Title: Sustainable Development Indicators for the Western Cape
1Sustainable Development Indicators for the
Western Cape
- Dr Laurine Platzky
- Deputy Director-General
- Western Cape Premiers Department
- 21 June 2005
2Provincial indicators now ?
- We have
- State of Environment report
- Human Development Index
- City Development Index
- Aggregated disaggregated Census data
- We need those, plus
- Meaningful ways of measuring progress on
delivering the iKapa elihlumayo vision
3Sustainability measures
Matrix time/place and triple bottom line
4Trade-offs and returning limits
Trade-off Limits
5World views
6What kind of indicators?
- Based on
- different world views (goals, development
paradigms) - scientific knowledge (population growth, GNP,
health, land-use) - perceived risks in each of the world views
7World views
Productivity in agriculture, energy efficiency
Strong belief in markets and technology
Strong belief in international institutions
International agreements, response time
Population growth and levels of income
Consumer behaviour (eating, transport)
Strong belief in protection and control
Strong belief in personal responsability
8A framework for the future
9Using indicators for sustainable development
- Government
- Measure implementation of policy and action plans
- Corporate Sector
- Explicitly explain impact assumptions outcomes
- Labour and Civil Soicety
- Measure impact in the workplace and society
10Key issues
- Agree on the development paradigm for judgment
- Ensure comparative data available
- Harmonise boundary sets, similar borders
- Balance qualitative and quantitative data
- Allocate monitoring and evaluation responsibility
- Educate/inspire for more than compliance
- Identify triggers for action
- Design carrots and sticks to ensure progress
- Alignment of development paradigm with MDGs
- Nesting of indicators from international to local
- Capacity to do the job properly
- Lean mean system of reporting
- Appropriate action/sanctions
12Actions and targets
- By November 2006 a system of
- Aligned intergovernmental SD indicators
(national,provincial, local) - Harmonised SD indicators (economic, social,
ecological) - User-friendly reporting systems
- In 2007 all four social partners using SD
indicators effectively
13- Gracias
- merci
- Enkosi
- Dankie
- Thank you
- With many thanks to Jan Ros and the Dutch
Institute of Public Health and the Environment