Title: Designing Castles
1Designing Castles
Himeji Castle, Japan Brissa Castle, France
2Designing Your Castle
- For this assignment we are going to design our
own castle! Complete with architectural elements
and the people common to most castles! - Castles were built to protect the people that
lived in and near them. The King would hire
knights to protect the surrounding county side.
The castle was like a small city inside.
3Parts of a Castle
All castles have a strong outer wall, towers, a
gate to enter, and some have a moat with a draw
bridge. A moat is a river that surrounds the
4Parts of a Castle
This castle has 2 strong outer walls with towers,
and 2 gates to enter, and a moat. This castle
has smaller buildings inside the gates like a
stable for the horses and a church.
5Parts of a Castle
Towers All Castles have tall towers. This is a
picture of the towers on a Castle in Angers,
6Celtic Castles
Birkhill, Scotland Melville, Scotland
- These castles are built of stone.
7Japanese Castles
Nagoya Castle, Japan Himeji Castle, Japan
- Some castles have a stone walls around them, but
wood buildings inside.
8Samurai or Knight
- Samurais and Knights protected the castles from
9Samurai and Ninja
10Knights and Armor
11Princess and Geisha
- Medieval Princess and Geisha
- Medieval Princess Knighting a Knight Lady of
Shallot - By Artist John Waterhouse
13Parts of a Castle
All castles have a strong outer wall, towers, a
gate to enter, and some have a moat with a draw
bridge. A moat is a river that surrounds the
14Design your castle
Design your castle and include all the parts and
draw people too! All castles have a strong
outer wall, towers, a gate to enter, and some
have a moat with a draw bridge. Castles are
built to protect the people inside from enemies.
15Are you finished?
- When you are done with your drawing, you may
visit these websites to learn more about castles
and the Renaissance. - http//www.learner.org/exhibits/middleages/artsent
r.html (really good middle ages interactive
website for students) - http//www.learner.org/exhibits/renaissance/middle
ages.html (and one for renaissance
- http//www.castlexplorer.co.uk/medieval-castles.ph
p - http//www.kiku.com/electric_samurai/cobweb_castle
/index.html - http//www.learner.org/exhibits/middleages/artsent
r.html (really good middle ages interactive
website for students) - http//www.learner.org/exhibits/renaissance/middle
ages.html (and one for renaissance) - http//www.japan-guide.com/e/e2132.html