Problems Facing the New Nation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Problems Facing the New Nation


Problems Facing the New Nation After the bold move by the Americans declaring independence we now had to form our own government American people drew on a large ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Problems Facing the New Nation

Problems Facing the New Nation
  • After the bold move by the Americansdeclaring
    independencewe now had to form our own
  • American people drew on a large and varied
    history of ideas to form the new government
  • The Magna Carta 1215kings subject to law
  • The English Bill of Rightsparliament is supreme

  • Americans also used town meetings and House of
    Burgess to set up local governments
  • The ideas of John Locke and the
    Enlightenment.only by consent of the governed
    are we governed
  • The colonies had also previously designed their
    own constitutions.Connecticut 1639
  • Some banned slavery and allowed women the right
    to vote.

  • Massachusetts is the oldest state constitution in
    effect still today1780
  • Virginia Statute for Religious Freedomdeclared
    that no person could be forced to form any
    religious opinion
  • Remember that under British rule, only white land
    owners could vote
  • Some states attempted to allow all people
    suffrage.but those rights were quickly revoked

  • Second Continental Congressappointed a super
    committee. Committee of Thirteen
  • Articles of ConfederationA of C
  • A of C called for only 1 branch of governmentthe
    legislative branch
  • Uni- cameral .the would be no judges and no
  • The leg. Branch had no authority to tax
  • They could only ASK for taxes and troops.states
    did not have to comply.

  • The AofC was ratified on 15 Nov. 1777 by
    Congress.sent to each state, for them to pass.
  • Conflict of the western lands slowed the process
    downfinally gained approval in 1779 by everyone
    but Maryland
  • Maryland wanted more of the now available western
  • They refused to sign until an agreement was
    madeJefferson assured that the new lands would
    be divided.

  • The Land Ordinance Act of 1785 ordered that the
    land be divided up into townships36 sq miles.
    Then divided into 36 lots, each 640 acres each.
    One lots was to be maintained for schools, and
    one for a veterans home.
  • The North West Ordinance of 1787 described how
    the territories that are now Illinois, Michigan,
    Ohio, Minnesota, and Wisconsin would be admitted
    into the Union.
  • The Ordinance ordered the a governor be put in
    place, selected by Congress, and that no forced
    servitude be undertaken. This would end slavery
    in all of the new territoriesbut the problems
    are far from over.

Study Guide
  • Magna Carta
  • English Bill of Rights
  • The first form of U.S. government
  • Land Ordinance Act of 1785
  • Mayflower Compact
  • Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
  • Suffrage
  • Articles of Confederation
  • Slavery
  • Coloniesconstitutions during the Revolution

More Trouble
  • It was very hard for America to enforce her
    treaties from Paris 1783
  • Remember that America had no army, could only ask
    for troops
  • England refused to leave the forts along the
    frontier and the Great LakesThe Brits dared
    America to use force to remove them

Trade with Britain
  • England made trade with America very difficult
  • Imposed very high taxesor tariffs
  • To cover the high cost of business, merchants
    raised prices that the consumer had to payled to
    a slow down in a new economy

Trade with Spain
  • Spain controlled the Mississippi,how?
  • Spain would not allow ships to exit the Gulf with
    good and the negotiations fell apart
  • Our federal government is but a name a mere
    shadow without substance.
  • Many felt the US needed a strong full time army

Post AofC
  • With markets closed, farmers had no way to move
    their produce to market.
  • Craftsmen had no way to ship their goods.
  • The Revolution has robbed us of our trade with
    the West Indies.
  • James Madison
  • Why?

The Dis-United States
  • Many states began to only trade with their
    interest in mindno unity.
  • States began to look for new trading
    partnersFrance, China, and the Netherlands
  • Despite the warGreat Britain was still the
    biggest trading partner of the U.S.

  • Soon trade problems between the states and other
    countries caused severe debt and weak economies
    to plague the states
  • Because the Confederate Congress had no
    regulatory powerthey could not regulate
    interstate commerce. States began to trade in
    their interest, and the U.S. economy failed.
  • A meeting to try and improve the AofC was

  • States began to produce large amounts of money,
    to help pay the bills they were incurring this
    led to inflation. High prices with decreased
    value of currency.

