The Muscular System rev 12-12 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Muscular System rev 12-12


The Muscular System rev 12-12 Muscle cells are involved in every movement that our bodies perform. They are found in every body organ and tissue – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Muscular System rev 12-12

The Muscular System rev 12-12
  • Muscle cells are involved in every movement that
    our bodies perform.
  • They are found in every body organ and tissue
  • Muscles can
  • Shorten or contract to produce movement (prime
    mover or agonist)
  • Relax or be pulled back to their original length
    by gravity or by opposing muscle groups, called
    antagonistic muscles
  • Work with other muscle groups, called synergistic
    muscles, to produce movement
  • Resist movement to maintain our posture
  • Generate heat to maintain our body temperature
  • Shiver, sweat

  • Muscle tissue is made up of tightly packed cells
    called muscle fibers. The muscle fiber cytoplasm
    contains proteins which allow the cell to contract

  • There are 3 types of muscles
  • Skeletal muscles
  • Cardiac muscles
  • Smooth muscles
  • Skeletal muscles
  • attach to the bones of our skeleton and provide
    strength and mobility (movement) for our body
  • Cardiac muscle
  • found in the heart pumps blood throughout the
  • Smooth muscles
  • found in most internal organs generally they
    work to push something (fluids or other body
    substances) through a body part

  • Muscles may also be classified as
  • voluntary (muscles over which we have conscious
    control and requires peripheral nervous
    stimulation to contract)
  • involuntary (muscles over which we have no
    conscious control require autonomic nervous
    stimulation to contract)
  • The term sarcolemma refers to the cell membrane
    of a muscle cell

  • Skeletal Muscles
  • are multinucleated
  • cells are arranged in a parallel fashion
  • are responsible for all locomotion and
  • enable us to respond quickly to changes in the
    external environment
  • compared to other muscle types, their speed of
    contraction is fast

Skeletal Muscle
  • Is also called Striated or Voluntary muscle
  • they have striations (or stripes) which are
    caused by alternating dark and light bands
  • bands are composed of tightly packed contractile
    proteins called myofilaments which are made up of
    thicker myosin filaments and thinner actin

Cardiac Muscle
  • Cells are striated, short, fat, branched and
  • Have specialized areas called intercalated disks
    where the cells connect with each other
  • Intercalated disks contain gap junctions that
    permit one cell to electrically stimulate the
    next one.
  • because of these connections, cardiac muscle
    works as a single, coordinated unit
  • usually contracts at a steady rate set by the
    hearts pacemaker, but neural controls allow for
    a faster beat for brief periods (i.e. when you
    perform intense activities)
  • compared to other muscle types, their speed of
    contraction is moderate

Smooth Muscle
  • Cells are shorter than skeletal and cardiac
    muscle cells
  • Because the cells have fewer contractile proteins
    they do not have striations (thus their name,
    smooth muscle)
  • Cells are spindle shaped (thicker in the middle
    and tapered at each end) each cell has a
    centrally located nucleus
  • Are found in the walls of hollow visceral organs
    (i.e. stomach, intestines, bladder, blood
  • role is to force fluids and other substances
    through body channels
  • compared to other muscle types, their speed of
    contraction is slow and sustained

Muscle Contraction
  • Contractile proteins or myofilaments, called
    actin and myosin, slide past each other using
    energy from ATP molecules.
  • These myofilaments produce alternating light and
    dark areas called striations
  • Dark areas are called A-bands
  • Lighter areas are called I-bands
  • The Z-line is a thin, dark line where sets of
    actin myofilaments are woven together
  • The space between 2 Z-lines is called a
  • A sarcomere is the smallest functional
    (contractile) unit of a muscle fiber

Mechanism of Muscle Contraction Nerve
Activation of Individual Muscle Cells
  • In order for a muscle to contract, its cells must
    be stimulated by a nerve
  • The motor neuron secretes acetylcholine (ACh) at
    the neuromuscular junction (the space where the
    motor neuron and muscle cell meet).
  • ACh is a neurotransmitter--a chemical which can
    either stimulate or inhibit another excitable
    cell (either a nerve cell or a muscle cell)
  • The ACh diffuses across the space between the
    neuron and the muscle cell (called the synaptic
    cleft) and binds to receptor sites on the muscle
    cell membrane.

