Title: Ingegneria dell'Informazione
1Department of Information EngineeringUniversity
of Padova, ITALY
Special Interest Group on NEtworking
A Soft QoS scheduling algorithm for Bluetooth
Andrea Zanella, Daniele Miorandi, Silvano
Pupolin, Cristian Andreola
andrea.zanella, daniele.miorandi,
silvano.pupolin, freccia_at_dei.unipd.it
WPMC 2003, 21-22 October 2003
2Outline of the contents
- Motivations Purposes
- Bluetooth Basic
- Hard-QoS Soft-QoS
- Soft-QoS for Bluetooth SFPQ
- Results and Demostration
- Concluding Remarks
3What and Why
- Demand for QoS support over portable electronic
devices is increasing - audio/video streaming
- interactive games
- multimedia
- Unfortunately, Bluetooth does not provide native
QoS support
5Aim of the study
- Adding Soft-QoS support to BT piconets
- Definition of Soft-QoS parameters
- Design of Soft-QoS scheduling algorithm
- Analisys of the proposed algorithm
6What the standard says
7Bluetooth piconet
- Two up to eight Bluetooth units sharing the same
channel form a piconet - In each piconet, a unit acts as master, the
others act as slaves - Channel access is based on a centralized polling
scheme - Full-duplex is supported by Time-division-duplex
(TDD), with time slots of T0.625 ms
8Multi-slot packets
- Data packets can be
- 1, 3, or 5 slot long
- Unprotected or 2/3 FEC protected
- Unprotected packet formats (DH)
- higher data capacity
- more subject to errors
- Protected packet formats (DM)
- medium data capacity
- higher protection against errors
9Introduction to QoS issues
- QoS in Bluetooth networks
10Resource Allocation
- Different types of applications
- Web Browsing
- Medium-to-high data rate
- Streaming audio
- Low delay and jitter
- High data rate
- Voice
- Low delay and jitter
- Low data rate
11Hard Soft QoS
- Hard QoS
- Widely used in wired networks
- Integrated Services flow based (RSVP)
- Differentiated Services class based
- Soft QoS
- Suitable for wireless networks
- Applications may work even if, for short periods
of time, QoS requirements are not satisfied - Deal with limited bandwith and radio channel
12FPQ algorithm
- Aim providing Hard QoS support by means of a
Fair and efficient Polling scheme - QoS parameters required for each link
- Expected data rate
- Maximum acceptable delay
- Adjust priorities of the slaves on the basis of
- Slaves queue length estimation
- Traffic parameters
- QoS parameters
FPQ a fair and efficient polling algorithm
with QoS support for Bluetooth piconet, INFOCOM03
13FPQ scheme
- Purpose
- Determine the most efficient polling sequence
fulfilling QoS requirements - Slave Analyzer determines
- Pdata probability of having queued packets
- NSLP interval of time since last POLL/NULL
sequence - Selection Algorithm
- Determine priority of each data flow
- Select the master/slave link with highest
priority - Limits
- Inefficient service differentiation under high
traffic loads
14Soft QoS support
- Soft-FPQ algorithm for Bluetooth piconets
15Soft-FPQ algorithm
- Aim Providing Soft QoS by means of dynamic
estimation of flows satisfaction - Definition of a new Soft QoS parameter Target
Satisfaction - Priorities are adjusted according to QoS
parameters and the estimated satisfaction margin
for each slave - Low traffic high satisfaction for all flows
- High traffic distribute resources to fulfill
exactly QoS request
16Soft QoS parameters
- Average packet inter-arrival time ITL
- Average packet length PL
- Maximum sustainable packet delay MD
- Target Satisfaction index
- Percentage of packets that are expected to
satisfy the QoS constrains
17Dynamic Satisfaction estimation
Empty queue
Arrival rate
Arrival time
Estimated Satisfaction
18Example of dynamic estimation
19Istantaneous Satisfaction
- Estimated Satisfaction is updated anytime an AP
packet is received - To cope with long silence periods of slaves, we
introduce the Istantaneous Satisfaction that is
updated slot by slot according to function ?? - Istantaneous satisfaction is reset at the first
AP arrival
Maximum Delay
Number of points
20Satisfaction Margins
Satisfaction Margin
Actual Satisfaction
Target Satisfaction
Normalized Satisfaction Margin
21Priority Evaluation
- Traffic Demand
- QoS Request
Normalized Satisfaction Index
22NS2 Simulation
- Simulation of QoS Bluetooth Piconet
23Simulation Scenario
- Piconet with 7 slaves
- Only upstream traffic
- One application per slave
- One application x1 (Hard QoS)
- One application x0.9
- One streaming video application x0.9
- 4 Best Effort applications x0.2
- Simulation dynamic
- Slaves with high x are active for all the
simulation time - Best Effort transmissions start sequentially
seconds apart - When all the applications are active the system
gets congested
24Satisfaction perceived (1/3)
Target Satisfaction x1
Heavy Load
25Satisfaction perceived (2/3)
Target Satisfaction x0.9
Heavy Load
26Satisfaction perceived (3/3)
Target Satisfaction x0.2
27Delay Distribution
- Video Streaming Delay Distribution
- Low traffic
- Video Streaming Delay Distribution
- High traffic
28Video Streaming Demo
- Demo Structure
- RTP Server send packets of video stream
- RTP Client receive packets and display video
- Delay introduce pre-computed packet delays
- Scenario
- Upstream traffic only
- One application per slave
- One application streaming video, x0.9
- Two Best Effort application, x0.2
29Conclusions Future work
- Support of Soft QoS in Bluetooth
- Better service differentiation
- Efficient resource distribution
- Better support to real time and audio/video
streaming applications - Better behavior of the piconet under high traffic
- Next steps
- Improve algorithms setting and introduce dynamic
parameters tuning - Extension of the algorithm to Scatternet
structures - Development of low complexity Satisfaction
Estimation algorithms
30Thats all!
- Thanks for
- your attention!