Title: Governments, Economies, and
1Governments, Economies, and Religion Review
2The total of everything produced inside and
outside a country by companies based in a country?
Gross National Product (GNP)
3The total value of things produced inside a
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
4A measure used to determine a countries
productivity based on its population?
Per Capita GDP
5- Government run by the people?
- Government that provides most services for the
people? - Which one usually has higher taxes?
1. Democracy2. Socialism3. Socialism
6Type of government where one person or a small
group of people control it? If they have extreme
control over peoples lives, it is?
Dictatorship totalitarian
7Government run by a king or queen? If they are
limited by the rule of law, it is?
Monarchy constitutional
8Economic system where the law of supply and
demand determines prices?
Free enterprise, market economy, or capitalism
9When the government controls the means of
production, prices, and wages? The USSR utilized
what form?
Command economy communism
10The 3 monotheistic religions that trace their
roots to Abraham? Holy day of week for each?
Christianity (Sunday), Judaism (Saturday), Islam
11What are the 3 main gods of Hinduism and what do
they represent?
Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, Shiva
the Destroyer
12The subset of a religion that started with an
action by Martin Luther
Protestant Christianity
13Which religions have mostly died out due to
14Which religion 1. Prays 3 times/day2. Has
Easter3. Uses the Old Testament4. Supports
1. Shia Islam 2. Christianity3. Judaism
Christianity4. Judaism