???????? God-Centered Family - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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???????? God-Centered Family


Title: Obedience Unto Life Author: Andrew Cheng Last modified by: ACheng Created Date: 8/27/2004 6:36:14 AM Document presentation format: Letter Paper (8.5x11 in) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ???????? God-Centered Family

???????? God-Centered Family
  • ???? ????
  • Family Worship
  • ?? John 41924
  • ?? Deut 649
  • ????????
  • 2011???4?

?. ????? Meaning of Worship
  • ???????? ???? Hebrew word means bow down,
  • ????????? ???? Greek word means come forward
    to kiss

?. ????? Meaning of Worship
  • ???? worthship???????????? In classic
    English, worthship means worthiness
  • ?????????????,???????????????? (??)

?. ????? Meaning of Worship
  • To worship God is to recognize His worth or
    worthiness to look God-ward, and to acknowledge
    in all appropriate ways the value of what we see
    (J. I. Packer)

?. ????? Meaning of Worship
  • ????,????,?????????????????????,????????????????
    Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive
    glory and honor and power, for you created all
    things, and by your will they existed and were
    created. (?? Rev. 411)

?. ????? Renewal of Worship
  • ?? John 42022
  • ??????,?????????,????,??????,???????? Jesus
    said to her, Woman, believe me, the hour is
    coming when neither on this mountain nor in
    Jerusalem will you worship the Father. (??
    John 421)

?. ????? Renewal of Worship
  • ????????,?????,????????? by the new and
    living way that he opened for us through the
    curtain, that is, through his flesh (?? Heb
  • ??????????????since we have confidence to enter
    the holy places by the blood of Jesus (?? Heb

?. ????? Renewal of Worship
  • ?????,??????????,????,???????????? You
    worship what you do not know we worship what we
    know, for salvation is from the Jews (?? John

?. ???? People who Worship
  • ?? John 423, 24
  • ???????? for the Father is seeking such
    people to worship him (??John 423c)
  • ??????????? (??23c ???)

?. ???? People who Worship
  • ????,????? ?????????? But the hour is
    coming, and is now here for the Father is
    seeking such people to worship him. (?? John
  • ??????????????? God is seeking people of
    worship, more than worship

?. ???? People who Worship
  • ??????,????????? when the true worshipers will
    worship the Father in spirit and truth (?? John
  • ???,??????????????? God is spirit, and those
    who worship him must worship in spirit and truth
    (?? John 424)

?. ???? People who Worship
  • ???????,???????? we serve not under the old
    written code but in the new life of the Spirit
    (?? Rom 76b)
  • ??????????????? to offer spiritual sacrifices
    acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (??? I
    Pet 25b)

?. ???? People who Worship
  • ?????,???? to present your bodies as a living
    sacrifice (??? Rom 121b)
  • ???????????,???????????? When worship becomes
    our life style, we become worshippers that God

?. ???? People who Worship
  • ???????? singing and making melody to the Lord
    with all your heart (?? Eph 519b)
  • ???????? worship the Father in spirit and
    truth (?? John 423b ???)

?. ???? People who Worship
  • ?????????????????????????????????????? Who shall
    ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand
    in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a
    pure heart (??? Ps 243, 4)

?. ???? People who Worship
  • ????????? ??????????,????? according to
    human precepts and teachings? These have indeed
    an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made
    religion (?? Col 222, 23)

?. ?????? Time Place of Worship
  • ?? Deut 649
  • ????????????,?????????? when you have
    brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve
    God on this mountain (?? Exo 312b)

?. ?????? Time Place of Worship
  • ????????????????????????,???????????????? Now
    this is the commandment, the statutes and the
    rules that the Lord your God commanded me to
    teach you, that you may do them in the land to
    which you are going over, to possess it (?? Deut

?. ?????? Time Place of Worship
  • ????,???!??????????? Hear, O Israel The LORD
    our God, the LORD is one (?? Deut 64)
  • ?????? You shall have no other gods before
    me (?? Exo 203b)

?. ?????? Time Place of Worship
  • ????????? ???????,?????? You shall not make
    for yourself a carved image You shall not bow
    down to them or serve them (?? Exo 204a, 5a)

?. ?????? Time Place of Worship
  • ????????????????? You shall love the Lord your
    God with all your heart and with all your soul
    and with all your might (?? Deut 65)
  • ????????????????? (??5 ???)

?. ?????? Time Place of Worship
  • ??????????????????,????,??,??,???? You shall
    teach them diligently to your children, and shall
    talk of them when you sit in your house, and when
    you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and
    when you rise (?? Deut 67)

?. ?????? Time Place of Worship
  • ??????????????,??????? You shall bind them as
    a sign on your hand, and they shall be as
    frontlets between your eyes (?? Deut 68 ???)

?. ????? Family Worship
  • ??? Josh 2414, 15b
  • ??????????,????????,?????????????????????,??????
    (??? Josh 2414)

?. ????? Family Worship
  • fear the LORD and serve him in sincerity and in
    faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers
    served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve
    the LORD (??? Josh 2414)
  • ??????,????????? as for me and my house, we
    will serve the LORD (??? Josh 2415b)

?. ????? Family Worship
  • ??????,???????,??????????????? Fathers, do not
    provoke your children to anger, but bring them up
    in the discipline and instruction of the Lord
    (?? Eph 64)

?. ????? Family Worship
  • ????????,?????????????????????,???????? The
    Lord is my strength and my song he has become my
    salvation. Glad songs of salvation are in the
    tents of the righteous (???? Ps 11814, 15a)

?? Conclusion
  • ??????????,???????,??????? Worship is not only
    the privilege of a believer, but also our duty,
    our spiritual service

?? Conclusion
  • ??????????????,????????????????????? Worship as a
    church and as a family on a regular basis
  • ?????????????? Be a 24/7 worshipper of the only
    true God
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