1/f, Fractal, Chaos, and Small world in the brain - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1/f, Fractal, Chaos, and Small world in the brain


1/f, Fractal, Chaos, and Small world in the brain Jaeseung Jeong, Ph.D Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 1/f, Fractal, Chaos, and Small world in the brain

1/f, Fractal, Chaos, and Small worldin the brain
  • Jaeseung Jeong, Ph.D
  • Department of Bio and Brain Engineering,

The Length of Coastline of Britain
Fractal Self-similarity
As a non-fractal object is magnified, no new
features are revealed. As a fractal object is
magnified, ever finer features are revealed. A
fractal object has features over a broad range of
Self-similarity The magnified piece of an object
is an exact copy of the whole object.
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Complex dynamics of heart rate variability
Breakdown of a fractal physiological control
mechanism can lead ultimately either to a highly
periodic output dominated by a single scale or to
uncorrelated randomness.
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Zipfs Law
George Zipf's 1949 observation that the frequency
of words used in the English language followed a
powerlaw distribution is a profound thing. It not
only defined Zipf's Law, which gives a simple
rule to explain why some words (e.g. the, of,
and) are far more commonly used than others.
The origin of Fractal Music
Self-Organized Criticality The origin of 1/f in
the Brain
1. Introduction Self-Organization
- A process of attraction and repulsion in which
the internal organization of a system, normally
an open system, increases in complexity without
being guided or managed by an outside source
(From Wikipedia) - Typically displays Emergent
Sandpile criticality
  • Like a child's sand castle, seeds rain down onto
    a mound that grows until it can't grow any more.
    A complex balancing act keeps the mound stable
    until it reaches the "point of criticality"-the
    point at which the system "fails," creating
    avalanches that change the mound's shape.
  • Each avalanche relieves pressure on the pile,
    allowing it to begin growing again. Similar
    patterns of alternating growth and failure show
    up in many complex systems.

Criticality or critical points
  • Criticality indicates the behavior of extended
    systems at a phase transition where scale
    invariance prevails.
  • The many constituent microscopic parts bringing
    about macroscopic phenomena that cannot be
    understood by considering a single part alone.

1. Introduction Self-Organization
bird flocks, ant colonies, highway traffic,
market economies, immune systems in all of
these systems patterns are determined not by some
centralized authority but by local interactions
among decentralized components Resnic, 1995
Getting on top of self-organized criticality
  • Take a sand pile built up by dropping grains
    onto it at a steady rate. The angle of the slope
    will be controlled by the frictional strength of
    the material. This was well known to Coulomb in
    the eighteenth century.

Brain and complex network (graph) theory
  • Node (vertex) Brain region or voxel, channel
    of EEG/MEG
  • Link (edge) Functional or anatomical
    connection between nodes
  • Network analysis can reveal structural and
    functional organization
  • of the brain (Liu, 2008)

Small-world and scale-free organization of
voxel-based resting state functional connectivity
in the human brain van den Heuvel et al.,
Neuroimage, 2008
normal, resting-state, voxel-based(N10,000), zero
-lag temporal correlation, bandpass-filtered(0.01-
0.1Hz), unweighted, small-world and scale-free
optimal network organization balance between
maximum communication efficiency and minimum
AD, damage modeling, weighted graph, efficiency
Constructing Brain Networks
Brain is a small-world network
high C high C low
C high L low L low L
  • high clustering coefficient (C) high
    resilience to damage in local structures
  • low average path length (L) high level of
    global communication efficiency
  • Brain functional network has small-world
  • while this property may be disrupted in damaged
    brain such as AD
  • (vulnerability to damages, decreased
    communication efficiency between distant brain
    regions )

Previous study 2
A resilient, low-frequency, small-world human
brain functional network with highly
connected association cortical hubs

Achard et al., The Journal of
Neuroscience, 2006
MODWT (Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet
Transform) at 6 frequency scales
healthy young subjects, resting-state, parcellatio
n(90 region-based), unweighted, small-world, NOT
scale-free resilient to targeted attack than SF
AD, voxel-based, weighted, efficiency, region
Spontaneous eyeblinking activity
  • Time duration in the blink of an eye
  • 0.2-0.3 sec
  • Frequency of the eye-blinking
  • 15-20 times/min
  • 14,000 times/day
  • 5,250,000 times/year
  • 360,000,000 times/lifespan
  • Time duration of eyes-closed for blinking
  • 75 mins./day

Functional roles of spontaneous eye-blinking
  • On the act of blinking Eric Ponder and WP
    Kennedy, The Quarterly journal of experimental
    physiology (1927)
  • Protect eyeballs from injury or maintaining a
    healthy ocular surface by inducing the formation
    of the preocular tear film.
  • ?
  • Sauna experiments Parkinsonian patients

Eyeblinking is controlled by the brain
  • Women are eye-blinking more frequently than men.
  • The blink-rate is highly dependent on attention
    and cognitive states.
  • Blink activity is substantially influenced by
    experimental manipulation of dopaminergic
    circuits in the basal ganglia.
  • Significantly, altered blink-rates are also
    observed in several neuropsychiatric disorders
    that are known to affect dopaminergic
  • Interesting experiment on eye-blinking during
    reading in the library.