  • After the war, GW had moved back to his farm in
    Virginiapeace and quiet!
  • With the formation of the Constitution, it was
    agreed that the US needed a President, and
    everyone agreed GW was the man.
  • Presidents are elected by an Electoral College
  • Electoral College is more of a process than a
  • The EC is a group of delegates from each state,
    equal to the number or congressmen that state
    has/both HoR members and Senate
  • These men travel to the Capital to cast the
    official vote for the state they representthey
    usually do, but they are not required to follow
    the popular votethey can cast the EC vote how
    they choose.

GW is the Man
  • He was a war hero remember?
  • Elected
  • Only time ever since
  • GW admitted he did not know what he should dohe
    was the first president
  • He was setting precedentsomething that is new
    that will be followed from now on
  • He gathered a cabinet to help himleaders of each
    unit of his cabinet called a secretarynot to be
    confused with phone answering office types

  • Alex Hamilton was Sec of treasury
  • Tommy Jefferson was Sec of State
  • Henry Knox was Sec of War
  • Sammy Osgood was postmaster
  • The Government set up the Judiciary Act of
    1789three levels of courts
  • GW felt the stability of a government was based
    on the execution (following) of its laws

Chapter 7
  • Judiciary Act of 1789set up three distinct
    levels of federal courts.
  • District Courts
  • Court of Appeals
  • Supreme Court

  • People wanted different things
  • Most of US was ruralthey wanted to be left
  • Those in the citiesNY and Philly, wanted simple
    trade laws that would allow their business to
  • Manufacturerspeople who make things, wanted
    protection from cheating trade practices of other
  • The capital of the new US was in NY,Ny

Important Terms
  • Citizenship- 2 ways
  • Main way is to be born on US soil. Or have
    American parents. Called NATIVE BORN
  • OR---- You can immigratemove into the US from
    another country. By following a few guidelines
    and passing a citizenship test you are made a
    citizen.NaturalizedYOU CAN DO EVERYTHING BUT BE

  • As a citizen YOU have RESPONSIBILITES.
  • Follow the Law
    Selective Service
  • This is in case of the need to DRAFT soldiers.

New York Stock Exchange
  • An agreement between business men, signed under a
    tree at the corner of Wall Street and Broad.

George Washington and the First Days
  • GW had established his government. He used
    CABINETS as helpers. Cabinets are part of the
    EXE. Branch.
  • Secretaries are appointed by POTUS and must be
    approved by the SENATE( part of Congress)
  • Remember earlier who the first Cab. Sec. were.

The Nation had a huge debt
  • Why?
  • Because of Warand Trade problems after the war.
  • To pay off the debt Hamilton suggested sell
    BONDS basically Bonds are
  • I.O.U.s issued by government.

(No Transcript)
Difficult Times
  • The U.S. had a large war debta national debt
  • The government was attempting to apply tariffs to
    American made whiskey
  • Bonds were sold to recoup some of the money. A
    bond is a loan to the government from the
    citizens. It is repaid at a guaranteed rate
  • Questions about a national bank came up.
  • Hamilton felt the government should get into the
    banking business, in order to manage the debt

Thomas Jefferson
  • Thought this was an abuse of the governments
  • Hamilton justified the bank with the idea of
    Loose Construction
  • The government can take reasonable actions that
    the Constitution does not forbid
  • Jefferson said the elastic clause said
    Necessary.not convenient

  • President Washington and the Congress agreed with
    Hamilton and the Bank of the United States was

The French Revolution 1789
  • Removed King Louis XVI from the throne
  • Marie Antoinette
  • Where the guillotine was invented
  • Encouraged by the American Revolt
  • France also had high debts from supporting the
    coloniestaxed citizens
  • Some Americans supported neutrality

The Neutrality Proclamation
  • The U.S. would refuse to get involved in any
    European conflict.the beginning of isolationism
  • When did isolationism end?

Problems with Neutrality
  • France wanted help on the high seaswanted the
    U.S. to man privateersships for hire
  • This would violate the N. Policy
  • Jefferson wanted to help the French
  • Hamilton wanted to help the English
  • Jefferson said Washington was allowing Hamilton
    to run the White Househe resigned

  • British began to capture ships carrying food to
    the W. Indiessome were American merchant
    shipscalled impressment. Made Americans very sad
  • Neither side wanted another warJays Treaty
    helped relax tensionsfor awhile.
  • American citizens were very angrywanted to
    punish the British

  • There were also problems with Spain.
  • Dispute over the U.S./ Spanish border
  • Spain also had restricted access to N.O.
  • U.S. Ambassador Pinckney and Spanish leader Godoy
  • Pinckneys Treaty set the boundary between Spain
    at the 31 N
  • Reopened N.O.

