Title: Grids and Geographic Coordinates
1Grids and Geographic Coordinates
2Grids and grid coordinates
- The geographic grid systemwas created to locate
allplaces on Earth. - It uses latitude andlongitude to describe the
location of any place on Earth.
3Grids and grid coordinates
- One way of mappingthe world is on a
globe,because Earth is a sphere,which is a 3D
shape. - A map is usually a 2D drawing, and shows an
accurate image of a place. - Most people find 2D mapseasier to use than
4Grids and grid coordinates
- Grids and geographic coordinates are used to
locate places on a map.
Grids are evenly spaced horizontal and vertical
lines placed on a map.
Letters or numbers are placed along the sides of
a grid. They are combined to give grid
coordinates for any location.
5Grids and grid coordinates
- Why is it useful to be able to quickly locate
places on a map?
When have you had to locate places on a map?
6Grids and grid coordinates
- Maps in atlases and street directories are common
examples of where you might use grid coordinates.
7Grids and grid coordinates
- On this map, the grid coordinates are
Alphanumeric means a combination of letters and
8Grids and grid coordinates
- On this map, the grid coordinates are
What common type of map generally uses
alphanumeric coordinates?
9Grids and grid coordinates
- Locate the sports oval at Blair College.
The grid coordinate is C3.
The oval is easily located within the square
bounded by the grid coordinates.
10Grids and grid coordinates
- Note that the coordinate for the horizontal grid
lines is given first, and the vertical grid
coordinate second.
11Eastings, northings and area references
- The numbers that refer to the vertical grid lines
are called eastings.
12Eastings, northings and area references
- They increase in value as you move across in an
easterly direction.
13Eastings, northings and area references
- The numbers that refer to the horizontal grid
lines are called northings.
They increase in value as you move up in a
northerly direction.
14Eastings, northings and area references
- The two eastings numbers are joined with the two
northings numbers to make a four-figure area
15Eastings, northings and area references
- For example, a symbol is located at eastings 46
and northings 22, so its area reference is 4622.
16Grid references
- Grid references locate places on a map more
accurately than area references.
A grid reference is a six figure number, made up
of a three-figure eastings reading and a
three-figure northings reading.
A grid reference is found by mentally subdividing
each grid square into tenths.
The third figure in each eastings and northings
reading is found by estimating how many tenths
across or up the exact location is.
17Grid references
- What is the grid reference for the Post Office?
Answer 283579
18Grid references
- Name the feature at 280570.
Answer An island
19Grid references
- Name the feature at 258576.
Answer The river mouth
20Grid references
- Find the Grid Reference for numbers 1- 4
21Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- To locate different places around Earth, we use
geographic coordinates measurements of
latitude and longitude.
Lines of latitude are imaginary parallel lines
that circle the globe in an eastwest direction.
22Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- The Equator divides Earth into northern and
southern hemispheres.
Latitude measures how many degrees north or
south a point on Earth lies from the Equator.
23Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- What is the name given to the imaginary line of
latitude at
23.5O south of the Equator?
Tropic of Capricorn
24Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- What is the name given to the imaginary line of
latitude at
23.5O north of the Equator?
Tropic of Cancer
25Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- What is the name given to the imaginary line of
latitude at
66.5O south of the Equator?
Antarctic Circle
26Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- What is the name given to the imaginary line of
latitude at
66.5O north of the Equator?
Arctic Circle
27Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- Lines or meridians of longitude are imaginary
lines between the North and South Poles.
28Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- Longitude measures how many degrees east or west
a point on Earth is from the Prime Meridian.
29Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- The Prime Meridian is the meridian of longitude
at 0O. It divides Earth into eastern and
western hemispheres.
30Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- What is the name given to the imaginary line at
180O from the Prime Meridian?
International Date Line
31Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- Find out why it is given this name.Suggest why
it is this shape.
International Date Line
32Grid coordinates latitude and longitude
- The exact location of any place on Earth is
given by its geographic coordinates. - You can find examples in the index of your atlas.
Measurements for latitude and longitude are given
in degrees (and minutes).
Latitude is stated first, then longitude.
Sydneys geographic coordinates are 33.52S