanicals extracted from plants
  • Micro botanicals fungi, bacteria, protozoa
  • Synthetics lasso, roundup

Bad types continued
  • Fumigants are generally bad. Not only do they
    last a long time, and biomagnify, they often are
    spread vast distances with the wind
  • Carbon tetrachloride
  • Ethylene dibromide
  • Methyl bromide

Positive feedback loop
  • Pesticides increase genetic resistance making
    bugs stronger each generation
  • Natural predators are also killed
  • New pest populations can explode when predators
    are killed
  • Leads to pesticide treadmill having to use more
    and more pesticide to kill the pests because of
    the feedback loop

First pesticide awareness
  • Rachel Carson Silent Spring, opened the
    publics eyes to the danger of pesticide.
  • Linked birth defect rise in population back to
    pesticide use.

The real problems
  • Pesticides linger in the air and on foods
  • Workers are exposed to high levels
  • Animals are exposed to toxins while pregnant
  • Tolerance levels are not set based upon health
    concerns, but upon crop concerns
  • There is little enforcement of use of pesticides
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