Title: General Principles of Modeling of Information Engineering Graphics
1General Principles of Modeling of Information
Engineering Graphics
- L. Ciupaila, J. Zemkauskas, R. Žiuriene
- Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- The experience showed that application of
Engineering Graphics in computer graphics loses
any sense because - software is based on mathematical expressions
- EG content is a problem solving by graphical
methods on a plane heuristically processing 3D
information what is not needed in solving by
mathematical form. - So Engineering Graphics has to become
Information Engineering Graphics (IEG) - To solve the tasks of IEG it is necessary to have
an applied programming system, as only advantages
of information technologies at most, because of - possible rational management
- automation of formalized stages
- automation of text information management.
3Action models GD IGD Geometrical
Drawing Information Geometrical Drawing
4IEG model
5IGD (Information Geometrical Drawing) working
6Information civil engineering drawing model
7Drawing structure
8Working technique
9Graphics projections
10Model of formation of projections with sectional
11The scheme of TAIGRASI computer tools
Working tools Drawing field
Modelling 3D operations Projections Drafting
Various Help Windows Units
Drawing field formation
Extra helpful things
Command line
12Drawing elements and visualization
13TAIGRASI Surface generation possibilitiesadapted
for educational purposes
14TAIGRASI Solid generation possibilities adapted
for educational purposes
15Surface development in TAIGRASI
16Intersection of surfaces in TAIGRASI
a) Traditional method b, c)
TAIGRASI visualization
17Intersection of surfaces
a, b) Traditional method c)
TAIGRASI visualization
18Projection making techniques
19Automatization technique
20Graphs distinctions
21IGD (Information Geometrical Drawing)
Area 3328 Perimeter 300 Center X 10 Center
Y 26 Moment of inertia X 33363142 Moment of
inertia Y 2028319 Moment of inertia XY
1642316 Radii of inertia X 32 Radii of inertia
Y 25 Central moment X 529947 Central moment Y
22Tools for building plans visualization
23Visualization tools for facade and plan elements
24Visualization of ferro-concrete contructions
- Computer possibilities can be completely used
only going over from command management to
process management. It requires to change
graphics content which would allow not to draw
but get necessary information by using
intelligence of hardware. That is why the term of
the title information is not advertising but
essential one which reflects absolutely different
IEG possibilities. - Especial role fall to software which should be
adapted for solution of proper tasks, so
formalization of pending tasks and modelling of
proper tools are necessary - The core of computer-aided graphical file
(drawing) becomes not a view, but management of
the object which is represented in a drawing - IEG element structure is unique, its intellectual
level is limited and can not be very high, so
even in information surrounding the essential
role falls to user. - TAIGRASI software http//www.vtu.lt/fakultetai/fmf