Title: Modern Languages Subject Leaders
1Modern Languages Subject Leaders MeetingMay
Liz Gray Quality Improvement Officer English
and Modern Languages Ann Robertson Development
Officer Modern Languages
2City of Edinburgh Modern Languages 12
- Timeline for implementation
- Funding for
- 2013/14
- 2014/2015
- 2015/2016
- A progressive experience for all of learning an
additional language from P1 onwards (L2).
- A revisited and progressive experience of another
language in addition to this from P5 onwards (L3)
6BGE and entitlement
Recommendation 9 The Working Group recommends
that language learning be recognised as an
entitlement for all young people through to the
end of their broad general education, S1 to
S3. Recommendation 10 The Working Group
recommends that within the broad general
education schools further develop the links
between language learning and employability and
Language Learning in Scotland A 12 Approach
Report and Recommendations PDF, 259.3 kb 16 May
7BGE and entitlement
Languages within a broad general education 4. All
pupils in secondary schools have an entitlement
to language learning throughout the broad general
education. Young people learning languages
are expected to experience the third level
experiences and outcomes as part of their broad
general education, under the umbrella of language
study. The Working Group expects young people to
continue with some form of language study in the
L2 language up to the end of the broad general
education, i.e to the end of S3. In terms of the
L3 language, a number of approaches are possible
besides a full subject option. For example,
during the broad general education a new language
could be taken forward through a carefully
planned interdisciplinary approach, or through an
elective or enrichment activity which runs for
all or part of the session. These options should
be introduced in a way that allows for genuine
progression in L3 , which would ideally be the
third language children had learned in primary
school. The L3 language could thereafter be
studied for certification purposes within the
senior phase, based on learner choice. Such
certification need not mean a full SQA course.
Language Learning in Scotland A 12 Approach
Report and Recommendations PDF, 259.3 kb 16 May
8Senior Phase
Recommendation 16 The Working Group recommends
that schools provide all young people with
flexible opportunities and encouragement to study
more than one modern language to the level of a
National Qualification Unit or course in the
senior phase, whether in their own school or
through cluster arrangements with other schools.
Language Learning in Scotland A 12 Approach
Report and Recommendations PDF, 259.3 kb 16 May
9- The Economic Case for Improving Language Skills
in the Scottish Workforce - Language is a barrier to trade, which can be
represented as equivalent to tax. - There is evidence that Britains language
investment is so low that it imposes a heavier
tax on British Trade than the average for the
rest of the world.2 - This tax currently equates to 0.5 GDP 7.3
billion to the UK economy, pro-rata that is a
cost of 591.3 million to the Scottish economy
Talking the talk, so that Scotland can walk the
walk A rapid review of the evidence of impact on
Scottish business of a monolingual workforce
PDF, 250.6 kb 16 May 2012
10Where are we now?
- 12 Strategic group convened 2013
- 3 pilot clusters agreed in 2014/2015
- 2 X 0.4FTE 12 DOs appointed
- Focus on developing a training model and support
resources in 2013/2014 - Lead teachers appointed from each of the pilot
11- 3 pilot clusters agreed in 2014/2015
St Augustines
Rolling programme of French and German P6/P7
P6/P7 French with specialist input from secondary
P5 P7 French
L2 French L3 - German
L2 French L3 - Spanish
L2 Spanish L3 - French
12Training model
- Developed by lead teachers
- One day in-service initially, reduced to half a
day following staff feedback - Cultural, engaging, fun
- Embedded language throughout the day
- Rationale e.g. business case, EAL
- Resource presentation
- Break out sessions with stage partners
- Whole school session for planning
- Promoted funding for in-service training in
13Training model
- Follow up CPD of shared classroom practice
- CAT sessions being delivered in school
- More flexible range of MLPS training courses
being offered - Courses now offered in French (3), Spanish (3),
German (1), Italian, Mandarin - Looking at accreditation for MLPS training
- Actively promoting ERASMUS Plus funding
142 parts to the resource
Embedded language
IDL Choice Topics
- Supportive
- Embedded
- Practical
- Accessible
- Engaging
- Flexible
- Progressive
16French from P1 Framework
- Embedded language
- Minimum expectation for full implementation by
2020 - Covers a set of core vocabulary topics which can
be embedded in daily routines and across
classroom practice - Greetings, numbers (1 -31), dates, weather,
classroom talk - Resources developed at Early, First and Second
Levels including all vocabulary, sound files,
activities, web links and songs.
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20French Early Level
Classroom Talk!
