Title: Coronal shock waves observed in images
1 Coronal shock waves observed in images
- Â How coronal imaging should help with
understanding shock waves - Â Origins of large-scale coronal waves
- Mach numbers
- Large-scale coronal waves originate in compact
magnetic structures - The Mach numbers in the corona are low
- We cant yet image the CME flow field in the
corona (ie, below coronagraph occulting edges)
4What coronal shocks should look like
Korreck et al., 2004
5Chandra E0102-72
6Imaging of coronal shocks good news and bad news
- A shock wave should provide a sharp density
gradient, easy to detect in images - We can observe motions in two dimensions
- The medium is optically thin gt confusion
- The wave may not be bright compared with other
flare components - The corona generally has low plasma beta, so the
observed mass may not be structurally important
7- Only imaging can properly characterize the
large-scale structure - The solar corona isnt really accessible any
other way
8Imaging of coronal shocks
- Type II bursts (plasma radiation)
- Moreton waves (Ha in the chromosphere)
- New modalities EIT, X-rays1, microwaves, meter
waves, He 10830 - 1Three events Khan Aurass (2002) Narukage et
al. (2002) Hudson et al. (2003)
9Type II burst
10Moreton-Ramsey wave and EIT wave
Thompson et al., 1998
Mann et al., AA 400, 329 (2003)
G. A. Gary, Solar Phys. 203, 71 (2001)
(vA 200 b-1/2 km/s ?)
Gopalswamy et al., JGR 106, 25251 (2001)
12Direct X-ray observation
Yohkoh 1998
Uchida 1968
13Why X-ray waves are hard to observe directly
14Field and energy are concentrated in active
- Active-region magnetic fields via
Roumeliotis-Wheatland technique (McTiernan) - Mass loading via empirical law (Lundquist/Fisher)
15Lundquist et al., SPD 2004
16NOAA 10486, Haleakala IVM data, B cube
Not scaled
Roumeliotis-Wheatland-McTiernan method pixel size
3000 km
17Heliospheric shocks in images?
- Maia et al., ApJ 528, L49 (2000)
- Vourlidas et al., ApJ 598, 1392 (2003)
18Vourlidas et al., ApJ 598, 1392 (2003)
Where is the bow shock?
19Inferring the Mach number
20Mach number estimate for 6 May 1998 event
X-ray signal S ne2f(T) f(T)
T2 d(ln(S))/d(ln(n)) 2g
21Coronal Dimming
Movie of dimming (Aug 28, 1992)
22Dimming observed spectroscopically
Harra Sterling, ApJ 561, L216, 2001
23UVCS shock observations
- Raouafi et al., AA 434, 1039, 2004
- Mancuso et al., AA 383, 267, 2002
- Raymond et al., GRL 27, 1439, 2000
24Cartoon illustrating wave origins
cf. http//solarmuri.ssl.berkeley.edu/hhudson/car
25The CME-driven shock in the corona
- The CME involves outward plasma motions
perpendicular to the field - We see the result of these motions as dimmings,
but the data are not good enough to follow the
flows nor to see a bow wave - There is an Alfven-speed hole in the middle
corona in which Mach numbers could be larger
- Coronal shock waves (metric type II) are blast
waves (Uchida) launched by compact structures at
flare onset. These propagate in an undisturbed
corona - The CME eruption restructures the corona and
pushes a bow wave ahead of it into the solar
wind. This creates a type II burst at long
- Large-scale coronal waves originate in compact
magnetic structures - The Mach numbers in the corona are low
- We cant yet image the CME flow field in the
corona (ie, below coronagraph occulting edges)
29Flare and CME energy partition