Title: Big 6
1Big 6 Writing
2Big 6
- The Big 6 represents the stages for solving
information problems. It represents a flow from - Beginning (What do I need to do? What is the
task?) - Middle (Find information books online )
- End ( Final draft of research writing)
3Step 1 Task Definition(What Do I Need To Do?)
- What is the problem or task to be solved
- (What does the teacher want me to do?)
- Write out a statement of the task (what task is)
- Pick out keywords in a question
- Understand and follow printed oral directions
- Write appropriate questions that you want
answered in your writing
4Step 2 Information Seeking Strategies(What
Resources Do I Use?)
- Seek a variety of materials.
- Figure out which information is most important.
- Information can be gathered from many sources
(books, articles, reports, interviews,
observations) - Use appropriate criteria for selecting sources
5Step 3 Location and Access(Where Can I Find
the Resources?)
- Determine what sources are available
- Independently gather resources
- (Use questions that were generated in step 1)
- Determine if the source is usable
- Access appropriate information systems
6Step 4 Use of Information(What Can I Use From
the Resources?)
- Use facts not opinions
- Take careful notes
- Accurately and completely summarize the main idea
from sources - Cite sources correctly
- Read, listen, view carefully to find information
7Step 5 Synthesis(What Can I Do to Complete My
- Organize information in clear, logical way (a way
that makes sense) - Present information in ways appropriate to the
task - Produce personally designed products to
communicate content - Encourage the development of critical thinking
skills - No plagiarism (Cite sources!)
8Step 6 Evaluation(How Did I Do?)
- Proofread the writing for completeness,
strengths, and weaknesses - Provide recommendations to improve the writing
- Determine if more information is needed (more
support elaboration) - Time for personal reflection on the writing
- Importance of rubrics
9County-Wide Research Model
- Being integrated into our county beginning with
kindergarteners - Practice using the Big 6 terminology when giving
various tasks and assignments - Talk students through the process for a
particular assignment - Not a new initiative
10Familiar Research Method
- http//www.kyvl.org/kids/homebase.html
- A 7th grade science class is studying rocks.
Students are required to demonstrate their
knowledge by preparing a special project that
show what they learned about the type of rocks
and how they were formed.
12The Big 6 in Action
Big 6 Student Activities
Task Definition Distinguish between three main rock types.
Information Seeking Strategies Brainstorm sources that are print and non-print.
Location Access Strategies Visit Media Center. List available resources.
Use of Information Lab Notes Outside investigations
Synthesis Data chart, collections, posters, presentation, etc
Evaluation Rubric, self-evaluation, evaluation of process
13Big 6 Practice
Student Activities B6
One group creates a computer quiz in PowerPoint
The class discusses which of the tests were hard and why
The teacher explains that students will be working in groups and the assignment is to make a test for others
The students brainstorm about different types of resources
One group decides that it wants some more information and accesses the Internet
Students take notes from three books in the media center
- Students in a 6th grade music class are studying
note and rest values.
14Wilkes County Resources
- http//www.wilkes.k12.nc.us/currick8/default.html
- http//wcsbig6writing.pbworks.com/