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Checkpoint Answers Test 4 Chapters 13, 14, 15 Chapter 13 Checkpoint 1 1. How does the circulatory system provide protection for the body? A. prevents blood loss ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Checkpoint Answers

Checkpoint Answers
  • Test 4
  • Chapters 13, 14, 15

Chapter 13 Checkpoint 1
  • 1. How does the circulatory system provide
    protection for the body? A. prevents blood loss
    through clottingB. leukocytes fight
    infectionC. provides the body's immunityD. All
    of the choices are correct
  • 2. Blood is composed of formed elements and
    plasma. (T/F)
  • 3. The "buffy coat" is made up of thrombocytes
    and leukocytes. (T/F)
  • 4. How much blood does the average-sized adult
    have?  5 liters
  • 5. Having no nucleus, a biconcave shape, and the
    function of gas transport would describe a(n)

Checkpoint 2
  • 1. The heart is made up of right and left
    _atria__ and __ventricles___.
  • 2. The pathway of blood form the heart to the
    lungs and back to the heart is the _pulmonary_
  • 3. The mitral valve is one of the two semilunar
    valves. F
  • 4. The first heart sound is produced by the ____A
    V_____ valves closing.
  • 5. Heart murmurs can be caused by a hole in the
    interatrial septum, called a _septal_ _defect__.

Checkpoint 3
  • 1. Systole refers to the _contraction_ of the
    heart.  Diastole refers to the _relaxation_ of
    the heart.
  • 2 What part of the heart's conduction system acts
    as the primary pacemaker? A. SA node B. AV
    nodeC. Bundle of His D. Purkinje fibers
  • 3. The _AV bundle_ conducts impulses from the AV
    node to branches which lead to the Purkinje
  • 4. The T wave of the ECG represents _ventricular
    _ _repolarization__.
  • 5. The P wave of an ECG represents __atrial__

Checkpoint 4
  • 1. What are the three coats that comprise the
    walls of arteries and veins?
  • tunica intima (interna), tunica media, tunica
  • 2. Which vessels are most important for
    controlling resistance to blood flow? arterioles
  • 3. What assists venous return? Skeletal muscle
    pump, respiratory pump
  • 4. What are the 3 types of capillaries?
  • A. continuous
  • B. discontinuous
  • C. fenestrated

Checkpoint 5
  • 1. Cardiac rates slower than 60 beats per minute
    indicate bradycardia. 
  • 2. Cardiac rates faster than 100 beats per minute
    indicate tachycardia. 
  • 3. _________ AV node block occurs when the rate
    of impulse conduction through the AV node exceeds
    0.20 second. A. First-degree B. Second-degreeC
    . Third-degree D. Fourth-degree
  • 4. Which of the following is true of
    atherosclerosis? A. It is most likely an
    inflammatory disease.B. Blood C-reactive protein
    levels are better predictors than LDL cholesterol
    levels.C. Antioxidants may be used to prevent or
    treat it.D. All of the choices are correct.

Checkpoint 6
  • 1. The thoracic duct drains lymph into the left
    subclavian vein. 
  • 2. Which of the following is NOT a lymphatic
    organ? A. tonsils B. lymph nodesC. thymus D
    . spleen
  • 3. Lymphatic vessels form a complete, closed
    circuit around the body. False

Chapter 14 Checkpoint 1
  • 1. Cardiac output is equal to heart rate x stroke
  • 2. The effect of acetylcholine binding to its
    receptors in the heart is a heart rate (increase/
  • 3. Norepinephrine is released from sympathetic
    nerves, causing heart rate to increase. 
  • 4. The volume of blood in the ventricles at the
    end of diastole is known as the end diastolic
  • 5. According to the Frank-Starling Law of the
    heart, as contraction strength increases the
    stroke volume (increases/ decreases)
  • 6. Venous return is increased by all of the
    following EXCEPT A. exhalation.B. the skeletal
    muscle pump.C. hypertension.D. sympathetic
    stimulation of the veins.

Checkpoint 2
  • 1. Edema may result from (increased/ decreased)
    plasma protein concentrations. 
  • 2. Hydrostatic pressure is (higher/lower) and
    colloid osmotic pressure is (higher/lower) at the
    arterial end of a capillary. 
  • 3. Aldosterone is a steroid hormone secreted by
    the adrenal cortex which stimulates salt
    reabsorption in the kidneys. 
  • 4. Blood volume would be increased
    by A. decreased vasopressin secretion.B. decreas
    ed aldosterone secretion.C. increased renin
    secretion.D. increased atrial natriuretic factor

Checkpoint 3
  • 1. For blood to flow, there must be a pressure
    difference in different parts of the vascular
    system. (T/F)
  • 2. A decrease in total peripheral resistance
    would cause blood flow to (increase/decrease).
  • 3. Sympathetic stimulation of cholinergic fibers
    in the arterioles of skeletal muscle will
    produce A. vasoconstriction. B. vasodilation.
    C. no effect.
  • 4. Parasympathetic stimulation of arterioles is a
    major contributor to total peripheral
    resistance. (T/F)

Checkpoint 4
  • 1. During exercise, all of the following occur
    EXCEPT A. increased stroke volume.B. increased
    cardiac rate.C. shunting of blood from visceral
    organs to skeletal muscle and heart.D. increased
    vasoconstriction of coronary arteries.
  • 2. Cardiovascular changes resulting from moderate
    exercise include A. increased total peripheral
    resistance.B. increased blood flow to the
    skin.C. increased visceral blood
    flow.D. decreased stroke volume.
  • 3. Resistance in cerebral blood vessels is
    decreased by hypoventilation.  (T/F)
  • 4. End-diastolic volume is decreased during
    exercise because of the increased heart rate. 

