Title: Cascading Style Sheets Part 1
1Cascading Style Sheets Part 1
- Library and Information Services, University of
St Andrews
- Originally intended to markup structure of a
document (lth1gt, lth2gt ... lth6gt, ltpgt, ltolgt, ltulgt,
ltblockquotegt, ...) - CSS
- Developing technology, CSS1, CSS2 (CSS3 under
discussion) - Markup presentation, i.e. formats and layout
- ? Separation of content and presentation
3CSS Structure
- selector property value
- Selector
- on a simple level HTML element you wish to define
- Property
- attribute you wish to change
- Value
- value the property takes
4Internal Style Sheets (1/2)
- Inline
- Affects individual HTML tag
- lthtmlgt
- ...
- ltbodygt
- ...
- ltp stylefont-family Arial, sans- serif
gtsome textlt/pgt - lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
5Internal Style Sheets (2/2)
- Embedded
- Affects individual document
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt ... ltstyle typetext/cssgt p
font-family Arial, sans-serif
lt/stylegtlt/headgt - ltbodygt
- ...
- ltpgtsome textlt/pgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
6External Style Sheets (1/4)
- Separate text file (.css)
- e.g. styles.css
- p
- font-family Arial, Sans-serif
7External Style Sheets (2/4)
- Linked styles
- Affect all documents that are linked to the style
sheet - lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- ...
- ltlink hrefstyles.css relstylesheet
typetext/css /gt - lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ...
- ltpgtsome textlt/pgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
8External Style Sheets (3/4)
- Imported styles (1/2)
- Affect all documents that are linked to the style
sheet - Not supported by level 4 browsers
- Often used to hide CSS2 styles from older
9External Style Sheets (4/4)
Into HTML file ltheadgt ... ltstyle
typetext/cssgt lt!-- import
url(styles.css) --gt lt/stylegt lt/headgt
Into another style sheet (sectionstyles.css)-
_at_import instruction must be first line of
file! _at_import url(styles.css) /sectionstyles
start here/ h1 font-size 200
color 6b84b5
10Order of precedence
- HTML formatting instructions (e.g. ltfontgt tags)
- Inline styles
- Embedded styles
- Linked styles
- Imported styles
- Default browser styles
11Types of CSS styles
- Styles assigned to a HTML element
- Class selector styles
- Define different styles for one or more HTML
elements - Assigned to the class attribute within an HTML
element - ID selector styles
- Define different styles for one and the same HTML
element - Assigned to the ID attribute within an HTML
12Class selector styles
- .blue color 082984
- .red color de2131
- lth1 classredgtHeadlinelt/h1gt
- ltp classredgta summarylt/pgt
- ltp classbluegtsome textlt/pgt
- Used when an HTML element can display more than
one behaviour (e.g. hyperlinks) - CSS
- alink color 000
- avisited color 000
- ahover color 69f
- aactive color 000
- lta hrefnextpage.htmlgtNext pagelt/agt
14ID Selector styles
- red_heading color red
- summary color red
- pconclusion color blue
- lth1 idred_headinggtHeadlinelt/h1gt
- ltp idsummarygtSummarylt/pgt
- ltp idconclusiongtConclusionlt/pgt
15Further resources
- Netskills training material http//www.netskills.
ac.uk(Weve got a site license for this
material, but you need to register!) - World Wide Web Consortiumhttp//www.w3.org/Style/
16Cascading Style Sheets Part 1
- Library and Information Services, University of
St Andrews
17What next?
- Create a Dreamweaver site using the files on
floppy disk as a basis for your site - FTP
Host www.st-andrews.ac.uk - Login your
username - Check hyperlinks and correct them where necessary
- Delete all HTML formatting information in file
aboutme.html - Create a style sheet as described in your handout