Title: Conservation of the American Black Duck
1Conservation of the American Black Duck
- A presentation by Patrick Gaskin
2American Black Duck
- Large dabbling duck of the North East
- A species of special concern
- Combined conservation efforts between the US and
Canada may have the numbers on the rise
3Background Information
- Order- Anseriformes
- Family- Anatidae
- Sub-family- Anatinae
- Tribe- Anatini
- Anas rubripes
- Other names
- Canard noir (French) Andande sombrio americano
- Body is a dark blackish brown
- Head and neck are lighter
- Legs and feet are red
- White linings under wings
- Blue speculum is not bordered by white
- Similar to female Mallard and Mottled Duck at a
distance - Immature are similar to adults
- Underparts more heavily streaked
5Description continued
- Size 54-59 cm (21-23 in)
- Wingspan 88-95 cm (35-37 in)
- Weight 720-1640g (25.42-57.89 oz)
- Population about ½ million
- Voice is a raspy quack
6Differences among the genders
- Male is slightly larger
- Bill colors differ
- Male has a yellow bill
- Female has a green bill often with black mottling
- Males legs are a brighter red than female
7Similar species
8Eclipse Male Mallard
9Mottled Duck
10Mallard/Black Duck hybrid male
- Breeds Eastern Canada and the North East US
- Winters Southern Canada to the Gulf Coast, as
far west as Iowa - SE refuges especially
- in TN and AL
- Most migrate along the Atlantic Flyway
- but about 1/3 use the Mississippi Flyway
- Breeds in a variety of wetland habitats
- Salt marshes, beaver ponds, river islands and
boreal bogs - Often prefers wooded habitats (boreal forests and
parkland ecotones) - Nest typically in upland locations
- Winters in salt water along coasts, but also in a
variety of freshwater areas inland
13Other info
- Diet is diverse
- Higher in animal protein than many other dabblers
- Mussels, snails, and gizzard shad
- Also grains and seeds as other dabblers
- Filter feeds at surface and also tips up in
shallow water
14Other info continued
- Nest in vegetation in upland locations (boreal
forest and parkland ecotones) - Nest is lined with down
- 1-17 eggs in clutch, typically 9-10 on average
15What happened?
- Populations declined in the mid-20th century
- Several factors have contributed to the decline
16Reasons for population decline
- Loss of habitat (both breeding and non-breeding
areas) - Over-harvesting by hunters
- Interbreeding with the Mallard
- Competitive disadvantages to Mallard
- Mallards may take over some breeding spots
17What is being done?
- Initially population counts and surveys
- Essential to measure the scale of the problem
before proceeding with any management options
18The Findings
- American Black Duck wintering populations have
been declining since 1955 - This led to pressure to prohibit hunting of this
duck - US government decreased the daily bag limit for
this species in 1983 - Canadian government followed suit in 1984
- Further tightened the harvest limits in 1989 and
1990 - Current daily bag limit in KY is 1 Black Duck
19This didnt accomplish all that was hoped for
- Despite these measures, the Black Duck remains a
source of concern due to - Hunting pressure
- Some hunters mistake Black Ducks for female
Mallards, or ignore possession limits - Habitat loss and degradation
- Competition and hybridization with the Mallard
- However, since 1989, the average number of
American Black Ducks killed by hunters has
decreased by 26 in Canada, and by 44 in the US
20Habitat loss and degradation
- Mid Atlantic coastal areas have been affected by
ditch building - To control mosquito populations
- Coastal lagoon and housing developments
- Clearing and logging
- Losses of forested wetlands decreases suitable
breeding habitats - Environmental contamination by pollutants
- Formerly affected by DDT and lead poisoning
- DDT banned by US in 1971, and lead shot banned
twenty years later
21Interbreeding with Mallards
- Compounded by the introduction of captive-raised
Mallards into Black Duck breeding ranges - Since 1940, 1.7 million game-farm Mallards have
been released in American Black Duck ranges - Not only leads to increases in hybridization, but
also to increases in competition for breeding
sites - Leads to diluted stock of Black Ducks
- Decline of American Black Duck as a distinct
- In 1986, the US and Canada joined forces to
institute the North American Waterfowl Management
Plan (NAWMP) - Mexico signed on in 1988
23Main goal of NAWMP
- Restore waterfowl populations to their 1970s
(1970-1979) winter levels - The urgency of restoring the Black Duck led the
NAWMP to set up the Black Duck Joint Venture
(BDJV) - Between the US, Canada, and Mexico
24Black Duck Joint Venture mandate
- Facilitate and coordinate the gathering of
information - Improve our knowledge of the species
- Guide conservation and manage most decisions
25Three programs were established under the
