Title: Intercultural negotiations
1Intercultural negotiations
2Culture classification- G. Hofstede
- Power distance (PDI)
- Uncertainty Avoidance (UIA)
- Individualism-Collectivism
- Masculinity-Femininity
3Power distance
- Power distance- the degree of inequality among
people which the population of a country
considers as normal from relatively equal (small
power distance) to extremely unequal (large power
distance). The extent to which the less powerful
members of organizations and institutions (like
the family) accept and expect that power is
distributed unequally. This represents inequality
(more versus less), but defined from below, not
from above. It suggests that a society's level of
inequality is endorsed by the followers as much
as by the leaders.
- the degree to which people in a country prefer
to act as individuals rather than as members of
groups. On the individualist side we find
societies in which the ties between individuals
are loose everyone is expected to look after
him/herself and his/her immediate family. On the
collectivist side, we find societies in which
people from birth onwards are integrated into
strong, cohesive in-groups, often extended
families (with uncles, aunts and grandparents)
which continue protecting them in exchange for
unquestioning loyalty.
5Masculinity/ femininity
- versus its opposite, femininity, refers to the
distribution of roles between the genders which
is another fundamental issue for any society to
which a range of solutions are found. The IBM
studies revealed that (a) women's values differ
less among societies than men's values (b) men's
values from one country to another contain a
dimension from very assertive and competitive and
maximally different from women's values on the
one side, to modest and caring and similar to
women's values on the other.
- The assertive pole has been called 'masculine'
and the modest, caring pole 'feminine'. The women
in feminine countries have the same modest,
caring values as the men in the masculine
countries they are somewhat assertive and
competitive, but not as much as the men, so that
these countries show a gap between men's values
and women's values.
7Uncertainty Avoidance
- deals with a society's tolerance for uncertainty
and ambiguity it ultimately refers to man's
search for Truth. It indicates to what extent a
culture programs its members to feel either
uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured
situations. Unstructured situations are novel,
unknown, surprising, different from usual.
Uncertainty avoiding cultures try to minimize the
possibility of such situations by strict laws and
rules, safety and security measures, and on the
philosophical and religious level by a belief in
absolute Truth 'there can only be one Truth and
we have it'.
8Uncertainty Avoidance
- People in uncertainty avoiding countries are also
more emotional, and motivated by inner nervous
energy. The opposite type, uncertainty accepting
cultures, are more tolerant of opinions different
from what they are used to they try to have as
few rules as possible, and on the philosophical
and religious level they are relativist and allow
many currents to flow side by side. People within
these cultures are more phlegmatic and
contemplative, and not expected by their
environment to express emotions
9Individualism/ collectivism in negotiations
- Self interest is a factor that affects the level
of joint gains Because American negotiators are
from an individualistic culture, they focus on
their self interest more than the collectivistic
Japanese who emphasized social obligations.
10Individualism/ collectivism in negotiations
- When negotiators are both from individualistic
cultures the self interest focused parties are
able to mutually achieve high goals. - A negotiator who is driven by self- interest
may not be willing to continue the negotiation
once their goals have been satisfied, and the
negotiation could end too early to accomplish - joint gains.
11Individualism/ collectivism in negotiations
- People from individualistic cultures seek to be
recognized from others by personal
accomplishment, they are drawn to encouraging - information and they concentrate on gaining
characteristics that establish their uniqueness.
This is in contrast to collectivists whose
emphasis on fitting in foster a bias toward
negative information and a focus on eliminating - negative characteristics that helps one avoid
relational discord or group disruption
12Individualism/collectivism in negotiations
- What this means is that those from
individualistic and collectivistic cultures seem
to differ in whether they promote approach versus
avoidance motivation. Collectivists seem more
pessimistic, fearful of failure and have a
greater tendency to be self-critical as opposed
to individualists.
13Individualism/collectivism in negotiations
- Experiences with individualistic cultures such
as the United States and collectivists cultures
like South - Korea and Russia show that in the United States,
- attainment of positive outcomes is emphasized
and - valued, whereas in South Korea and Russia,
avoiding negative outcome is emphasized and
valued. - Collectivists tend to be more neurotic,
introverted, more afraid of failure, and more
anxious socially than are individualists.