21Early Level Significant Aspects of Learning
- Use language in a range of contexts and across
learning - Develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate
using the language being learnt - Begin to develop an awareness of other countries,
cultures and languages - Listen and join in with simple songs, stories and
rhymes - Explore and recognise patterns and sounds of
language through listening, watching and playing - Understand, respond to and say simple greetings
and personal information (e.g. name) - Repeat and understand simple familiar language
from a familiar source - Actively take part in simple daily routine
language - Participate in familiar games including outdoor
learning - Begin to explore resources to support my learning
e.g. picture dictionaries
Classroom Talk! Ecoutez Listen Regardez Loo
k Sil vous plaît Please (for use when pupil
is talking to the teacher, or the
teacher is talking to the whole class) M
ettez-vous en ligne Line up Oui Yes Non
No Merci Thank you Non merci No thank
sil vous plaît!
sil vous plaît!
25Mettez-vous en ligne!
29Non merci!
30Embedding the language
- Using sil vous plaît, merci, oui and non as
- part of everyday classroom language.
- You could do the register with oui and non on
some days. - The language for the teacher e.g. line up, listen
and look are designed to be embedded in everyday
classroom practice. - For this topic, this would be the focus as
opposed to the language being taught as such. - There are example activities however to help
teachers reinforce the language being used.
31Mot de la semaineMot du mois
- Mot de la semaine means word of the week. Mot du
mois means word of the month. - As a way of building up classroom vocabulary
gently, you could have a word of the week/month
which everyone will use in class (or out of class
too if they like!) - Once you move onto your next word, keep the
previous words going! This way the pupils will
build up their language gradually!
32Sample activities
You will find a bank of sample activities which
you can use to practise the vocabulary in the
classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of
activities and you can use or adapt them to suit
the needs of your class. You will find a set of
more challenging activities in Level 1 Classroom
33Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
- Pupils look at the following slides and decide if
they would like it or not by saying either Sil
vous plaît or non merci! - You could make this more active by having 2 sides
of the room with each designated as the Sil vous
plaît side and the other as the Non merci! side.
Ask pupils to then choose a side which matches
their opinion and say their opinion (Sil vous
plaît or non merci) as a group. - You could follow this up with asking them to
choose pictures from cut outs or create their own
drawings under the headings Sil vous plaît and
non merci!
34Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
les photos
décidez si
Sil vous plaît!
Non merci!
35Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
36Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
37Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
38Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
39Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
- Version professeurs de français!
40Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
41Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
42Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
43Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
44Sil vous plaît ou non merci?
45Songs and videos!
You will find a bank of sample songs and videos
which you can use to practise the vocabulary in
the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list
of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit
the needs of your class.
46Mettez-vous en ligne (to the tune of farmers in
his den)
Mettez-vous en ligne! Mettez-vous en ligne! Tous
les enfants de la classe, Mettez-vous en ligne!
47ICT Resources online
You will find a bank of sample ICT activities
which you can use to practise the vocabulary in
the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list
of activities and you can use or adapt them to
suit the needs of your class. Each of the
slides contains an image of the website page. If
you click on the image it will take you to the
page. Alternatively you can use a link address
which you will find in the slide notes.
48Linstitut français
49BBC languages weather games, videos and songs.
50Languages online
51Au revoir!
52Embedded language
- Choose a starting point which suits you and your
class - Dont worry about repetition of language
repetition is everything in language learning,
they cant hear it enough. - Little and often drip, drip effect.
- For Early P2 start with Early Level
- P3 perhaps Early too
- Everyone else First for vocabulary. You can
apply the approaches of 2nd to the amount of
vocab at 1st Level. - P6/7 working up to 2nd
- Approaches are more linked to Levels rather than
the vocabulary there is usually just more of it
the higher you go. - Dont be afraid to get it wrong! Its a positive
thing for the pupils to see you learning with
them. - Go at a pace which you are comfortable with.
53IDL Choice topics
- Range of contexts which can be fitted in across
the curriculum - Designed to promote pupil and teacher choice
- Some contain new vocabulary
- Others build on previous learning
- Some require no previous knowledge
- Still mostly in development
- Pupils and teachers requests for resources
54IDL choice topics
55French Level 1
Party Games!
56Le Hokey Pokey!
57Activité 6 Teachers notes
- Activité Le Hokey Pokey
- Practise the lyrics and actions and then do it to
the music. - Ive included two versions one which is
simplified and another which goes with the
Youtube version.
Prior learning Body parts and left and right
but can learn when doing this song.
58Le Hokey Pokey!
59 Met le pied droit devant
60Met le pied droit derrière
61 Met le pied droit devant
62 Et remule-le dans tous les sens
63On fait le Hokey Pokey
64Tu tournes sur toi-même
65Voilà, cest comme ça!
66Ohhh hokey, pokey, pokey! X 3
67Voilà, cest comme ça!
68Level 1Les dinosaures!
