Welcome to Kindergarten - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to Kindergarten


Welcome to Kindergarten s Back To School Night! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to Kindergarten

Welcome to Kindergartens Back To School Night!
Let Us Introduce Our Kindergarten Curriculum
  • 1ST Main Goal is to implement and support book
    skills through word and letter identification, an
    understanding of spaces, the front and back of
    the book, and punctuation
  • 2nd Main Goal is to support word analysis and
    decoding where students are sounding out words,
    putting letters together to form whole words and
    meaning behind the words
  • 3rd Main Goal is to provide solid vocabulary
    experiences where the students are practicing and
    understanding opposites, prefixes, suffixes,
    color and sight words

  • To ensure your student the best reading success,
    we focus on
  • 1. Fluency- which is how smooth your child
    reads, speed and accuracy when your child is
  • 2. Comprehension- the ability to understand the
    meaning behind the written text

  • We use a variety of approaches to reach our
    reading goals. We do this using
  • 1. Sight Words- through activities, games,
    reading in texts and memory work
  • 2. Phonemic Awareness- hearing sounds in words
    (hearing rhyming words, hearing different parts
    in words)
  • 3. Phonics- learning to associate written
    letters with sounds (we do this through games,
    activities, puzzles, and paper work)

  • Q. How do you teach reading?
  • A. We teach reading in whole groups and small
    leveled groups.
  • We do this by using teaching methods called
    Shared Reading and Guided Reading.
  • Shared Reading is a powerful way to engage our
    students in literary concepts, such as setting,
    characters, plot, action, and comprehension.
  • Shared Reading takes place in a whole group
    setting where we read a big book or a theme-based
    library book. The students have the opportunity
    to make connections, I wonder statements,
    predictions, and opinions.
  • Guided Reading is a strategy that helps students
    become good readers. The teacher provides support
    for small groups of readers as they learn to use
    various reading strategies (context clues, letter
    and sound relationships, word structure, and so
    forth). We differentiate our teaching to reach
    each individual students reading needs and
  • Q. What is your reading curriculum called?
  • A. We use the Hampton-Brown Reading Series to
    support our journey through letters and sounds.
    We also use supplemental series.

  • Q. How can I help to support my child in their
    reading development?
  • A. While you are driving to the store, point out
    words, have kids find letters or sounds or read
    words on signs. While you are at home, let your
    child find easy words in books, newspapers, on
    cereal boxes, or in magazines, such as I, a, the
    is. Read to your child daily and when we begin to
    check out library books or your child brings home
    their book bag, read with your child and/or have
    your child read their books to you!

  • Word Work/Phonics, Word Building through games,
    puzzles, activities
  • Work on writing letters and sounds
  • Work on sight words
  • We are implementing The Handwriting Without Tears
    Program along with Lucy Calkins Writing Program

  • Math Goals shapes, patterns, number recognition
    to 30, number writing to 30, adding, subtracting
    to 10, measuring, ordinal numbers, telling time,
    and money
  • We teach these skills through hands-on activities
    and games where the students develop a concrete
    approach to math with the use of manipulatives
    and math strategies. We introduce a concept, then
    we practice the skill or concept, the students
    have the time to have hands-on experiences with
    the concept, and then we follow up with a written
    activity page.

  • Everyday Math is the Math program we use. This
    program spirals , which means it introduces then
    reviews the same concepts throughout the year.
  • The program focuses on the following problem
    solving, hands-on activities, sharing ideas,
    cooperative learning, practice through games,
    on-going review, daily routines, and informal

  • We integrate much of our social studies and
    science themes into our literacy block, our math
    time and through arts and craft activities. We
    also introduce the basic scientific method
    through our Science Boot Camp and Science Fair.
  • Social Studies Units include
  • Wants vs. Needs
  • Basic Map and Globe Skills
  • All About Me
  • My Family
  • Traditions
  • Celebrations around the World and in the United
  • Patriotic Symbols
  • Science Units include
  • Seasons
  • Living/Nonliving
  • Night Sky
  • Weather
  • Baby Animals/ Growing, Changing

KED Daily Schedule
Half Day Schedule
  • The Laura Ingalls Wilder School website can be
    accessed through the Littleton Public Schools
    website littletonpublicschools.net or direct
    access at http.wilder.littletonpublicschools.net.
  • At these sites you will find pertinent
    information about school-wide events and answers
    to curriculum questions. You might want to refer
    to it to keep track of the days your child
    attends, when class parties are held, when
    vacation and non-student days are and all other
    important school information.