14Individualism/collectivism in negotiations
- Collectivists also use more avoidance-based
coping strategies than individualists. In the
United States, where the cultural value is
individualistic, the realization of positive
conclusions is stressed and respected. The South
Koreans and Russians tend to have a more cautious
approach because they do not want to lose.
15Individualism/collectivism in negotiations
- Collectivists are more likely to cooperate in
negotiations where they stand to lose.
Individualists, like the Americans, are quite
happy to leave a negotiation if it does not
result in a profitable deal for them.
16Individualism/collectivism in negotiations
- In collectivistic cultures, people value
relationships and social networks far greater
than in individualistic cultures. - People from collectivistic cultures are expected
to support group members and help sustain one
another. -
- To collectivists, relationships with groups are
more long-term, permanent and important than to
the individualists In individualistic societies,
negotiators are interchangeable because the focus
is on competency as opposed to relationship.
17Individualism/collectivism in negotiations
- Based on the above information, it appears that
American negotiators should be well prepared to
foster informal as well as formal relations with
people from collectivistic societies. Knowing
that collectivistic cultures thrive in
group-win-win situations can lead to positive
integrative decisions.
18Power distance
- Hierarchy cultures, from Asia to Africa or the
Middle East, respect is demanded by those in
senior positions Those higher up on the social
ladder are given authority and advantage, whereas
those lower on the social scale are duty-bound to
submit to social superiors and abide by their
request. - The high-status members in a hierarchy culture
are obligated to look out for the needs of the
lower status members. In addition, members of
hierarchical society expect to deal with their
peers and it is important to match eagles with
19Power distance
- Cultures that are more egalitarian do not have
the same obligations to their lower status
members that high-status members of more
hierarchical focused cultures do. - This is because, even though there are social
status distinctions, the social boundaries of the
egalitarian society are fluctuating, making ones
superior status subject to change.
20Power distance
- Conflict between different status groups in
hierarchical cultures becomes incompatible to the
social structure where the norm is for lower
status members not to challenge the directives of
social superiors. - For this reason, negotiators can assume that
conflict between members of different statuses
will be less frequent in hierarchical cultures as
opposed to egalitarian cultures. In a hierarchal
society, if two members of the same social class
are at odds, they will defer the conflict to a
superior rather than have a direct confrontation.
This happens because hierarchical societies count
with rules that facilitate interaction among
members through the routing of conflict that
reaches superiors . - The decision by the high status third party
rein forces their authority without necessarily
conferring differentiated status on the
contestants as would be the case in negotiation
in which one party won and the other lost
21Power distance
- When resolving conflict, egalitarian cultures
will encourage direct face-to-face negotiations,
mediation, and/or group decision making. - Negotiators can assume that social status as a
source of power will be more important for those
in hierarchical cultures than in egalitarian ones.
22Power distance
- During transactional negotiations, egalitarian
cultures rarely use BATNA (best alternative to a
negotiated agreement) as a source of power,
unless things are not progressing toward an
agreement because they would rather concentrate
on the issues, priorities and interest relevant
to the current negotiations. Cultures that are
more hierarchical tend to use all forms of power
in negotiation, whether it is status, BATNA,
and/or persuasion.
23Power distance
- When interacting socially, egalitarians expect
the encounter to be equal whereas those from
hierarchical cultures do not. Power is related to
ones status in a hierarchical culture and this
status is not going to change from one
negotiation to another. - We can consider power in hierarchical cultures
as fixed. Negotiators can assume that social
status as a source of power will be more
important for those in hierarchical cultures than
in egalitarian ones.
24Power distance
- During transactional negotiations, egalitarian
cultures rarely use BATNA as a source of power,
unless things are not progressing toward an
agreement because they would rather concentrate
on the issues, priorities and interest relevant
to the current negotiations. Cultures that are
more hierarchical tend to use all forms of power
in negotiation, whether it is status, BATNA,
and/or persuasion.
25Power distance
- Americans are more inclined toward egalitarian
traits, while Japanese are more hierarchical. The
Japanese, more than the Americans, pay more
attention to power in regards to their
preparation. When they recognize distributive
tactics, they followed distributive norms more
forcefully than the U.S negotiators. TheJapanese
tend to rate role and company as more important
factors to negotiation.
26Power distance
- Japanese do not see BATNA as power like the
Americans do and this difference may add to a
lower level of joint gains for the cross-cultural
negotiators. Japanese tend to view BATNA as a
point to reach for in negotiations rather than a
starting point to begin negotiations .