Checkpoint 5
  • 1. Myogenic regulation in the brain helps keep
    cerebral blood flow constant despite changes in
    systemic blood pressure. (T/F)
  • 2. In response to increased internal temperature
    blood flow to the skin will A. increase.B. decr
    ease.C. remain unchanged.
  • 3. Astrocytes play an important role in
    regulation of blood flow in the brain.  (T/F)

Checkpoint 6
  • 1. Arterial blood pressure is influenced
    by A. vasoconstriction. B. cardiac
    rate.C. cardiac output. D. All of the choices
    are correct.
  • 2. Which blood vessels have the highest
    cross-sectional area? capillaries
  • 3. Inhibition of the baroreceptor reflex would
    not allow for proper regulation of all
    but A. cardiac rate. B. stroke
    volume.C. respiratory rate. D. blood pressure.
  • 4. Which of the following is NOT a result of
    stimulation of atrial stretch receptors? A. stimu
    lates reflex tachycardia B. increased secretion
    of ANPC. decreased water excretion D. inhibitio
    n of ADH
  • 5. The mean arterial pressure of a person with a
    blood pressure of 128/68 would be 88.

Checkpoint 7
  • 1. Primary hypertension results as a complication
    of another disease. F
  • 2. An adult with a blood pressure of 130/95 would
    have mild hypertension. T
  • 3. A person with a decreased blood pressure,
    rapid pulse, and cold clammy skin would be
    suffering from hypovolemic shock.
  • 4. Dangerously low blood pressure that results
    from infection is septic shock.

Chapter 15 Checkpoint 1
  • 1. The two categories of immune defensive
    mechanisms are innate (non-specific and acquired
  • 2. Neutrophils and monocytes are able to leave
    the blood and enter tissues via diapedesis. (T/F)
  • 3. Which of the following is involved in specific
    immunity? A. mucus B. macrophagesC. neutrophil
    s D. lymphocytes
  • 4. Interferons A. stimulate viral
    replication. B. provide humoral
    immunity.C. provide nonspecific
    immunity. D. are produced by viruses.
  • 5. B lymphocytes are responsible for
    cell-mediated immunity. (T/F) 
  • 6. The characteristic symptoms of local
    inflammation include redness, warmth, swelling,
    pain, and pus. (T/F)

Checkpoint 2
  • 1. Antigens are used to induce a passive immune
    response. F
  • 2. Allergic reactions could be minimized if the
    synthesis of immunoglobulin IgE was blocked. 
  • 3. Antibodies cause direct destruction of
    antigens and pathogenic organisms. F
  • 4. Opsonization is the ability of antibodies and
    complements to enhance phagocytosis.
  • 5. Complement fragments stimulate all of the
    following EXCEPT A. chemotaxis. B. opsonizatio
    n.C. histamine release. D. antibody

Checkpoint 3
  • 1. T lymphocytes mature in the thymus.
  • 2. Inhibiting the actions of helper T lymphocytes
    may impair humoral immunity. (T/F)
  • 3. Helper T cell activation occurs more readily
    if the antigen presenting cells
    are A. dendritic cells and macrophages.B. macro
    phages and mast cells.C. B and T
    lymphocytes.D. neutrophils and basophils.
  • 4. Tissue transplants should have matching MHC
    molecules to prevent rejection in the host.
  • 5. The binding of FAS and its FAS ligand will
    trigger A. interferon release. B. T lymphocyte
    activation.C. antibody production. D. T
    lymphocyte apoptosis.

Checkpoint 4
  • 1. Immunological memory is responsible for the
    rapid secondary response to an antigen. (T/F)
  • 2. The secondary immune response occurs faster,
    is stronger, and lasts longer than the primary
    immune response. 
  • 3. The clonal selection of B lymphocytes A. occur
    s due to the previous response of an individual
    to an antigen.B. results in the development of
    plasma and memory cells.C. results in an
    attenuated response the second time an individual
    is exposed to the antigen.D. All of the choices
    are correct.
  • 4. Colostrum provides infants with passive

Checkpoint 5
  • 1. Benign tumors grow rapidly and can be
    dispersed throughout the body. (T/F)
  • 2. What substance released by NK cells and
    cytotoxic T cells destroys the DNA of an infected
    cell? A. perforinB. interleukin-1C. interferon
    D. granzyme
  • 3. The incidences of cancer decrease with aging.

Checkpoint 6
  • 1. Autoimmune diseases include Grave's disease,
    myasthenia gravis, and rheumatic fever. (T/F)
  • 2. Abnormal T cell response results in delayed
    hypersensitivity with the secretion
    of A. histamine. B. lymphokines.C. interleuki
    n. D. antibodies.
  • 3. Which is true of immediate hypersensistivity
    reactions? A. B cells are involved.B. IgE
    antibodies are the immune effectors.C. Antihistia
    mines can be used to treat them.D. All of the
    choices are correct
  • 4. Immediate hypersensitivity is mediated by
    ________, while delayed hypersensitivity is
    mediated by ___________. A. T lymphocytes,
    antibodies B. histamine, leukotrienesC. antibod
    ies, T lymphocytes D. histamine, haptens
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