Punctuation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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I wish I knew how to punctuate a cow can punctuate better than I can you? Punctuation Helping Readers Understand Our Thoughts – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Punctuation

I wish I knew how to punctuate a cow can
punctuate better than I can you?
Helping Readers Understand Our Thoughts
End Marks
  • Period follows a statement My sister is called
  • Question mark follows question Will Wausaukee
    win tonight?
  • Exclamation mark follows exclamation What a
    handsome fellow!
  • How about those Rangers!
  • Period/exclamation mark follows command
  • Wait here. Wait here!

  • I. B. Smart
  • Dr. I. B. Smart
  • Co., Inc., Jr.,
  • Ave., St.
  • A.M./B.C.
  • Alex G. Duer, M.D.,

  • Return these IRS pamphlets by 300 PM
  • What a great day we had in Mrs Kahles English
  • Where did you ever find a pear that weighs 16 g,
  • How can I send this to J. P. Laundry
    Enterprises, Inc, if I cant find the address
  • Send your medical questions to Dr Holly Minor,
    1414 Richy Rich St, Beverly Hills, CA 10000

Commas in a Series
  • Commas separate words, phrases, and short
    sentences in a series They found gum on the
    floor, in the bubbler, and on the walls.

Ex We arrived, we cleaned, and we painted.
EXCEPTION The Rangers beat Peshtigo and Crivitz
and Suring.
Laura walked into the room saw her dad sitting in
her desk waiting for her and ran straight to the
Kara DeLaet is a quiet shy introverted person,
who rarely says a word in class.
  • Commas separate two or more adjectives preceding
    a noun IF each adjective describes the noun
  • When the classroom filled with billowing black
    smoke, Cody picked up his girlfriend from the
    seat behind him, threw her over his shoulders,
    and carried her outside to safety.

Practice Commas
The recipe for Tom Guariscos thick red spicy
sauce has just sold for one million dollars.
Toms sauce is thick and red and spicy.
Kaitlin Downs is a famous trapeze artist who has
traveled the world discussing her new book, How
Mrs. Kahles English Class Made Me a Success.
Artist is both famous and trapeze??? NO
Trapeze artist is famous--no comma!
Punctuating Compound Sentences
Independent Clauses with Commas
A clause which can stand on its own as a
complete sentence
Sarahs mother said she couldnt because she
didnt eat all of her supper.
Sarah wanted to eat a large bowl of ice cream.
Commas -compound sentences
  • Use commas before coordinating conjunctions
    (and,but,for, or, yet, so,etc.) when they connect
    independent clauses
  • Steven is a freshman but he plays on the
    varsity team.
  • First Chase asked Melissa to the dance and then

Practice Session
  • The calendar is very old and made of stone.
  • Charlotte laughed but I didnt.
  • Combine
  • Put covers on your textbooks. They will stay

Commas/nonessential words
  • Ryan Suennen, a U.S. senator, was an
  • astronaut.
  • A U.S. senator does not tell us which
  • Ryan Suennen you are talking about.

Essential/Nonessential Elements Restrictive
Nonessential Doesnt limit to a certain one
Essential Limits to a certain one
My cousin, who is fifteen, ..
The girl who is sitting in the corner is...
No Comma essential phrases
The car with its lights on belongs to the
principal, Mr. Mosher. With its lights on tells
us exactly which car we are talking about
Essential/Nonessential Clauses
Have you been good to your teacher???
The Santa who is talking(Exactly which Santa do
you mean?) is the essential Santa.
These worms(already answers exactly which ones do
you mean), all called Megan, are reading books
for their Outside Reading Requirement for their
favorite class--English!
Mine is Maghan!
My name is Meagan!
Spell mine M.E.G.H.A.N.
Its spelled M.a.g.a.n!
Lets Practice
  • The cookies that Ashley makes are not very good.
  • Circle any words that are unfamiliar to you.
  • Laura who wants to become a professional dancer
    is studying ballet.
  • The Steven who likes to talk a lot in class is
    Steven Roulette.
  • Do Ex 6, p. 265.