- Survey program
- Banding program
- Research program
26Survey Program
- The survey data has been analyzed to determine
population trends and changes - Birds are counted from aircraft
- Count all pairs and lone males in a breeding
habitat - The numbers are expressed as breeding pairs
27American Black Duck Trends of Breeding Pairs
since 1990
28Banding Program
- Coordinated by the Atlantic Flyway Eastern
Cooperative Banding Agreement under the BDJV - Determine the relative distribution of kills and
sport harvest rates - Used to calculate the survival rates for the
populations sampled - These can be done using program ESTIMATE or
29Research Program
- Identify the causes for Black Duck population
declines - Identify factors that may help the species to
recover - Attempt to determine the relative importance of
the factors influencing American Black Duck
numbers and population dynamics
30At the beginning of the program
- Research efforts focused on measuring annual
American Black Duck productivity compared to that
of Mallards
31More recently the priority has been on the
relation between
- Variation in recruitment rates and landscape
configuration - Habitat productivity
- The presence of the Mallard
32- The current focus of the program is on Adaptive
Harvest Management related studies
33Adaptive Harvest Management (AHM)
- Seeks to reach a long-term harvest objective
- Decisions being annual harvest regulations (quota)
34Tasks of AHM
- Using the analyses completed under previous work
orders, develop a model set for use in adaptive
optimization - Emphasis devoted to initiating a very simple AHM
model - Exploring the consequences of finer vs. coarser
resolution in objective, decision space and state
space, and of alternative model weightings
35- Working with BDJV and other stakeholders, develop
and incorporate objective functions - Formulation of a suitable objective function is
critical - A matter for resolution among managers and policy
makers - Concept of sustainability is at the core of
most natural resource management
36- Working with BDJV and other stakeholders, develop
alternatives - Joint Black Duck-Mallard objective
- Joint consideration of harvest regulations for
each species - Restrictive for both species
- Liberal for both species
- Restrictive for one, liberal for the other
37- Definition of state space and resolution of
monitoring efforts - Important state variables to consider
- Estimates of breeding (wintering, or both) Black
Duck populations - Estimate of breeding habitat conditions
- Estimates of breeding Mallard populations
38- Evaluate the potential impacts of model
resolution and management scale on optimal
decision making, with respect to gain in
objective value, vs. costs Evaluate the potential
impacts of model resolution and management scale
on optimal decision making, with - Reconfigure models to allow for multiple
populations and stratified objectives and
decision making - Evaluate the consequences of spatial
stratification on - The ability to meet resource objectives
- The tradeoffs in terms of complexity and costs of
finer vs. coarser scale management
39- Depending on the results of 1-5, develop a
working adaptive management protocol for Black
Ducks - Possible joint Black Duck-Mallard protocol
- Recommend one or more forms for the objective
function - Recommend sets of decision alternatives
- Develop a working model set and optimization
procedure - Recommend the scale and intensity at which
relevant state variables and other parameters
should be measured
- Combined conservation efforts of the US and
Canada may have numbers on the rise - The BDJV graph showing breeding pair distribution
trends shows a higher population of breeding
pairs since 1994 - Populations still experience rising and falling
trends, but they remain higher than the low
population count of 1994 - The steady decline in breeding pairs from
1990-1994 looks to be halted
41- No solid evidence of major decreases in quality
or quantity of breeding habitat for Black Ducks
since the late 1980s - Except in specific areas, such as those disrupted
by hydroelectric projects - An increase in beaver populations may be helping
to create more wetland breeding habitat - Populations are currently steady
- But only about ½ as many Black Ducks as there
were in the early 1950s - Still face problems with Mallard competition and
hybridization - Adaptive harvest management techniques could be
employed to ease the hunting pressure on American
Black Ducks, while working to control Mallard
populations in areas shared by the two species
- Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS), Quebec Region
istoric.html - Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- www.birds.cornell.edu
- Hinterland Whos Who
- www.hww.ca.com
- Black Duck Adaptive Management Working Group
- http//coopunit.forestry.uga.edu/blackduck/overvi