Title: Unix ??
1Unix ??
2Unix-like System
- Linux
- FreeBSD
- Solaris
- Mac OS X
- Login in tools
- Putty / pietty
- Editor
- ee(Easy Editor)
- vi
- FTP tools
- WinSCP
- FileZilla Client
4How to use putty/pietty?
- Putty
- http//www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/sgtatham/putty/
download.html - Pietty
- http//www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/piaip/pietty/
5Login in
- the default for SSH service is port 22
- bsd1.cs.nctu.edu.tw bsd5.cs.nctu.edu.tw
- linux1.cs.nctu.edu.tw linux6.cs.nctu.edu.tw
6Unix-like command - Shell
- Command
- ls - list directory contents
- mkdir - make directories
- rm - remove files or directories
- cd - change directory
- man - format and display the on-line manual pages
Reference http//www.csie.nctu.edu.tw/tsaiwn/cou
- BSD only
- Start ee ee ltinput filenamegt
- Usage
- edit mode like notepad
- ESC-ENTER save/exit
- Vi editor have two modes
- Command mode
- Edit mode
- start vi
- vi ltfilenamegt
Command mode
Edit mode
Insert Delete Replace Copy .....
Command mode
Exit Edit mode
Reference http//www.csie.nctu.edu.tw/tsaiwn/cou
- Add new account
- ?????????
- Port 22
10FTP - FileZilla
- ???????
- ????
- ????(??)
11Fork thread ??
- fork - create a new process
- The new process (child process) shall be an exact
copy of the calling process (parent process) - The child process shall have a unique process
ID(different parent process ID). - The return value in the child is 0,whereas the
return value in the parent is the process ID of
the new child. - It return only -1 when fork failed.
13fork() - example1
gcc fork1.c -o fork1 ./fork1 1 16444
my child is 16445 I am child! ps PID TTY
TIME CMD 16212 pts/18 000000
tcsh 16444 pts/18 000005 fork1 16445 pts/18
000005 fork1 16446 pts/18 000000 ps
killall -v fork1 Killed fork1(16444) with signal
15 Killed fork1(16445) with signal 15 1
Terminated ./fork1
- include ltstdio.hgt
- includeltstdlib.hgt
- include ltunistd.hgt
- int main(void)
- pid_t pid
- pid fork()
- switch (pid)
- case -1 printf("failure!\n") break
- case 0 printf("I am child!\n") break
- default printf("my child is d\n",pid) break
- for () / do something here /
14fork() example2
- include ltstdio.hgt
- includeltstdlib.hgt
- include ltunistd.hgt
- int main(void)
- pid_t pid
- pid fork()
- if (pidgt0)
- printf("my child is d\n",pid)
- printf("daemon on duty!\n")
- / do something here /
- exit(0)
- else if (pidlt0)
- printf("Can't fork!\n")
- exit(-1)
- for ()
- printf("I am the daemon!\n")
gcc fork2.c -o fork2 ./fork2 1 16423 my
child is 36845 daemon on duty! I am the daemon! I
am the daemon! (loop)
Open a new window to kill it killall -v
fork2 Or Direct input in the window to kill
it Hint we can use copy-paste to do it
killall -v fork2
- Light weight process
- Share resources
- Own private data
- Synchronization
16Pthread API
- int pthread_create(pthread_t thread, const
pthread_attr_t attr, void (start_routine)(void
), void arg) - create a new thread with given attributes
- int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void
status) - suspend caller until thread argument ends
- void pthread_exit(void status)
- terminate calling thread
- int pthread_equal(pthread_t t1, pthread_t t2)
- test if two thread IDs are to same thread
- int pthread_cancel(pthread_t thread)
- start cleanup and termination of given thread
- int pthread_kill(pthread_t thread, int sig)
- send given signal to specified thread
- pthread_t pthread_self(void)
- return ID of calling thread
17Pthread API cont.
- pthread_mutex_destroy()
- destroy a mutex
- pthread_mutex_init()
- initialise a mutex
- pthread_mutex_lock()
- get mutex lock blocking while already locked
- pthread_mutex_trylock()
- try to get mutex lock, fail if already locked
- pthread_mutex_unlock()
- release lock on a mutex
18How to create Pthread in unix-like OS?
- Linux, BSD, Salorisetc
- Include
- include ltpthread.hgt
- Command line
- g threads.cpp -lpthread -o threads
19pthread() example1
- includeltpthread.hgt
- includeltstdio.hgt
- include ltunistd.hgt
- define NUM_THREADS 5
- void PrintHello(void )
- int main (int argc, char argv)
- pthread_t threadsNUM_THREADS
- int rc , t
- for(t0tltNUM_THREADSt)
- printf("In main creating thread d\n", t)
- rc pthread_create(threadst , NULL ,
PrintHello , (void )t) - usleep(1000)
- if(rc)
void PrintHello(void threadid) int tid
((int )threadid) printf("Hello World! thread
d\n", tid) pthread_exit(NULL)
20pthread() example1 cont.
- g threads1.cpp -o threads1 -lpthread
- ./thread1
- In main creating thread 0
- Hello World! thread 0
- In main creating thread 1
- Hello World! thread 1
- In main creating thread 2
- Hello World! thread 2
- In main creating thread 3
- Hello World! thread 3
- In main creating thread 4
- Hello World! thread 4
21pthread() example2
void doSomething(void arg) for ()
int tmp ((int )arg) cout ltlt tmp
cout.flush() sleep(tmp) return NULL
- include ltiostreamgt
- include ltpthread.hgt
- using namespace std
- void doSomething(void arg)
- int main()
- int tmp11, tmp22
- pthread_t t1
- if ( pthread_create(t1, NULL, doSomething,
(int )tmp1) ! 0 ) - cout ltlt "pthread_create() error" ltlt endl
- exit(-1)
- doSomething((int )tmp2)
22pthread() example2 cont.
- g threads2.cpp -o threads2 -lpthread
- ./thread2
- 211211211211211(loop)
241-1 try to use fork() and Pthread
- Just rand() two global integer between 110,
then add them up - VER. Fork create a child process, then child
rand() int1, parent rand() int2, child add up
int1 and int2(YES! communication between
process!) - VER. Thread create two threads, thread1 rand()
int1,then sleep(int1), thread2 rand() int2, then
sleep(int2) then main process add up int1 and
251-2 producer and consumer
- ?????GLOBAL?BUFFER,????queue(???FIFO???array,?????
?queue) - ??producer thread?consumer thread
- Producer?????rand()???????buffer?,??buffer????????
? - Consumer?????buffer??????,??buffer???????
- ??Producer????buffer??????,??consumer????????buffe
r??? - (??????7?3-4)
261-2 cont.
- Buffer size5
- Number of consumer and producer 12
- Simple Output
- producer(1)-producer put 208 in buffer0
- producer(2)-producer put 142 in buffer1
- consumer(1)-consumer get 208 in buffer0 is
- producer(3)-producer put 66 in buffer2
- producer(4)-producer put 241 in buffer3
- producer(5)-producer put 164 in buffer4
- consumer(2)-consumer get 142 in buffer1
- producer(6)-producer put 7 in buffer0 ..
271-2 cont.
- includeltstdio.hgt
- includeltpthread.hgt
- include lttime.hgt
- define BUFFER_SIZE 5
- int bufferBUFFER_SIZE
- void consumer(void argv)
- for (int num0numlt12num)
- sleep(rand()10)
- //write here
- void producer(void argv)
- for (int num0numlt12num)
- sleep(rand()5)
- //write here
- int main()
- int errno
28Q A