Eyeblinking is an epiphenomenon of information
processing of the brain?!
Anxiety increases eyeblinking
Why do we study eyeblinking?
  • For better understanding of eye-blinking
  • Dopaminergic circuits in the basal ganglia can be
    monitored by eye-blink activity.
  • Eye-blinking activity can be used to control

Eyeblink is a signal of decision-making
  • Despite the emphasis of previous studies on
    defining the changes in EBR under various
    cognitive or behavioral states, the timing or
    temporal patterning of eyeblinks during specific
    cognitive processes has been examined only
  • Clue During the reading of written text, a
    large proportion of eyeblinks occur at or near
    the end of a line of text, before gaze returns to
    the beginning of the next line.
  • Also, eyeblinks occur when subjects shift their
    gaze, a so-called gaze-evoked blink.
  • Our hypothesis is that eyeblinks may signal the
    end of one cognitive process, the beginning of
    another, or the shift of one of these processes
    to the other.

How is the eyeblinking changed during cognitive
Eyeblinks in the Stroop task
  • Participants name the color of the ink (red,
    yellow, blue, green) in which words are written
    or read the words. The words themselves either
    denote colors or objects unrelated to colors, and
    are variously grouped into three stimulus
  • (1) congruent, in which the word denotes a color
    that matches the ink in which the word is
  • (2) incongruent, in which the word denotes a
    color other than the ink in which the word is
  • (3) neutral, in which the word denotes an object
    unrelated to color.

Stroop TaskWord reading vs Color naming

Stroop facilitation and interference
  • Stroop facilitation
  • The naming of ink colors for congruent
    stimuli is faster, and therefore produces shorter
    Reaction Times (RTs), than the naming of colors
    for neutral stimuli.
  • Stroop interference
  • The naming of ink colors for conflict stimuli
    is slowed, and therefore produces longer RTs,
    than the naming of colors for neutral or
    congruent stimuli,
  • This interference is attributed by many to
    the greater automaticity of word reading than
    color naming, requiring greater cognitive control
    and a greater allocation of attentional
    resources, and therefore slowing responses to
    avoid error on the task.

  • Dalrymple-Alford Budayr (1966) First to
    encourage presentation timing of stimuli
    individually. This method now dominates

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The possible role of eyeblinks
  • We found the statistically highly significant
    temporal proximity of blinks to the vocal
    response stage of information processing, rather
    than during stimulus presentation or during gaze
    fixation between stimuli.
  • This suggests that the cognitive process that the
    blinks accompany is either the termination of
    stimulus processing, the beginning or end of the
    motor response, or the change in set from one of
    these to the other.

Tourettes syndrome
  • Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a complex
    neurobehavioral disorder characterized by a
    changing pattern of motor and vocal tics which
    begins in childhood. To be considered TS, the
    symptoms should last more than a year.

TS disease progress
Neural substrates of TS
  • Frontal-subcortical cuircuit
  • Basal ganglia collection of large subcortical
    nuclear mass
  • neostriatum, striatum Caudate nucleus putamen
  • Corpus striatum caudate, putamen, globus
  • Lentiform nucleus putamen and glubus pallidus
  • Ventral striatum ventromedial part of th
    putamen and caudate nucleus, nucleus accumbens,

Complex tic dynamics
  • To investigate whether tic dynamics is
    deterministic or stochastic.
  • To quantify the severity and progress of the
  • Early detection of TS and transient tics using
    inter-tic interval (ITI) dynamics.

The temporal dynamics of tics in Tourette Syndrome
BS Peterson et al. The temporal dynamics of tics
in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome, Biological
Psychiatry (1998)
Tic patterns of Tourettes syndrome
As a non-fractal object is magnified, no new
features are revealed. As a fractal object is
magnified, ever finer features are revealed. A
fractal object has features over a broad range of
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Physics(Dynamics) ?? Neuroscience
  • Theory driven
  • first principles
  • Reductionism
  • simplify the world
  • Qualitative understanding
  • mathematics
  • Empirical and descriptive
  • phenomena
  • Systems level
  • details of the system
  • Quantitative understanding
  • measurements
  • Paradigm Shift
  • Complex real systems
  • Synthesis whole-istic
  • Systems neuroscience using mathematical models
  • Universality among the diversity Brain
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