Tools for Automated Verification of Concurrent Software - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tools for Automated Verification of Concurrent Software


Eliminating Navigation Errors in Web Applications via Model Checking and Runtime Enforcement of Navigation State Machines Sylvain Halle, Taylor Ettema, Chris Bunch, and – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Tools for Automated Verification of Concurrent Software

Eliminating Navigation Errors in Web Applications
via Model Checking and Runtime Enforcement of
Navigation State Machines
Sylvain Halle, Taylor Ettema, Chris Bunch, and
Tevfik Bultan University of California, Santa
Web software
  • Web software is becoming increasingly dominant
  • Web applications are used extensively in many
  • Commerce online banking, online shopping,
  • Entertainment online music, videos,
  • Interaction social networks
  • We will rely on web applications more in the
  • Health records (Microsoft HealthVault, Google
  • Controlling and monitoring of national
    infrastructures (Google Powermeter)
  • Web software is also rapidly replacing desktop
  • cloud computing software-as-service
  • Google Docs, Google

One Major Road Block
  • Web applications are not dependable!
  • Web applications are error prone
  • Many web applications have navigation errors
    They mishandle unexpected user requests
  • Web applications are notorious for security
  • Their global accessibility makes them a target
    for many malicious users
  • As web applications are becoming increasingly
    dominant and as their use in safety critical
    areas is increasing, their dependability is
    becoming a critical issue

Web applications are error prone
  • Most web applications have navigation errors
    where an unexpected user request can cause a web
    application to
  • display cryptic error messages
  • display sensitive information that might be
    exploited by malicious users
  • execute an unintended action

A Web Application Bamboo Invoice
A Web Application Bamboo Invoice
  • At the top of the Bamboo Invoice project
    homepage, it states
  • BambooInvoice is free Open Source invoicing
    software intended for small businesses and
    independent contractors. Our number one
    priorities are ease of use, user-interface, and
    beautiful code.

Navigation errors Bamboo Invoice
Another Web Application Digitalus
Another Web Application Digitalus
  • At the top of the Digitalus project homepage, it
  • Digitalus CMS is a new kind of CMS. The focus of
    this open source project is usable software as
    opposed to endless lists of features.

Navigation errors Digitalus
Navigation errors Digitalus
How Did We Generate These Screens?
  • Not very difficult, just try to do something
  • For example
  • delete yourself
  • try to access a page that you should not have
    access to
  • See the step by step scenarios in the paper
  • The point is
  • A normal user can accidentally do these
  • A malicious user can intentionally do these

Why are web applications error prone?
  • Script-oriented programming
  • A web application consists of a collections of
  • These scripts call each other indirectly through
    interaction by the user and the browser
  • The form that one script generates has the
    address of the next script that will consume the
    user input
  • There are no systematic checks that guarantee
    that the caller and the callee agree on an
  • For example in a procedure call, the caller and
    the callee must agree on the number of arguments
    and their types
  • There is no explicit control flow identifying the
    execution order
  • The control flow is buried in the links of the
    generated html pages

Why are web applications error prone?
  • Extensive string manipulation
  • Web applications use extensive string
  • To construct html pages, to construct database
    queries in SQL, etc.
  • The user input comes in string form and must be
    validated and sanitized before it can be used
  • This requires the use of complex string
    manipulation functions such as string-replace
  • String manipulation is error prone

Why are web applications error prone?
  • Interactivity
  • User interaction is not under the control of the
  • The user can use the back button of the browser
  • The user can open multiple windows
  • The user can cut and paste the URL
  • Imagine you develop a desktop application where
    all dialog boxes and all menu items could be
    displayed by the user at any moment......regardl
    ess of whether this makes sense in the current
    state ofthe application

Why are web applications error prone?
  • Interactivity
  • Stateful interaction over stateless protocols
  • Interactions between different software
  • browser, server, back-end database
  • the need to maintain session state across these
  • One web application can be composed of many
  • Mash-ups, web services

Automated Verification to the Rescue
  • What can automated verification do for you?
  • Exhaustive state-space exploration
  • Using state space reduction techniques to enable
    exhaustive exploration of the state space of a
  • Symbolic analysis
  • Using compact symbolic representations (such as
    BDDS) to explore large sate spaces
  • Runtime verification
  • Check or enforce properties at runtime
  • Combining static and dynamic checks
  • Check as much as possible statically, for the
    rest use runtime enforcement
  • What can you do for automated verification?
  • Specify the intended behavior!

