Title: Models of the Atom
1Models of the Atom
- Rutherford, Bohr, De Broglie and Quantum Physics
2Nature of Electrons
- Originally called cathode rays
- Reversing magnet shows that they are charged
3Plum Pudding Model(Thompson - 1890s)
Positively charged material
4Rutherford Experiment (1911)
Alpha Particle is 2n2p or helium nucleus
5Another View
6Results of Rutherford Experiment
- Most alpha particles pass through undeflected
- Conclusion atom is mostly empty space
- Some deflected at very large angles, even
backward - Conclusionpositive charge is concentrated in a
small region of atom - Animation
7Rutherfords Planetary Model of Hydrogen Atom
Size of nucleus 10-15 m
Size of atom 10-10 m
8Two problems
- Stability
- Continuous spectrum not seen
9Atomic Spectra
- Observe with gas discharge tube
- Glow due to accelerated
- electrons striking atoms in low
- pressure gas and exciting them
- Light from tube found to
- contain discrete wavelengths
10Spectrometer Set Up
11Emission Spectrum
- Use diffraction grating or prism spectrometer to
see - Compare to white light spectrum(continuous)
Graphics courtesy of Science Joy Wagon Physics
12A high school teacher named Balmer found that
these wavelengths obeyed a 1/n2 rule
Shows visible portion of spectrum
Divide by 10 to get nanometers
Shows Energy of emitted photons
14One Formula Fits All(but no one knew why it
- Each observed wavelength described by
- 1/l R (1/n2 1/n2)
- n 1 for Lyman, n 2 for Balmer,
- n 3 for Paschen
- R Rydberg Constant 1.097 x 107 m-1
15Rutherford Model Could Not Explain
- Why atoms emit line spectra
- Why atom is stable. Accelerated electrons should
emit radiation with increasing frequency as they
spiral into atom. - Spectra should be continuous.
16Bohr Model
- Atom has discrete energy levels - states
- Electrons move in orbits without radiating energy
- Light quanta (photons) emitted when electrons
jump from state to state - hf Eu - El
17Bohr Balmer Connection
- Bohrs theory agrees with Balmer if electron
angular momentum quantized - L mvrn n h/2p
- n 1, 2, 3,
- rn is radius of nth possible orbit
18Bohr Theory for Hydrogen Atom
- Electron and Nucleus held together by Coulomb
force - Predicts r1 0.529 x 10-10 m as radius of
smallest oribit in hydrogen (Bohr Radius) - Leads to Lyman, Balmer, Paschen formulae
- En -13.6 eV/n2
- Ground state has most negative energy
- Excited states have higher(more positive) energy
19Bohrs Derivation
- F ma
- kZe2/ (rn) 2 mv2 /rn
- Mvrn nh/2p
- rn n2h2/(4p2mkZe2)
- En ½ mv2 kZe2/rn -2p2Z2e4mk2/n2h2
- En - 13.6/n2
20Bohr Radii
- Ground state has smallest radius
- Excited states have larger radii
- r n2 r1
- Changes in level are
- called atomic transitions
21Bohr Energy Levels for Hydrogen Atom
n En -13.6 eV/n2
1 -13.6 eV
2 -3.40 eV
3 -1.51 eV
4 -0.85 eV
22Ionized atom, positive continuous energies,
electron free
E 0
E -1.5 eV
E -3.4 eV
E-13.6 eV
Ground state
23Emission vs. Absorption of Photon Energy
- Emission- atom drops to lower states
- Random and spontaneous process
- Absorption atom rises to higher states. Only
photons of just the right energy can be absorbed -
24Question If you shine a light on a gas do you
- Absorption?
- Emission?
- Both?
25Ionization Energy
- Minimum energy to kick electron out of ground
state - 13.6 eV for hydrogen atom
- Can supplied by heating or collision
26Find the Wavelength
- What is the wavelength in the transition from n2
to n1?
hf E2 E1 13.6 eV 3.40 eV 10.2 eV
l c/f hc/(E2 E1) (6.63x10-34
J-S)(3.00x108 m/s)/(10.2 eV)(1.6 x 10-19 J/eV)
1.22 x 10-7 m or 122 nm
What kind of light is this?
Ans. Ultra Violet
27De Broglie Waves in Atoms
- Why should orbits be quantized a la Bohr?
- De Broglie wave is associated with electron l
h/mv - Only orbits that correspond to standing waves can
persist - Circumference must contain whole number of
28Standing Circular Waves
- 2prn nl n 1, 2, 3
- But l h/mv
- 2prn nh/mv
- or mvrn nh/2p
- This was Bohrs quantization condition
- Implies wave-particle duality at root of atomic
structure -
29Limitations of Bohr Theory
- Could not explain spectra of other than hydrogen
atoms - Could not explain why emission lines are double,
triple or more - Could not explain why some lines brighter than
others - Could not explain how atoms bond
- Mixed classical and quantum ideas
30Quantum Mechanics
- Next step after Bohr in explaining atomic physics
- Explains details of spectra
- Gives classical(correct) results for larger
objects - Based on Wave functions, probability and
Schrodinger equation - Modern theory called quantum electrodynamics.
31Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- Accuracy of some measurements is inherently
limited by nature - To observe is to interfere
- We cannot measure the momentum and position of an
object precisely at the same time - The energy of an object may be uncertain(or even
non-conserved) for a small time
32Probability vs Determinism
- On sub-atomic scale nature is probabilistic not
deterministic - Certain paths and events knowable only in terms
of probability - Electrons form cloud around atom called
probability distribution
33Quantum Numbers Determine State of Atom
- Principle quantum number-from Bohr theory
- Orbital quantum number-related to angular
momentum - Magnetic quantum number-related to direction of
electrons angular momentum - Spin quantum number
34Pauli Exclusion Principle
- No two electrons in an atom can occupy the same
state - Cant have exactly the same quantum numbers
- Helps determine patterns of regularities in
Periodic Table of Elements(explained by quantum