The Carter Administration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Carter Administration


Fund research for alternative energy sources and synthetic fuels *Three Mile Island nuclear power seemed a promising, though controversial, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Carter Administration

The Carter Administration
  • 1976 - 1980

  • James Earl (Jimmy) Carter (Dem ,GA)
  • Former Governor of Georgia
  • Washington outsider
  • Led to challenges in dealing with Congress

A. Domestic Policies
  • 1. Economic Issues
  • He inherits an unstable economy and isnt able
    to improve it
  • gtProblems include inflation, high unemployment,
    business failures, etc.
  • Stagflation rising prices coupled with high
    unemployment, largely due to recent and
    dramatic rise in oil prices

  • 2. Energy Issues
  • OPEC had been continually raising prices since
  • In 1977 Carter creates new cabinet department,
    the Department of Energy
  • Will also later create the Department of

  • In 1978 a National Energy Act is passed,
    containing following directives
  • 1.) Tax the sales of gas guzzling cars
  • 2.) Convert new utilities to fuels other than
    oil or natural gas He has solar panels
    installed at the White House
  • 3.) Deregulate prices for domestic oil and
    natural gas
  • 4.) Tax credits for homeowners using solar
    energy and for energy efficiency improvements
  • 5.) Fund research for alternative energy
    sources and synthetic fuels
  • Three Mile Island nuclear power seemed a
    promising, though controversial, alternative
    energy source and concerns were validated with
    1979 partial reactor meltdown at a nuclear power
    plant near Harrisburg, PA

gtNo one hurt, voluntary evacuations took place,
reactor later dismantled, did hurt the nuclear
power industry China Syndrome movie released 12
days before this
  • 3. Civil Rights Issues
  • Makes good on promise to grant full pardon to
    Vietnam War draft dodgers, which received mixed
  • Appoints many African Americans to important
  • Ex. Andrew Young as Ambassador to the United

  • Affirmative Action
  • gtPolicy started during Johnson Administration
    to make up for past discrimination by
    establishing hiring and University enrollment
    quotas for minorities
  • gt1974 Bakke vs California
  • - A white applicant to U.C. Davis Medical
    school is refused admission and sues the school
    claiming that reserving 16 of 100 class spaces
    for minority applicants amounted to reverse
  • - The Supreme Courts complex ruling
  • 1.) Ordered Bakke be admitted
  • 2.) Upheld schools right to consider race as
    one factor in admission decisions
  • 3.) Forbade the use of numerical quotas
  • Doesnt ban concept of affirmative action
    but does signal the start of a backlash
    against it

B. Foreign Policy
  • Little diplomatic experience prior to taking
  • Personal beliefs and support for human rights
    guide his approach

  • 1. 1978 Camp David Accords
  • Israel and neighboring Arab nations had fought
    several wars, the most recent in 1967 and 1973
  • Carter invites Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
    and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to Camp
    David, the Presidential retreat in Maryland
  • Carters personal diplomacy helps them agree to
    a peace treaty known as the Camp David Accords
  • gtIsrael would withdraw from Egypts Sinai
    peninsula, which it had held since 1967 war
  • gtEgypt became the first Arab nation to
    recognize Israels existence as a nation
  • Sadat Begin will share the Nobel Peace
    Prize for this historic agreement

  • 2. U.S. Soviet Relations
  • Détente was at a high point when Carter took
  • Ex. 1975 Apollo Soyez joint space mission
  • Carters support for human rights angers
    U.S.S.R. when he spoke in support of Soviet
    dissidents activists and writers who criticized
    their government
  • 1979 SALT II Carter and Leonid Brezhnev sign
    new treaty limiting nuclear warheads and missiles
  • However, Carter withdraws the treaty from
    Senate consideration for ratification following
    the Soviet Unions invasion of Afghanistan (to
    support a pro-soviet regime there)
  • He will also impose a boycott of the 1980
    Summer Olympics, which some 60 other nation will
  • Détente was then effectively dead and Cold War
    tensions resume

  • 3. 1979 The Iran Hostage Crisis
  • Worst foreign policy crisis of Carters
    administration (and does much to prevent Carters
  • Despite the corruption and repression of his
    regime, the U.S. had supported Irans Shah
    (king), Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, for years
  • Why? gtHe had modernized westernized Iran
  • gtHe was a reliable source for oil
  • In January 1979 an anti-western Muslim
    fundamentalist revolution breaks out in Iran by
    the supporters of the religious leader the
    Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini

  • The Shah flees Iran and Carter allows him to
    enter the U.S. to get medical attention (for
  • In Iran, outraged fundamentalists seize the
    U.S. embassy and hold 52 American hostages for
    444 days
  • Carters efforts to free the hostages included
    diplomacy, breaking diplomatic relations
    freezing Iranian assets in the U.S., and a
    commando rescue attempt that ends in disaster (in
    a desert sandstorm)
  • Khomeini was demanding the Shahs return to
    Iran for trial, but didnt release the hostages
    even after the Shah died

  • 4. The Panama Canal
  • In the early 1900s President Theodore
    Roosevelt acquires the land to build the Panama
  • As the 1900s progress many in Latin America
    resent the U.S.s presence in Panama
  • In 1978, despite bitter debate in Congress,
    Carter convinces the Senate to sign two treaties
    dealing with the canal
  • 1.) The U.S. agreed to return the canal to
    Panama by the year 2000
  • 2.) The U.S. asserted the right to take
    military action to keep the canal open in any
  • These protected American strategic interests
    (though we certainly lose money) while
    improving relations with Latin America

C. 1980 Presidential Election
  • Dems re-nominate Carter (after fending off a
    challenge from Teddy Kennedy)
  • gtDespite success in the Middle East peace
    process, the economy still struggled with
    inflation and high unemployment (7)
  • gtApproval rating was at only 21 and even
    Carter spoke of a crisis of confidence, a
    national malaise
  • Repubs nominate Ronald Reagan, Governor of
  • gtOptimistic conservative who almost gained
    nomination in 76
  • Result Reagan wins in landslide 489 to 49
    electoral votes
  • Republicans are swept into office nationwide
    on Reagans coattails
  • Carter does go on to a distinguished
    post-Presidential career as an international
    statesman, humanitarian, and 2002 Nobel Peace
    Prize winner
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