Reviewing Ex 1-7 Find the Errors
The book, with the red cover, was left in the
media center.
Jackie lost all her money, therefore she had to
leave the casino immediately.
US Senator Chase Nystrom has been touring the
Midwest, campaigning for president.
Antoine joined the YMCA because he felt he had
become a lazy boring man.
Commas Introductory Words
  • Yes, Well, NO, Why No, I do not love you
    anymore, Lucas! yelled Paris Hilton.
  • Participial Phrase Grabbing Austins hand, Katie
    Jo dragged him onto the dance floor.
  • Adverb Clause When Patrick grows up, he wants to
    be a teacher just like Mrs. Kahles.
  • Long Prepositional Phrase On the night before
    the biggest dance of the year, it snowed.

  • Parenthetical Expressions In fact, no one has a
    date for the dance. This book, for instance,
    costs fifteen dollars.
  • As a matter of fact, I want to thank you Joe for
    straightening out your very best buddy Ben.
  • Clydesdales, the large horses in the Budweiser
    commercials, were originally used to pull heavy
  • Yes some caves had walls some had roofs and some
    had separate rooms right Mrs. Smith?

Introductory Elements
On the way home from an exhausting day, Logan
Yes, I agree...
Long Prepositional Phrases
After you finish talking, you
Running down the street, Melissa tripped on
her shoe laces....
Adverb Clauses
Participial Phrases
  • Yes Steven Taglia the world-famous writer did win
    a Nobel Prize on September 15 1934 when he was
    only three years old.
  • Sitting by Ben Afleck at the dance, Jennifer was
    startled when her very best friend Hilary handed
    her a letter from a young man in the corner. It
    began Dear Jennifer I have loved you from afar
    for years. Your Secret Admirer

Commas Interrupters
  • Appositives and Phrases Will, the tallest
    freshman, is even taller than Mrs. Kahles.
  • Mrs. Kahles is shorter than Will, the tallest
    freshman boy.
  • Direct Address Ethan, did you ask that special
    someone to the dance? Do you have a date yet,
    Ashley? I heard, Ethan , that Ashley doesnt
    have a date yet.

  • Separate items in dates and addresses Our
    Snowball Dance will be held on Saturday, February
    22, 2003, in the cafeteria. The address of the
    school is N11941 Hwy 141, Wausaukee, Wisconsin,
    which is just ten miles north of Crivitz.
  • After name followed by an abbreviation when
    interrupting a sentence
  • Give this to my sweetheart, Nicholas Jarman,
    Jr., when you see him.

Hello everybody! Im Mr. Semicolon

Use me between independent clauses without
  • The dance was a success the sophomores made 500.
  • The state of Washington was named for George
    Washington he was our first president.

Use a semicolon with conjunctive Adverbs.
My brother has a cat therefore, I have cat hair
on me all the time. Going to dances with your
friends is a lot of fun on the other hand,
dances can be boring if your date doesnt dance.
NOTMary is in love with Clyde, however, not his
Use semicolon between items in a series if the
items contain commas.
  • Today I had an egg, sausage, and orange juice for
    breakfast hamburger and fries for lunch and a 6
    oz, juicy steak and baked potato for supper.

A semicolon(rather than a comma) may be needed
for compound sentences with conjunction when
there are commas
Lets see boots? socks? backpack?
  • You must bring boots, socks, and a backpack, but
    fruit, nuts, and a cup would be nice.

Lets Practice
  • The Arkansas flag is red white and blue and it
    has three blue stars beneath the name Arkansas
    representing Spain France and the United States.

Assignment for next block Ex. 1-5, pates 259-265)
Use colons for list which follow anoun.
  • These are my favorite classes English, math, and
  • Every day I watch the following shows Days of
    Our Lives, All My Children, and As the World

Use colon for long, formal quotations
  • This is how Dickens shows his feelings about the
    injustices of the poor

Use colon for hour-minute, chapter/verse and
salutation of business letter
  • Dear Mr. Smith
  • At 700 P.M. last night, I read
  • Genesis 329-39 to my children. I found
  • the verses strikingly familiar.


John just turned sixteen he can make an
appointment for his drivers test.
John just turned sixteen so now he can make an
appointment for his drivers test.
My brother has 14 cats furthermore he has five
dogs and six goats. Go to the dance with your
friends otherwise you will just sit at home
and watch television.
I have lived in Sugar Valley Tennessee Whistle
Holler Kentucky and Little Creek Alabama.

Whew! This one sure is a hard one. I must just
have to call on Mr. Semicolon to help.
Here I come to save the day! Mighty Semicolon is
on his way!
Miss Comma?