  • The ACh binding causes the muscle cell membrane
    to generate an electrical impulse which travels
    along the cell membrane and along the T-tubules
    (cylindrical extensions of the cell membrane or
    sarcolemma which travel into the interior parts
    of the cell and activate the sarcoplasmic
  • the function of the T-tubules is to allow the
    electrical impulse to quickly travel to all cell
  • The electrical impulse triggers the release of
    calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum .
  • Muscles require calcium in order to contract.
  • Sliding Filament Mechanism muscle contracts when
    the sarcomeres shorten. This occurs when the
    thick and thin filaments form cross bridges and
    slide past each other resulting in shortening of
    the sarcomere.

  • Calcium binds to troponin, a protein molecule,
    and causes the
  • Troponintropomyosin protein complex to shift
  • this exposes the actin-myosin binding sites and
    allow the myosin heads and actin filaments to
    make contact, forming cross-bridges.
  • The actin filaments are pulled toward the center
    of the sarcomere and the muscle contracts.
  • In order to stop the contraction, nerve cell
    stimulation stops
  • calcium is no longer secreted and the
    troponintropomyosin protein complex shifts
    position so the myosin heads are no longer
    exposed. They can no longer make contact with the
    actin filaments and
  • the muscle will be unable to contract

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Muscle Relaxation
  • Nerve activation ends, contraction ends
  • Calcium pumped back into sarcoplasmic reticulum
    (requires ATP)
  • Calcium removed from actin filaments
  • Myosin-binding site covered
  • No calcium no cross-bridges

Energy Use by Muscle Cells
  • Muscle contraction requires energy
  • In the presence of calcium, myosin acts as an
    enzyme to split ATP?ADP inorganic phosphate to
    release energy.
  • So, ATP is the muscles energy source
  • Typically muscle cells store enough ATP for
    approximately 10 seconds of heavy activity
  • After this, ATP can be replenished by
  • Creatine phosphate which makes enough ATP for
    20-30 seconds
  • After this short amount of time, energy must be
    obtained from stored glycogen

  • For long term energy, ATP can also be obtained
    via aerobic metabolism of glucose, fatty acids,
    and other high-energy molecules which are
    constantly supplied by the blood
  • Glycogen is broken down by a process called
    glycolysis. (The end products of glycolysis begin
    the Krebs Cycle Citric Acid Cycle and the
    electron transport chain to generate energy for
    the organism.)

  • Glucose molecules are removed from the glycogen
    and the cell uses the glucose to synthesize more
  • Part of the glucose breakdown process can be done
    anaerobically (without oxygen). This is a fast
    process but only yields 2 ATP molecules per
    glucose molecule.
  • Or glucose? 2 ATP lactic acid
  • It also produces lactic acid as a waste product
    which can make muscles sore.

  • ---The most efficient, but much slower, process
    for energy production is aerobic metabolism.
    This yields 36 ATP molecules from 1 molecule of
    glucose. Carbon dioxide is produced as a waste
  • or glucose O2 ? 36 ATP CO2 H2O
  • When you perform strenuous activity, it usually
    takes a few minutes to start breathing heavily.
    The increase in respirations indicates that
    aerobic metabolism is now occuring.
  • During strenuous exercise, typically the blood is
    unable to carry enough oxygen for complete
    oxidation of glucose in our muscles. So, the
    muscles will also contract anaerobically and
    produce lactic acid.

  • The lack of oxygen and subsequent production of
    lactic acid is called oxygen debt or oxygen
  • So, oxygen debt occurs when the muscles have
    consumed oxygen at a faster rate than it can be
    replaced. The body must take in an extra amount
    of oxygen to replace the oxygen in the muscles
    and return the muscles to their resting state.
  • Therefore, the reason we breathe heavily after
    exercise is to erase or pay back the oxygen debt.

Gross Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
  • Individual muscle fibers are wrapped and held
    together by several different layers of
    connective tissue
  • The individual muscle fibers are surrounded by a
    fine sheath of connective tissue called the
  • The fibers within the muscle are grouped into
    fascicles, bundles of muscle fibers with a
    connective tissue covering and look like a bunch
    of sticks with an outer wrapping
  • The perimysium layer is fibrous connective tissue
    that surrounds the fascicles.
  • The outermost connective tissue layer is called
    the epimysium and surrounds the whole muscle.
  • Portions of the epimysium project inward and
    divide the muscle into compartments

  • Skeletal muscles can be made up of hundreds or
    thousands of muscle fibers bundled together
  • Myofibrils are contractile units made up of long
    protein molecules called myofilaments

  • Fascia, connective tissue outside the epimysium,
    surrounds the entire muscle
  • At the ends of the muscle, all of the connective
    tissues come together and form the tendon that
    attaches the muscle to bone.

