Title: Network Models of Development Projects
2Impact pathways a more complete picture ..
Logic models
Network models
3How change happens
- Improvements in poverty alleviation, food
security and the state of natural resources
result from dynamic, interactive, non-linear, and
generally uncertain processes of innovation. - EIARD, 2003
4How change happens
Orlikowski and Hofman, 1997
5What is a network?
- A network is a collection of people and / or
things that are connected to each other by some
kind of relationship. - Many kinds of entities can be part of a network
people, projects, organisations, documents,
events, cities, countries, etc. - And there are many kinds of relationships that
can link such entities, involving transmission or
exchange of information, money, goods, affection,
influence, infection, etc.
6(No Transcript)
7Airline network
8Road Network
9Simpson Family Network
10Advantages of network models
- Actor-oriented descriptions
- observable, understandable, verifiable
- Captures real-life complexity
- We are subject to multiple influences
- We influence many others
- And influence works both ways
- Multi-disciplinary experience with analysis of
networks - Sociology, political science, psychology,
biology, physics, information technologies
11A network diagram
(organisations linked by a project)
Influence pathway actor relationship actor
12A network matrix
(existence and type of link, and summary rows and
13A plotted network diagram
14Todays tasks..
- Identify relevant actors relationships
- Develop network diagrams for
- Your project now
- Residual network 2 years after project has
finished - Identify key extension and political support
linkages - Discuss implications
151. Identify actors relationships important for
your project now
- Actor types identified in other workshops
- International NGO national NGO local NGO
- Community-based organization (CBO)
- Farmers group
- University
- National agricultural research organization
(NARO) - National agricultural extension organization
- Advanced Research Institute (ARI)
- Network organization
- Other Govnt. Agency
- CG Centre
- Private Sector
- Religious organizations
- Local Govnt. Organizations
- Media
- CPWF (theme leader, basin coordinator, managing
centre) - Federations and associations
- Unregistered advocacy groups
- Donor
16- Identify the actors (Orgs and groups) that your
project works with - Avoid overlapping categories
- Split them
- Actors should have relatively specific geographic
location - Farmer groups in pilot sites in Isabela
Province, rather than farmer groups in Northern
17Relationship Types
- Administration/ Coor
- Provision of funding
- Provision of information
- Provision of pilot sites
- Provision of seed
- Provision of inputs (specify)
- Research (generally bi-directional)
- Training / capacity building
- Outreach of project outputs (scaling out)
- Provision of / Lobbying for political support
(scaling up)
182. Develop network diagram
- Actors
- Use shape, size colour and labels to describe
who is involved - Relationships
- Use thickness colour to describe kinds
- Use arrows to describe direction
- Dont use distance/length
19Also construct a network matrix
(relationship is of row to column actor)
20Map from the matrix
21And .. List of actors
Acronym Full name Location Org. type Partner type
IRRI Int. Rice Research Institute Los Baños, Philippines CG Centre Imple-mentor
MOFA Ministry of Fisheries and Agric. Accra, Ghana Govnt. Org. Boundary partner
FGs Farmers Groups Northern Ghana Farmer Org Ultimate beneficiary