  • These are my favorite classes English
  • math and science.
  • Every day I watch the following shows Days of Our
    Lives All My Children and As the World Turns.


Wheres Miss Comma?
Yippee! Now it is my turn!

Assignment Correct Review Exercises A/B/C pages
277-8 Study for Chapter 20 Test
  • Books The Red Badge of Courage

Chapters in book The Beginning
  • Plays Romeo and Juliet

Scenes Scene One
  • Magazines Time magazine

Articles Saddam
  • Movies Three Kings

  • Television series/not individual show
  • Works of Art Mona Lisa
  • Long musical compositions/not individual songs
  • Names ships/aircraft/spacecraft/trains
  • Words/letters/figures referred to as such The
    word sucks is unacceptable.
  • Foreign words Père Noël is the French term for
    Santa Clause.

Quotation Marks

Use quotation marks to enclose a direct
quotation--exact words
  • Wait here said the officer until the woman with
    the flag waves you on.

Now, what are we supposed to do? the young boy
asked. I guess I wasnt listening.
Begin first word of quote with a capital letter
  • Shane said the earlier arrowheads were larger
    than the later ones.

When speaker interrupts a quoted sentence, the
second part of the quotation begins with small
  • The clay said Kelly comes from an area near the
    bottom of the cliffs.
  • Look at this said Mr. Park. It is a piece of

Period or a comma should always be placed inside
the closing quotation marks.
  • John said Thats a beautiful jacket.
  • My grandmother gave it to me said Flora.

Question mark or exclamation point should be
placed inside the closing quotation marks when
the quotation itself is a question/exclamation.
  • Who has an extra pencil I asked.
  • Why did you say Space aliens did it Sue asked

With several sentences, put quotation marks only
at beginning and end of whole quote
  • Now, youre galloping toward the first barrel.
    You know youre going to turn and go around it,
    but the horse doesnt know. So you squeeze with
    your right knee said Ron.

When you write dialogue, begin a new paragraph
every time the speaker changes.
  • Chad looked nervous and said You guys are not
    going to believe this.
  • Did you think it was a UFO? asked Jodie
  • I dont know what it was, but it was strange.
  • Look, said Katie lets call the police.

Quotation marks to enclose titles of short works
poems, articles, songs, episodes of TV
programs, chapters, etc.
  • Did she sing Love is the Thing at her concert?

Single quotation marks to enclose a quotation
within a quotation
  • Jack said I spoke to the principal. She said
    Remember that everyone has the right of free
  • Have you read the poem Refugee in America asked

  • Ownership The boys shirt
  • Relationship The books cover
  • Contractions Wont

Singular Noun s
  • The teachers desk is very messy.
  • Mrs. Kahles desk is always very messy.

Plural Nouns s
  • The students grades in my Block 3 class are all
  • Two players have red jerseys.
  • The mens room is over there.

Possessive Personal Pronouns ?
  • Where is my dog? Its over there, isnt it? Where
    is its collar?

Contractions Where letters, numbers, words are
  • Youll notice whos sitting next to whats his name
    as soon as theres a change in the seating
    arrangement in the schools auditorium.

Plurals of letters, numerals, words referred to
as words
  • Dot your is and cross your ts or you wont get any
    100s on your tests.

Santa said, Rudolph, with your nose so bright,
wont you guide my sleigh tonight? I cant do it
Sure, Big Guy, Rudolph said sarcastically,
now you need me . Did you care about me a month
ago? NOT! Go fly your own sled, chump! He
trotted off into the white woods, leaving poor
Santa alone to solve his problem.
As Rudolphs red nose gleamed in the night, a
tiny, red beam glimmered across the field it
bounced off the hood of Mrs. Clauss brand new
Polaris 500, which had many special featuresa
two-up seat, electric start, and reverse.
Ah ha! Santa laughed and ran to the sled,
singing Jingle Bells as his jolly belly bounced
ahead of his long, white beard. He jumped on the
gleaming Polaris, switched on the high-speed
motor and ...
what to the wondrous eyes of Rudolph, who was
sulking at the edge of the forest, did appear,
but Santa and his Polaris, roaring across the
sky, packed with all of his presents, including
the popular Harry Potter novel Secret Chamber,
and a bag of Christmas cheer.
Santas last words echoed through the night,
Merry Christmas to all and to Rudolph...
Polaris Rules!
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