Defend Your Faith - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Defend Your Faith


... Case For God Presenting Your Case For God ( Two Classical Arguments ) The Cosmological Argument: every effect has a cause (Heb. 3:4) The Teleological Argument: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Defend Your Faith

Defend Your Faith
  • Lesson 2
  • Is There A God?

The Most Fundamental Question
  • Is there a God?
  • We must be ready to give an answer to this
    question (1 Pet. 315)
  • Why discuss this question (Psa. 104 141ff
    361ff 531ff Rom. 121,28 Tit. 116)?

Presenting Your Case For God
A Universe Exists
No Beginning?
Personal (Spirit)
Impersonal (Matter)
Presenting Your Case For God( Two Classical
Arguments )
  • The Cosmological Argument every effect has a
    cause (Heb. 34)
  • The Teleological Argument design demands a
  • Design in the heavens (Psa. 191-2 Rom. 120)
  • Design in the human body (Psa. 13913-14)
  • Design in the animals (Psa. 104 Job 38-39)

Presenting Your Case For God( Two Historical
Arguments )
  • The Jesus Argument if Jesus is God, then God is
    (Jn. 11,14,18 Col. 29 Heb. 13)
  • The Bible Argument if the Bible writers say God
    is and they are true, then God is (Lk. 11-4
    2 Pet. 116-21 1 Jn. 11-4)

Answering Objections to God
  • Objection 1 I cannot believe in a God that I
    cannot see.
  • The atheist bears the burden of proof that God
    does not exist. To do this, he must know
    everything in the universe that can be known.
    This he cannot do!
  • What about thoughts or emotions (like love), can
    you see them or measure them? What about
    electricity, sound waves, magnetism, or gravity?
    Can you see them? No, and yet you believe in

Answering Objections to God
  • Objection 2 If God exists, why doesnt he just
    show himself?
  • First, God has already shown himself in nature
    (Rom. 120) and Jesus Christ (Jn. 11,14,18).
  • Second, God does not have to show himself in ways
    that man requires.
  • Third, God showing himself will not guarantee
    that a person will believe in his existence (Ex.
    41,8,9 Lk. 2267).

Answering Objections to God
  • Objection 3 If God created all things, who
    created God?
  • At some point in time there must be a first
    cause. Thus, something (matter) or someone
    (spirit) has always existed to be the first cause
    of our own existence.
  • It is more reasonable to believe that someone
    (God) has always existed (Gen. 11 Psa. 902
    Prov. 822ff Heb. 110). God is an eternal
    Spirit (Ex. 314 Deut. 3327 Jn. 424
    526 Rev. 410).

Answering Objections to God
  • Objection 4 God is just a human invention like
    all of our fairy tale figures.
  • Sigmund Freuds hypothesis was never tested on
    people who believed in God!
  • This objection cuts both ways. If the believer
    wishes God into existence, does the atheist wish
    God out of existence?
  • Desire come from needs that can actually be
    satisfied with something or someone that is real.
  • Why would man invent a God who punishes sin?

Answering Objections to God
  • Objection 5 Atheism does not rely upon a blind
    faith in God. It relies upon science and facts.
  • The atheist is an unbeliever in God, but he is
    not a man without beliefs. He is a believer. He
    has faith. He believes that
  • 1. God does not exist
  • 2. Either matter is eternal, or something came
    from nothing
  • 3. Life (mind) came from non-life (matter)
  • 4. Design came from random chance and chaos
  • 5. Conscience came from non-conscience

Defend Your Faith
  • We Must Choose the Path to Travel Belief in God
    or Belief in No God.
  • Either God Exists or He Does Not. If We Believe
    in a God That Does Not Exist, Then No Amount of
    Faith Will Create Him. If We Dont Believe in a
    God That Does Exist, Then No Amount of Unbelief
    Will Make Him Go Away.

Defend Your Faith
  • Either Way There is Belief. Which Belief is More
    Reasonable? Which Belief Has the Evidence to
    Support It? Belief in God Rests Upon Reasonable
    Evidence. It Is Foolish To Say That There Is No
    God (Psa. 141).

Defend Your Faith
  • There Are Three Kinds of People in the World
  • Those who have sought God and found him they
    are reasonable and happy.
  • Those who are seeking God and have not yet found
    him they are reasonable, but unhappy.
  • Those who neither seek God nor find God they
    are unreasonable and unhappy.
  • Seek God, Find Him, and Be Happy Today
    (Isa. 556 Mt. 77-8 Acts 1727)!
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