  • If the muscle spans a joint, one bone moves while
    the other one remains stationary
  • the muscles origin is on the bone which does not
  • the muscles origin is generally closer to the
    midline of the body than its insertion
  • the insertion is on the bone which moves
  • All muscle cells in a muscle have the same origin
    and insertion

Muscle Contractions
  • Isotonic contractions occur when the muscle
    shortens and movement occurs
  • Isometric contractions occur when muscle tension
    develops but the muscle doesnt shorten and no
    bony movement occurs. These contractions help
    stabilize the skeleton.
  • Degree of nerve activation influences force
    generated by the muscle
  • A single muscle consists of many individual
    muscle cells typically organized into groups of
    cells that work together cooperatively.
  • Each group of cells is controlled by a single
    nerve cell called a motor neuron.

  • Terms to know
  • Motor unit the motor neuron and all the muscle
    fibers it supplies. Is the smallest functional
    unit of muscle contraction.
  • Muscle tension force generated by a contracting
    muscle upon an object
  • How much tension is generated by a muscle depends
  • The number of muscle cells in each motor unit
  • The number of motor units active at the time
  • The frequency of stimulation of individual motor
  • All-or-none principle muscle cells are
    completely under the control of their motor
    neuron. Muscle fibers always respond with a
    complete cycle of contraction and relaxation
    every time they are stimulated.
  • Muscle tone low level of contractile activity
    in a relaxed muscle.

Muscle Activity
  • Muscle twitch a complete cycle of contraction
    and relaxation
  • Humans have 2 types of skeletal muscle fibers
    slow-twitch and fast-twitch fibers. The
    difference is based on how quickly the fibers can
    produce a contraction and whether the muscle
    contracts aerobically or anaerobically.
  • Most muscles contain a mixture of both types of
  • Ratio of fibers depends on the function of the
  • Abnormal muscle twitches occur when almost all
    muscle spindles are excited simultaneously

  • Slow twitch fibers break down ATP slowly and
    contract slowly
  • Tend to make ATP aerobically, as they need it
  • endurance, long duration contraction, contain
    myoglobin to store oxygen
  • Jogging, swimming, biking
  • Fast twitch break down ATP quickly, contract
    more quickly
  • Store large amounts of glycogen and tend to rely
    on anaerobic metabolism for quick bursts of high
  • Rapid, powerful contractions but cant be
  • strength, short duration contraction
  • Sprinting, weight lifting, tennis

Exercise Training
  • Strength training
  • Resistance training
  • Short, intense
  • Builds more fast-twitch myofibrils
  • Aerobic training
  • Builds endurance
  • Increases blood supply to muscle cells
  • Target heart rate at least 20 minutes, three
    times a week

Muscle Contraction Myogram
  • Latent period-the time
  • between stimulation and the
  • start of a contraction
  • Contraction-time when the muscle actually
  • Relaxation-muscle returns to its original length
  • Summation vs. tetanus
  • Summation an increase in the frequency with
    which a muscle is stimulated so that the muscle
    doesnt relax completely. This causes a
    summation of the contractile force so total
    force produced is greater than the force produced
    by one twitch.
  • Tetanus If muscle stimulation is so rapid that
    the muscle cant relax at all, it will remain in
    a state of maximal contraction.

Figure 6.10
Diseases and Disorders of the Muscular System
  • Muscular dystrophy group of inherited muscle
    diseases in which muscle fibers are unusually
    susceptible to damage.
  • Muscles, primarily voluntary muscles, become
    progressively weaker. In the late stages of
    muscular dystrophy, fat and connective tissue
    often replace muscle fibers OR
  • loss of muscle fibers due to muscles inability
    to create some proteins it needs to function
    normally OR
  • Leak of calcium into the muscle cell which
    damages muscle proteins and may kill the cell
  • results in muscle wasting and paralysis death
    usually from heart failure or respiratory failure

Tetanus or lock jaw bacterial infection
resulting in overstimulation of nerves and
therefore muscles resulting in tetanic
contractions death from exhaustion or
respiratory failure Muscle cramps painful,
uncontrollable muscle contractions caused by
dehydration and ion imbalances caused by heavy
exercise Pulled muscles caused by stretching a
muscle too far causing some fibers to tear
apart Fasciitis inflammation of the connective
tissue fascia that surrounds a muscle
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