Request processing in a Web application
  • Request processing in Web applications that use
    MVC (Model View Controller) frameworks

Navigation modeling and analysis
  • We developed a simple language to specify
    navigation state machines
  • It is a state machine that shows the allowable
    sequences of controller action executions in each
    session of a web application
  • MVC frameworks typically use a hierarchical
    structure where actions are combined in the
    controllers and controllers are grouped into
  • We exploit this hierarchy to specify the
    navigation state machines as hierarchical state

Navigation state machines
  • The states of a navigation state machine are
    defined by
  • the values of the session variables,
  • the last action executed by the application
  • and the request parameters of the last action
  • We assume that this information is enough to
    figure out what are the next actions that can be
    executed by the application
  • NSM specification and verification is session

What can we do with NSMs?
  • If we can check that the web application conforms
    to the NSM,
  • then we can verify navigation properties on the
    NSM and conclude that the navigation properties
    hold for the application
  • We can also use automated verification techniques
    to check properties of NSMs
  • This way we can eliminate the navigation errors
  • Problem How do we ensure that the application
    conforms to the NSM?
  • Two approaches
  • Automatically extract the NSM from the
  • Manually specify the NSM and use runtime
    enforcement to make sure that the application
    follows the NSM
  • Or use a combination of these two

Runtime Enforcement with NSMs
  • Statically verifying that a web application
    conforms to a navigation state machine is a very
    difficult problem (in general undecidable)
  • So, instead, we use runtime enforcement
  • We have a plugin that can be easily added to an
    MVC web application that takes a NSM as input and
    makes sure that every incoming request conforms
    to the NSM
  • If the incoming request does not obey the NSM,
    then the plugin either ignores the request and
    refreshes the previous page or generates an
    appropriate error message
  • This way non-compliant user requests can be
    handled uniformly without generating strange
    error messages

Model Checking NSMs
  • Runtime enforcement ensures that the violations
    of NSM behavior will be handled uniformly at
  • However, we may also want to check properties of
  • Is the logout page always followed by the
  • Our approach
  • Ask developer to write properties of NSMs as
    temporal logic formulas
  • We translate NSMs to SMV specifications
  • We check if the properties hold on the NSMS using
    the NuSMV model checker

Overview of Our Approach
ACTL Properties
Counter Exampe
NSM to SMV Translator
Static Verification
Navigation State Machine (NSM) Specification
Runtime Enforcement
NSM Plugin (NSM Interpreter)
Some examples
  • We studied three real-world, freely available web
  • BambooInvoice invoice management
    application159,000 lines of code, 60 actions
  • Capstone student project management
    system41,000 lines of code, 33 actions
  • Digitalus content management system401,000
    lines of code, 26 actions

Extracting the NSM
  • We extracted the NSMs from the applications by
    hand, by exploring potential error sequences
  • Amount of effort Half a day per application
    (including taking screenshots, drawing the graph,

Application States Transitions Variables
Digitalus 32 48 7
BambooInvoice 63 80 8
Capstone 8 16 1
Extracting the NSM
  • Most NSMs are a collection of groups of logically
    interrelated pages, with few entry and exit
    points between groups
  • Extraction by hand is easier than numbers show
  • The NSM only needs to be a (reasonably)
    conservative approximation of all the paths that
    the application tolerates
  • Future work
  • 1) semi-automated extraction of NSM from source
  • 2) promote NSM as part of code documentation

