Title: Why is the Bullfrog considered
1Biological Pollution American Bullfrog
- Voracious predators
- Ability to travel long distances
- High fecundity
- Highly adaptable
- Native to Eastern US
- Largest frog in US
- Introduced to SW in early 1900s
- as food source
- Why is the Bullfrog considered Biological
Pollution? - Rapid predation of native species
- High competition as riparian predator
- Highly mobile conduit for fatal disease (Chytrid
fungus) - Eradication/control very expensive, and
Solutions Education/Prevention-increase
awareness on issue, community outreach Containmen
tconfine existing populations or individuals to
current space Eradicationdestroy populations or
By Alex Lichtblau, Josh Ruddick, Emily Kaleugher
Photos Courtesy of http//i.pbase.com/u35/tmurray
74/large/33517067.256_5624_RT16.jpg http//frog-sh
ots.com/images/bullfrog_eating_treefrog_2.jpg http
s/birdfrog2.jpg http//pages.cthome.net/fwc/RCRANG
E.GIF http//redbar.web.arizona.edu/logos/blocka.h
tml http//www.cs.arizona.edu/clayton/evap-web/fi