Title: Peripherals and their Control An overview of industrially available
1Peripherals and their ControlAn overview of
industrially available peripheral devices
- Some ideas for Laboratories and Quiz / Exam
2To be tackled today
- Analog Output Devices
- These could be handled via A/D as we did with an
audio signal in Lab. 1. Depends on amplitude and
frequency of the signals generated by the
devices. - SPI devices Tackled in Lab. 4
- LCD screen using a serial parallel converter
- MC33993 Multiple -- Switch Detection Interface
- ADIS16003 accelerometer and temperature sensor
- Digital Output modulated pulse width
- Handle with PF interface as with switches
- TSL230R Light sensor Lab. 2
- ADI - TMP03 thermometer Lab. 3
- ADXL213 Dual Axis Accelerometer Done in lecture
- Those interested might be able to work out
special Lab. 3 substitute Four times the fun
eight times the work?
3MMA6260QDual Axis Accelerometer Analog Output
Left Channel ? Right Channel?
- Could we modify the Talk-through program from
Lab. 1 to work withthis accelerometer? - Concern 1 voltage levels too high voltages
would destroy Blackfin A/D - Concern 2 is the 48 kHz bandwidth of the audio
A/D enough - Probable solution use a non-audio, more general
A/D connected via SPI interface
5MMA6260Q Dual Axis AccelerometerUsed as tilt
sensor static mode
6MXPM2010 Pressure sensor
Differential pairoutput How connect to
Blackfin A/D which canthandle differential
voltages? Convert tosingle sided signalvia
op-ampand then connect?
733794 Electric Field Sensor-- Uses ISO-9141
dual-wire protocol
- Road vehicles diagnostic systems
- Requirements for exchange of digital information
- Can be converted to RS-232 via a chip
9Possible application
Detect If Your Drink Has Been moved
10SPI interface chips -- Used during Lab. 4.
- Ability to send data over 1 line
- Master Out Slave In MOSI (Master sends, slave
receives) - Ability to receive data over 1 line
- Master In Slave Out MISO(Slave sends, master
receives - Control many devices. Each devices is told to
listen using a chip-select (CS) line - Can use PF1, PF2 PF7
- PF0 line can be used to switch Blackfin into a
slave mode (Two Blackfins talking to each other)
11Master / Slave conceptSlave Select (Chip Select)
- Blackfin master sends out active low chip select
signal SS1, then slave 1 selected (responds) - Master sends out active low chip select signal
SS3, then slave 3 responds
12Lab. 4 SPI interface project
SPI signals from Blackfin1 line (MOSI) Clock
16 output linesused to control LCD screenor the
radio controlled car
13Multiple Switch Detection InterfaceMC33993
Part of security system laboratory
15MC33993 Timing info Bits value switch On/off
stream of 20 bits
SG13 ON/OFF, SG12 ON/OFF, SG11 ON/OFF ----- SO0
16ADIS16003 Uses SPI interfaceDual axis
accelerometer AND Thermometer
17ADIS16003 Uses SPI interfaceDual axis
accelerometer AND Thermometer
18ADIS16100 Gryosensor
19Serial Digital Output
- Analog values say temperatures from minus 40C
to plus 100 measured - Value converted into pulse length information
digital signal - Transmitted over a single wire
20ADI TMP03 Serial Digital Output Thermometer
Will use the same ideas in Lab. 3
GROUND WIRE 5VPF11 connection on Blackfin
21Block diagram for the TMP03
22TMP03 Output characteristics
23More information on the sigma-delta modulator
used to generate TMP03 output
24ADXL213 Dual Axis Accelerometer
25ADXL213 Dual Axis Accelerometer
26ADXL213 Dual Axis Accelerometer
27ADXL213 Dual Axis AccelerometerOutput when used
as tilt sensor
X 50Y 80
X 50Y 20
X 50Y 50
28Reference Information
- Pictures are taken from various data sheets
available from the Analog Devices and Freescale
(Motorola) web sites - Proposed use of devices are for concept purposes
only and no guarantee is made regarding suitable
of circuits suggested - Application notes are also available on the