69Activité 1 Teachers notes
Modern Languages I gain a deeper understanding
of my first language and appreciate the richness
and interconnected nature of languages
English and literacy I can use my knowledge of
sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues,
punctuation and grammar to read with
understanding and expression. ENG 1-12a
Prior learning 1. Where I live 2. Simple
descriptions3. Colours 4. Pets5. Food and drink
Activity Read and listen to the information about
the different dinosaurs and then do the quiz in
groups or as a whole class.
70 Voici Stégosaure!
71Stégosaure est gros
72comme un bus
73mais son cerveau est petit
le cerveau
74comme une noix!
75Quest-ce que cest? Cest un oiseau?
76Non! Cest Ptérodactyle!
Salut tout le monde!
77Ptérodactyle est grand ou petit?
78Ptérodactyle est très grand!
Jhabite en Afrique. Et toi?
79Qui est-ce?
Cest Tyrannosaure!
80Ça va Tyrannosaure?
Ça va mal!
81Tyrannosaure mange les petits dinosaures.
Raarr! Jai faim!
82Il y a un Tyrannosaure dans le Musée Nationale
dEcosse à Chambers Street.
8. Le chien est déguisé en quel dinosaure?
84Oui, super! Cest Tyrannosaure!
9. Le chien est déguisé en quel dinosaure?
86Oui, fantastique! Cest Stégosaure!
Je suis un dinosaure. Je ne suis pas un chien!
10. Le chien est déguisé en quel dinosaure?
88Oui, bravo la classe! Cest Tricérotops!
89Early years topic box Les jeux de
récréation (Playground games)
90Pauvre petit chat malade (Poor little sick cat)
Children sit in a circle. One child pretends to
be a cat and goes to another child, who has to
say Pauvre petit chat malade without laughing.
If he laughs, he becomes the cat. If not, the cat
goes to another child.
91Cache-cache (Hide and seek)
Key vocab Jarrive - Im coming Trouvé - Found
One child hides their eyes and counts to
whatever number is appropriate to the size and
amount of children playing. This could be done
in French if possible. When the child has
finished counting he/she shouts jarrive and
looks for the others who have hidden. If the
child finds one of them he/she shouts trouvé and
that child helps them find the others.
92French Level 1/ 2La magie!
93Bonjour les magiciens!
Bienvenue à lécole de magie!
94Le crayon magique!
95Regardez le tour de magie
96Comment faire?
Cest la magie?
97Je prends un crayon
98Je roule le crayon
sur mon pullover
99Je souffle sur le crayon
100Je mets le crayon sur la table
101Je fais des gestes magiques!
102Et maintenant le grand sécret!
103Je souffle sur le crayon.
104Et voilà! Le crayon roule!
Cest la magie!
105To what extent do you feel your new
skills/knowledge will have a positive impact on
service users?
- I am very excited to start using French in the
classroom. I have a P2 class and I am planning
to use the resources straight away. - Although I am not too good with French, I feel I
have the resources necessary to get started and
to motivate my learners. - I feel more confident in French, with no
experience, I now feel more comfortable taking it
into my classroom and cant wait to get started. - As someone who doesnt speak French, I think that
the powerpoints and websites will greatly support
106Any additional comments including any
suggestions for improving this learning
experience, adding/removing content, making it
longer, shorter, more interactive etc
- I think you have managed to create a buzz and
made it all a lot less daunting, whilst
explaining what it is all about. The fact it is
integrated is, in my opinion, very useful. The
Comenius/Erasmus Plus courses sound amazing too! - Consistently throughout the day practitioners
commented on how well-prepared they feel to get
started. This is testament to the time and
thinking which has gone in to the resource
development by the group and to the format of
todays training. As HT, I am delighted by the
positive response from staff. This initiative
will not place undue additional workload on staff
which is a huge relief.
107Next steps 2014 2016
- Roll out programme over remaining 20 clusters
- Clusters signing up for ML as a priority over
next two sessions - Decide L2 and L3 as a cluster group clearly
stated that this process has to include secondary
ML link. - Work with us to identify training dates etc.
- Lead teacher appointed from all schools involved
including secondary.
108What this will mean for your cluster? What are
the issues and implications for the secondary?
How can you support this change?
109New Qualifications
- Higher materials in development
- 30 reading and listening texts (for each topic)
- Sample questions
- Vocabulary packs
- French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin,
110New Qualifications group discussion
- Any issues re. exams etc. to be flagged up.
- S1 S3 courses are they challenging enough to
meet the requirements for Nat 4/5 - What, if anything, will you adapt/change moving
in following years? - Anything else to feedback to SQA.
111Foreign Language Assistants
- GETs replacing German FLAs
- Moving to 8 month minimum contracts instead of 9
- Finish at end April
- All depts. will continue to get FLA or GET time
- Any specific requests please let me know
- Can supplement with volunteer/Erasmus assistants
- Model needs revision moving forward
112(No Transcript)