Evaluating Persistence Times in Populations Subject to Catastrophes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Evaluating Persistence Times in Populations Subject to Catastrophes


Evaluating Persistence Times in Populations Subject to Catastrophes Ben Cairns and Phil Pollett Department of Mathematics – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Evaluating Persistence Times in Populations Subject to Catastrophes

Evaluating Persistence Times in Populations
Subject to Catastrophes
  • Ben Cairns and Phil Pollett
  • Department of Mathematics

  • Most populations are certain not to persist
    forever they will eventually become extinct.
  • When is extinction likely to occur? We consider
    such measures as the expected time to extinction
    (or persistence time).
  • We have developed methods for finding accurate
    measures of persistence for a class of stochastic
    population models.

  • Modelling populations subject to stochastic
  • Birth, death and catastrophe processes.
  • Calculating measures of persistence
  • Bounded models.
  • Unbounded models
  • Analytic approaches.
  • Accurate numerical approaches.

Population Processes
  • Populations are subject to a variety of sources
    of randomness, including
  • Survival and reproduction (uncertainty in the
    survival and reproduction of individuals)
  • Catastrophes (events that may result in large,
    sudden declines in the population by mass death
    or emigration, often with external causes)
  • There are other sources of randomness (e.g.
    environmental) but we focus on the above.
  • Any model must account for the uncertainty
    introduced by this stochasticity.

Modelling Populations
  • Birth, death and catastrophe processes, a class
    of continuous-time Markov chains, are stochastic
    models for populations.
  • As their name suggests, BDCPs incorporate both
    demographic stochasticity and catastrophic
  • They are both powerful and simple, allowing
    arbitrary relationships between population size
    and dynamics.
  • They model discrete-valued populations that are

A General BDCP
  • BDCPs are defined by rates
  • B(i) is the birth rate
  • D(i) is the death rate
  • C(i) is the catastrophe rate, with
  • F( i j i ), the catastrophe size distribution.

A General BDCP
  • BDCPs are defined by rates
  • B(i) is the birth rate
  • D(i) is the death rate
  • C(i) is the catastrophe rate, with
  • F( i j i ), the catastrophe size distribution.

Important Features
  • Jumps up limited in size to 1 individual (only
    births or single immigration).
  • This is the most general model of its type it
    allows any form of dependence of the rates on the
    current population.
  • The population is bounded if it has a ceiling N
    (then B(i) gt 0 for xe lt i lt N, and B(N) 0).
  • If there is no such N, and B(i) gt 0 for all i gt
    xe, the population is unbounded.
  • A population is quasi-extinct (or functionally
    extinct) at or below the extinction level, xe.

Simulation Example
Persistence Bounded Popns
  • Suppose the population is bounded with ceiling N.
  • Extinction is certain in finite time persistence
    times are the solution, T, to
  • M qij , for xe lt i, j ? N. 1 is the unit
    vector. T Ti , Ti persistence time from
    size i.
  • If N is not too large, we can easily find
    numerical solutions (e.g. see Mangel and Tier,

Unbounded Populations
  • Unbounded models (ones without hard limits) can
    still be reasonable population models.
  • However, such models could explode to infinite
    size in finite time, or never go extinct.
  • We would generally want to rule out this kind of
    behaviour for biological populations.
  • If extinction is certain, the persistence times
    are the minimal, non-negative solution to

An Unbounded Model
  • Suppose there is an overall jump rate, fi,
    depending only on the current population, i.
  • Let the jump size distribution, given that a jump
    occurs, be the same for all i gt 0. Then
  • (Let xe 0, and deaths be catastrophes of size

An Unbounded Model
  • Models like this may be useful when
  • Individuals trigger catastrophes (e.g. epidemics)
    at rates with forms similar to their birth rates
    (e.g. by interaction, ? i(i 1).)
  • Catastrophes are localised but the population
    maintains a fairly constant density, so that the
    catastrophe size distribution is fixed.
  • Another advantage they are quite general and are
    amenable to mathematical analysis.
  • (We find analytic solutions for persistence times
    and probabilities for this model.)

Unbounded Model Example
  • Suppose the overall jump rate is fi r bi 1
    and, given a jump occurs,
  • it is a birth with probability a
  • catastrophe size has geometric distribution
  • dk (1-a)(1-p)pk1, 0 p lt 1.
  • We show that the persistence times are
  • if b 1, or
  • if b ¹ 1,
  • whenever p b/a ? 1, where b 1-a, and g 1/b.

Unbounded Model Example
Approximating Persistence
  • Suppose our preferred model is either unbounded
    or has a very large ceiling.
  • What if we cannot find complete solutions?
  • We can still make progress by truncating our
    model we approximate the population, introducing
    some form of boundary.
  • We must, however, show that the chosen truncation
    is appropriate, or else our approximate
    persistence times may be nothing like the true

Approximating Persistence
  • Interesting properties of extinction times
    (expectations, etc.) are all solutions to
  • Solutions have the form (Anderson, 1991)
  • where k supi gt xe bi / ai ensures this is
    the minimal, non-negative solution.

Approximating Persistence
  • See Anderson (1991) for details of the (fairly
    simple) derivation of the sequences ai and
    bi. These sequences are unique.
  • In our work, we do not use Andersons results to
    calculate persistence times directly, but rather
    obtain from them a quantitative indicator of the
    accuracy of a truncation.
  • However, could in theory find ai and bi for
    xe lt i N1, then let k kN1 bN1 / aN1

Accurate Approximations
  • Then
  • This will be an accurate approximation provided
    kN1 is close to k, which we can judge in two
  • Plot kN1 versus N1 and look for convergence.
  • If a plot of DkN2 kN2 kN1 is linear on
    log-linear axes, kN1 appears to converge
    geometrically (fast) to k.

Accurate Approximations
kN1 appears to converge
DkN2 kN2 kN1 approaches 0 geometrically.
Absorption vs. Reflection
  • Direct use of Andersons approach is not
    satisfying in many cases it allows the
    population to become extinct by going above N!
    Then, N1 is an absorbing boundary.
  • In our approach, we take a truncation with a
    reflecting boundary, so that the N is a true
    ceiling and only states ? xe correspond to
    quasi-extinction. We calculate persistence times
    etc. as for bounded populations, and
  • we use the convergence of ki as an indication of
    the accuracy of the truncation.

Example Numerical Solutions
  • We can calculate various measures of persistence
    for general birth, death and catastrophe
    processes, a useful class of population models
  • Bounded processes with a low ceiling Solutions
    to questions of persistence are very easy to
  • Unbounded processes In some cases we can find
    analytic solutions.
  • Processes that are unbounded or have a high
    ceiling We can get approximate solutions and
    obtain quantitative indicators of their accuracy.

  • Dr Phil Pollett (supervisor and co-author)
  • Prof. Hugh Possingham (associate supervisor)
  • and the organisers of MODSIM 2003
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