Fragment of BambooInvoice's NSM
  • Yellow transitions have guards which, if violated
    cause PHP warnings
  • Target states for red transitions cause PHP error
  • Black transitions either have guards that are
    handled gracefully by the application and do not
    cause PHP messages or have no guard

Model Checking NSMs
  • We used the NuSMV model checker to statically
    check navigation properties of NSMs expressed in
  • Some examples
  • Once you login, the only way to go back to the
    login page is by traversing the logout page
  • Each controller has the 'index' action as its
    only entry point from other controllers
  • The original BambooInvoice and Digitalus assume,
    but do not enforce either of these properties
  • This is the cause for many cryptic error messages
    we found
  • We could statically verify with NuSMV that the
    NSM for both applications did fulfill these
  • 4.4 MB of memory
  • 0.4 sec running time

Runtime enforcement of NSMs
  • PHP plugin for enforcement of NSMs at runtime
  • Intercepts page requests in an MVC application
    and validates them against the NSM (supplied in
    an external XML file)
  • One line of code to insert in MVC frameworks
    (Zend, CodeIgniter)
  • Simple 1,100 lines of PHP code (3 of the
    smallest application)
  • Average processing time when an action conforms
    to the NSM

Application Time without plugin (ms) Time with plugin (ms)
Digitalus 11 12
BambooInvoice 183 199
Capstone 90 122
Runtime enforcement of NSMs
  • Processing time when an action provokes a PHP
    warning (which the NSM-enabled application
  • ...and when an action provokes a PHP error

Application Action Time without plugin (ms) Time with plugin (ms)
Digitalus Create folder 28 26
Digitalus Upload media 18 32
BambooInvoice New invoice 938 574
Application Action Time without plugin (ms) Time with plugin (ms)
Digitalus Edit page 416 32
Digitalus Delete folder 424 36
BambooInvoice View invoice 564 594
Runtime enforcement of NSMs
  • Take-home point runtime enforcement pays
  • Reasonable overhead when everything is OK
  • Can actually save CPU time by sparing the
    application from processing an error
  • Other advantage prevents an error from
    occurring, instead of recovering from it after
    the fact
  • E.g. rolling back database operations
  • Catching an exception at the earliest moment vs.
    propagating it deeper in the stack trace
  • Reminder also guarantees that the results
    obtained by static verification hold

How many errors do we prevent?
  • We can provide an estimate based on the
    ''colored'' transitions we found while extracting
    the NSM
  • Count the number of valid traces of length k-1
    (i.e., that follow the NSM from its start state)
  • Then count the ways these traces can be extended
    to an invalid trace of length k by executing an
    unexpected action
  • Calculate the percentage of these unexpeted
    traces that are not caught by the application
  • This ratio represents the proportion of traces of
    length k for which a navigation constraint is
    assumed, but not checked, by the application.
  • BambooInvoice 64 of all unexpected navigation
    traces longer than 4 can generate a cryptic error
  • Digitalus 52 of all unexpected navigation
    traces longer than 4 can generate a cryptic error

Related Work
  • Navigation problems in Web applications have been
    identified a while ago Licata and Krishnamurthi,
    ASE 2004
  • There are programming language based solutions
    for this problem that use continuations
    Krishnamurthi et al. 2006
  • Modeling web applications as state machines has
    been proposed and investigated before Miao, Zeng
    ICECCS 2008, Han, Hofmeister MODELS 2007
  • Runtime enforcement of navigation state machines
    is related to earlier work on runtime monitoring
    and verification see Runtime Verification

  • Web applications suffer from weak enforcement
    mechanisms for valid navigation sequences this
    is the source of cryptic and confusing errors
  • Navigation State Machines (NSM) are finite state
    machines that can formally represent valid
    navigation paths, along with constraints on
    request parameters
  • By combining enforcement of NSMs at runtime with
    static verification of NSMs, we can...
  • Prevent navigation errors from occuring
  • Verify navigation properties by model checking
    the NSMs rather than the applications themselves
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