  • There are special all-school party days!!
  • The Halloween parties will be held Friday,
    October 31, from 230-330. Mrs. Swanks
    morning class will have their party from
  • Our Valentines party will be held on Friday,
    February 13 from 230-330. Again, Mrs. Swanks
    morning class will have their party from
  • Room mothers and their committees usually plan,
    organize and run these very special days.

  • Mark your calendars now!
  • Our Kindergarten Program will be on Thursday,
    April 30 at 700 p.m.
  • Our Cowboy Day will be Thursday, January 29 from
  • Field Day for all kindergartners will be held on
    Thursday, May 7 from 930-1145.
  • Our Authors Afternoon and Picnic will be held
    immediately following Field Day, Thursday, May 7.

  • We love to celebrate birthdays or half-birthdays
    (for summer birthdays) at school.
  • Your child may bring a treat to share with his
    classmates. Please have enough for 25 students.
  • Also, please send napkins and make sure your
    treat arrives either in the morning or by 130
    p.m. as we like to enjoy our treats during our
    recess times. You are certainly welcome to stay
    during our short celebration.

  • In kindergarten each child will be honored with a
    Me Day on one Friday. Your child is encouraged
    to bring in a poster board that he/she has
    decorated with personal pictures.
  • Some ideas of what to include are
  • recent pictures
  • baby pictures
  • family pictures
  • sports, dance or any favorite pictures
  • pet pictures
  • vacation pictures
  • A favorite book or toy can also be brought in to
    share. Your child will give a short presentation
    of his poster and then the poster will be
    displayed in our classroom until the following
  • Also, our class bear (along with his journal)
    will be coming home with your child for the
    weekend. Please take some time with your child
    to write about our bears adventures at your home
    and return the bear and journal on Monday.

  • Kindergartners will bring home a newsletter every
    month. It will be printed on brightly colored
    paper for those who request a hard copy.
    Otherwise, we will e-mail our newsletters. The
    newsletters help to keep you up to date on
    everything that is happening in kindergarten!
  • If you need to communicate with either of us,
    please call the appropriate voice mail number
  • Melissa Crouch303-734-5923
  • Carol Riscoe--303-734-5947
  • Susan Swank303-734-5951
  • Email addresses
  • mcrouch_at_lps.k12.co.us
  • criscoe_at_lps.k12.co.us
  • sswank_at_lps.k12.co.us
  • If you need to get a message to us during
    teaching hours, please call the office at
    303-347-4750. We also would like to have an email
    list from the parents. If you would like to give
    us an email address, please do so in the
    classrooms this evening.

  • Volunteers are always welcome in our kindergarten
    whether youre here working with children, making
    instructional materials at home, gathering up
    donations, making scenery for a program,
    chaperoning on a field trip or any one of a
    hundred things you do for us.
  • For those wishing to work in the classroom,
    please sign up for those days for which you wish
    to volunteer through December on the calendars in
    our classrooms. Please do this tonight or give
    us a call to add your name to the list.
  • We plan our activities according to the number of
    adults we have in the classroom so PLEASE come
    for the time you have chosen. If a conflict
    arises please let us know as soon in advance as

  • Once a month your child will bring home
    Scholastic book orders. Books offered are age
    appropriate and reasonably priced. If you are
    interested in purchasing any books, order forms
    must be turned back in to the teacher by the due
    date. Please make checks payable to the
    appropriate book company.

  • Many times during the year we make a photographic
    record of our trips and learning activities. We
    will be using the schools digital camera on many
    of these occasions. However, we need to print
    these pictures at places like Target or Costco,
    so the printing can get rather expensive. If you
    would like to help us print a group of these,
    please let us know.

QUESTIONS????????? Please call.
  • A few reminders about school procedures
  • If you are late in the morning, please check in
    with the office, so that we know your child is
  • If you are taking your child early, you must sign
    them out in the front office.
  • If your child is absent please call the
    attendance line.
  • When sending in money for lunch or field trips,
    please put it in an envelope with your childs
    name on it.
  • Snacksfeel free to send in different varieties
    of snacks during the year, such as, fresh fruit,
    fruit roll-ups, etc. A good time to bring them
    might be when you come in to help.
  • AllergiesEach classroom has at least one student
    who is allergic to nuts. Please do not send in
    any snacks with nuts.
  • Please do not send toys to school. These become
    a problem when the children start trading.
    Many hurt feelings arise.
  • Also, for nap time the children just need a towel
    to rest on. Please leave the blankies and
    stuffed animals at home.
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