Title: How I Got There?
1The Ethical, Legal Technological Considerations
in Human Cloning
- How I Got There?
- Lessons Learnt
- Benefits of Complex Research
2How I Got There?
- Lots of All Other
- United Nations Publications
- EBSCO-Research Database-185
- Journal of Regenerative Medicine
- Scientific American
- University of Wisconsin-WICELL
- Stanford Advance Cell Institute
- National Health InstituteNational Academy of
Sciences - Liebert Publications Trade Magazines
(4)Journals (including Cloning and
Biotechnology Law Report) 34Newsletters 3 - Direct quotes-Justice Bryer CSPAN Cable TV
- Direct contact with Legal Ethicist-R. Alta Charo
- Direct contact with scientist-Dr. James Thompson
- Make a plan for research strategy
- Start early
- Secondary sources are primary sources
3Lessons Learnt in Complex Research
Technology/Science Issues
Ethical Issues
Legal Issues
- Balance the research-Focus dot in the middle
- Do parallel research, not serial
- Focus on Law not on Politics or Religion
4Lessons Learnt in Complex ResearchTerms and
- Human Cloning
- Stem Cell Cloning
- Ethical, Legal and Technical issues in Cloning
- Legal issues
- Reproductive Cloning
- Embryonic Cloning
5Lessons Learnt in Complex ResearchWhen a Search
Engine Isnt EnoughCall a Librarian--Go to the
Direct Contact
- Librarian
- Scientist
- Supreme Court Justice
- Legal Ethicist
- Dean of Law School
AdvancedLegal Research Stem Cell
Research/Human Cloning
- Cable TV
- C-SPAN--America Courts
- Discovery
- National Geographic
- Computer Assisted
- Print Media
6Lessons Learnt in Complex Research
- MYTH--If it is not on Internet, it does not
exist? - Librarians index to the Internet www.ipl.org
- Chat with a Librarian--she has lot of plan Bs.
- You may need help refining your Q.
7Benefits--No Research is Wasted
Todays AdversariesTomorrow's Clients
On the Left
On the Right
Stem Cell Research
- Researchers/Scientists
- Universities
- Drug Companies
- National Health Institute
- Patients of Multigenic Diseases
- Women, Elderly and Children
- Administration
- Politicians
- Religious Organizations
- Some States
8Coming Attractions--Preview
Technical/Scientific Issues
Cost Issues
Legal Issues
Ethical Issues