  • The U.S. continued to move N.W. despite indian
  • The British were behind supplying the indians
    with supplies and guns
  • Little Turtle was the leader of the indians
  • The natives had won many battles
  • Gen. Anthony Wayne took over control of the U.S.
  • He defeated the indians at the Battle of Fallen
    Timberscalled that because of a tornado

  • Treaty of Greenville ended most hostilities
  • Treaty stated that travelers would be safe from
    attack and that the indians would receive 20000
    worth of goods

President Washington
  • A true commander in-chief
  • Whiskey Rebellionpeople in Pennsylvania refused
    to pay taxes on whiskey. Called themselves..
  • The New Sons of Liberty
  • Washington himself led a regiment to crush the

  • As he left office he had a warning
  • Be careful of debt
  • Be careful of political divisions
  • Stay out of Europe.

More Issues
  • John Adams is now president.
  • It would be very hard to follow in the foot steps
    of Washington
  • The nation had failed to heed Washingtons
    advicewe now had political parties.
  • The Federalistheaded by Hamiltonwanted
    government power
  • The Democratic- Republican partyheaded by Tommy
  • Very little government power
  • Differences were regionalor where people lived

Adams as President
  • Some loved Adams and his hard work
  • Others thought he was a let down compared to the
    hero that was Washington
  • His first big testAn unnamed conflict

  • Some had wanted to help the French during the
    French and British conflict
  • The U.S. refused to help and that caused tensions
  • Adams sent diplomats to France to smooth things
  • The French diplomats demanded 250000 in order to

  • The diplomats for America refused and came back
    to Americareporting that Diplomat X,Y, and Z
    demanded money
  • Outrage against the government ensued.people
    wanted war, but Adams continued to try peace.
  • The Democratic-Republicans began to bad mouth the
    Adams Administration
  • This led to the Alien-Sedition Acts
  • This law said that it was illegal to speak out
    against the government.
  • This violated the Bill of Rights
  • The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions decried
    this policy and it was not reinstated

The Jefferson Era
  • Election of 1800
  • First time power had shifted peacefully
  • Adams and PinckneyFederalist
  • Jefferson and BurrDemocratic-Republicans
  • Adams claimed Jefferson was too French and would
    cause another revolution
  • Also Jefferson was big in science and
    philosophyAdams claimed he was against religion

  • Jefferson claimed Adams wanted to be king.
  • Jefferson reminded the public of the Alien and
    Sedition Acts
  • It was a close raceJefferson won, but a problem
    came up.
  • 2nd place was too close, and 2nd place was the
  • Ultimately this conflict led to the 12
    amendmentmaking the vp separate on the ballot

Jeffersons first days
  • He walked to the inaugurationhe didnt believe
    in fancy carriages
  • He promised a smaller government
  • He promised to do the will of the people
  • He cut the military in an effort to reduce
  • He began to rid the country of taxeslike the
    whiskey tax

His Government
  • Only a few hundred employees
  • Jefferson felt the government should only do
    three things
  • Protect the boarders
  • Deliver the mail
  • Collect customs

Marbury v. Madison
  • When Adams left office, he appointed several
    judges to the judiciarythis way the Federalist
    would have their men as judges
  • Marbury, the Justice of the Peace under Adams,
    didnt deliver the complete paperwork on time. It
    was after midnight on the last day of Adams
  • MadisonJefferson's sec. of state, refused to
    appoint them
  • This would lead to a landmark casestill debated
  • Marbury decides to sue Madison.C. Justice John
    Marshall agrees to hear the case.
  • Jefferson and Marshall often arguedwho would

  • John Marshall decided that only certain cases
    should be heard/tried by the S. Court.and this
    was not one of them.
  • Marshall was trying to avoid conflict with the
    Jefferson Administrationit worked
  • This led the precedent of Judicial review
  • In short this J.R. means the S. Court can try
    laws and decide if they are constitutional
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