Satire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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You will never forget it Few people who read Swift s Modest Proposal ever forget it. Because it touches such deep psychic nerves, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Satire

  • What are examples of satire that come to your

  • It is a genre of COMEDY that is directed at
    ridiculing human foibles and vices, such as
    vanity, hypocrisy, stupidity, and greed.
  • It differs from pure comedy in that the aim is
    not simply to evoke laughter, but to expose and
    censure such faults, often with the aim of
    correcting them.
  • The target of the satire may vary.

Another definition
  • A writing designed to make readers criticize
    themselves, society, human foolishness and
    weakness, human vices and crimes, or anything the
    writer is dissatisfied about in general in an
    attempt to bring about some sort of change.

Satires can target an individual
  • In some works, it is a particular individual, as
    in a Simpsons episode - it is directed at a
    contemporary president, George Bush, whom Matt
    Goering depicts as too strict and up-tight.

Satires can target a group or set of people.
  • An example of this is the satire against the
    members of the American military establishment in
    Joseph Hellers Catch-22 (1961).
  • A satire against an institution, such as
    totalitarianism in George Orwells Animal Farm

Satires can even aim at the whole of humanity
  • For example, Book IV of Jonathan Swifts
    Gullivers Travels (1726). That section of the
    novel is set on an imaginary island, which is
    inhabited by two radically opposed species the
    brutish Yahoos, who have the outward form of
    human beings, and their masters, the Houyhnhnms,
    talking horses who embody the humane intelligence
    that the Yahoos entirely lack.

Direct Satire also called formal satire
  • In direct satire, the FIREST-PERSON NARRATOR
    addresses a specific audience. either the reader
    or an invented listener, whom he or she expects
    will sympathize with the views expressed.
  • Direct satire is the oldest and, historically,
    most common form of satiric writing.

Comedians like direct satire
  • Because explicit satire is more efficient, it is
    the kind most likely to be presented by

Indirect satire
  • Indirect satire or informal satire, the usual
    mode of ridicule in stories, poems, plays or
    novels, is not cast in the form of a direct
    address to the audience.
  • Rather, the indictment of the characters vices
    and lies is implied by simply representing their
    thoughts and actions.
  • Sometimes that presentation is helped by the

Turn to your partner and analyze the satire in
this poem.
  • By the time you swear youre his,
  • Shivering and sighing,
  • And he vows his passion is
  • Infinite, undying
  • Lady, make a note of this
  • One of you is lying.
  • -Dorothy Parker, Unfortunate Coincidence

Two types of Satire
  • Although satire began with the plays of
    Aristophanes, the main founders of the form were
    two Roman poets, Horace (65-68 B.C.E.) and
    Juvenal (c. 65 c. 135 C.E.). Each wrote a
    distinctive type of satire that has given its
    name to and inspired the two major categories of
    subsequent satiric works.

Horatian Satire is gentle
  • Gentle and humorous satire is called Horatian
    Satire after the writing style of the Roman
    poet Horace.
  • Horatian satire is tolerant and urbane,
    indulgently mocking faults with the aim of
    evoking wry amusement rather than repulsion or
    indignation in the audience
  • Characterized by playful mockery, a
    conversational and often gently instructive tone,
    and easily accessible language

Horatian Satire
  • Horatian satire places more emphasis on the
    comedic aspects, but this does not mean that it
    can not incorporate biting social commentary
    quite the opposite, in fact. The Horatian
    technique employs subtlety instead of resorting
    to a direct attack, prompting some to accuse the
    Horatian tone of an excess of tolerance.

Mark Twain used Horatian Satire throughout
Huckleberry Finn
  • " Humor must not professedly teach, and it must
    not professedly preach, but it must do both if it
    would live forever.
  • Humor is mankinds greatest blessing.

Example of Mrs. Watson
  • And she took snuff, too of course that was all
    right because she done it herself.
  • Turn to your partner, who or what is Twain

Another example
  • The idea of Emmeline keeping a scrapbook filled
    with obituaries and accidents and cases of
    patient suffering  is not what a normal girl her
    age would do. 
  • Here Twain pokes fun at the preoccupation with
    death in the mawkish drawings and bathetic verse
    of an adolescent would-be poet.

More examples
  • Lois Lowrys prize-winning childrens book The
    Giver is of Horatian Satire, as is George
    Orwells Animal Farm.
  • These books both have anti-totalitarian messages.
  • But because Animal Farm comes closer to being
    Horatian satire with its nostalgic barnyard and
    its lovable set of farm animals, when it was
    first submitted to American publishers they
    missed the point and turned it down saying the
    prospective market for animal stories was too

Juvenalian satire is harsh
  • It is censorious, bitterly condemning vices and
    foibles and inciting the audience to feelings of
    indignation and even disgust.
  • An example is Mark Twains Puddnhead Wilson, an
    acerbic denunciation of the injustices of

Juvenalian satire
  • Characterized by biting sarcasm, bitter irony,
    moral indignation, pessimism, and an antagonistic
  • The object of Juvenalian satire is most often a
    specific person or social institution (as opposed
    to satirizing human folly in general), sometimes
    thinly cloaked in the guise of fiction or
  • The Juvenalian satirist treads a fine line
    between satire and tirade.
  • When successful, Juvenalian satire is a witty,
    clever condemnation of humanity's flaws. When
    unsuccessful, it resembles an extended whine that
    may prompt the reader to wonder what crawled up
    the author's rear and died.

Jonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal if the most
famous Juvevalian satire.
  • In this satire, Swift denounces the exploitation
    of Catholic peasants in his native Ireland by
    absentee British landlords, who were indifferent
    to the suffering they were causing and who were
    abetted by the apathy of the British Parliament
    and monarchy.

You will never forget it
  • Few people who read Swifts Modest Proposal
    ever forget it. Because it touches such deep
    psychic nerves, it illustrates the satirists
    major tool, which is playing with the emotions of
    readers or listeners.

  • The satirist often assumes the persona of the
    unblemished, morally superior critic who is
    beyond reproach, and as such, is uniquely
    qualified to deliver a crushing blow to whatever
    target happens to draw his or her ire.

Range of Satire Continuum HORATIAN
................... JUVENALIAN (gentle)
................... INDIRECT (little or no
ironic diction) (much ironic diction) TARGET -
TOPICAL ................... UNIVERSAL (short-live
d, current) (long-lived)
  • Satire has a long history and occurs across
    genres ranging from Aesops fables and Shel
    Silversteins poetry to Art Buchwalds newspaper
    columns and Paul Krassners newsletter The
  • It also includes political and social cartoons,
    such television programs as late-night talk shows
    and The Colbert Report, such movies as Wag the
    Dog and The Truman Show, and such novels as C.S.
    Lewiss Screwtape Letters and Aldous Huxleys
    Brave New World.

Questions to ask when considering a satire
  • Who or what is the target?
  • What weapon (comedy technique) is being used?
  • Who might not understand this satire and why?
  • Who might be offended by this satire?

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