27Power distance
- It is suggests that BATNA served as a low anchor
for some Japanese negotiating interculturaly, and
therefore, contributed to premature closure of
discussions of options and the relatively low
level of joint gains in the intercultural
negotiations as compared with the intra-cultural
28Conflict solving
- Competitive People who tend towards a
competitive style take a firm stand, and know
what they want. They usually operate from a
position of power, drawn from things like
position, rank, expertise, or persuasive ability.
This style can be useful when there is an
emergency and a decision needs to be make fast
when the decision is unpopular or when defending
against someone who is trying to exploit the
situation selfishly. However it can leave people
feeling bruised, unsatisfied and resentful when
used in less urgent situations.
29Conflict solving
- Collaborative People tending towards a
collaborative style try to meet the needs of all
people involved. These people can be highly
assertive but unlike the competitor, they
cooperate effectively and acknowledge that
everyone is important. This style is useful when
a you need to bring together a variety of
viewpoints to get the best solution when there
have been previous conflicts in the group or
when the situation is too important for a simple
30Conflict solving
- Compromising People who prefer a compromising
style try to find a solution that will at least
partially satisfy everyone. Everyone is expected
to give up something, and the compromiser him- or
herself also expects to relinquish something.
Compromise is useful when the cost of conflict is
higher than the cost of losing ground, when equal
strength opponents are at a standstill and when
there is a deadline looming.
31Conflict solving
- Accommodating This style indicates a willingness
to meet the needs of others at the expense of the
person's own needs. The accommodator often knows
when to give in to others, but can be persuaded
to surrender a position even when it is not
warranted. This person is not assertive but is
highly cooperative. Accommodation is appropriate
when the issues matter more to the other party,
when peace is more valuable than winning, or when
you want to be in a position to collect on this
"favor" you gave. However people may not return
favors, and overall this approach is unlikely to
give the best outcomes.
32Conflict solving
- Avoiding People tending towards this style seek
to evade the conflict entirely. This style is
typified by delegating controversial decisions,
accepting default decisions, and not wanting to
hurt anyone's feelings. It can be appropriate
when victory is impossible, when the controversy
is trivial, or when someone else is in a better
position to solve the problem. However in many
situations this is a weak and ineffective
approach to take.
33Kodeks Etyki
- Kodeks Etyki Biznesu Sekcji Serwisowej
Zrzeszenia Miedzynarodowych Przewozników
Drogowych przeznaczony jest dla uzytkowników
Programu Razem w Przyszlosc, partnerów
biznesowych oraz pracowników Sekcji Serwisowej
i jest potwierdzeniem ogólnych zasad, na których
opiera sie dzialalnosc gospodarcza Sekcji.
34Kodeks Etyki
- Jako Sekcja Serwisowa gleboko wierzymy, ze
podstawa sukcesu i rozwoju dzialalnosci
gospodarczej jest zapewnienie relacji opartych na
wzajemnym zaufaniu naszych klientów czlonków
ZMPD i uzytkowników programu, partnerów
biznesowych dostawców towarów, pracowników oraz
innych stron zaangazowanych w program poprzez
uczciwosc, profesjonalizm, kompetencje
i przestrzeganie zasad gospodarki wolnorynkowej.
35Kodeks Etyki
- Uwazamy, ze uczciwosc, rzetelnosc, prawosc
i szczerosc sa wartosciami, na których opierac
sie powinny kontakty zarówno biznesowe, jak
i osobiste. Zalezy nam bardzo, aby zachowanie
przedstawicieli wszystkich zaangazowanych w nasz
program stron odzwierciedlalo najwyzsze
standardy, jakie zostaly zawarte w niniejszym
36Kodeks Etyki
- Bedac w ZMPD departamentem o charakterze
komercyjnym odpowiadamy przed nasza dyrekcja
generalna oraz zarzadem zrzeszenia. - Dobra opinia o zespole Sekcji Serwisowej jest dla
nas najwyzsza wartoscia i musi byc zapewniona
poprzez etyczne dzialania i zachowania
pracowników. - Kryteria podejmowania decyzji biznesowych
opieraja sie na rachunku ekonomicznym
z uwzglednieniem dlugoterminowych korzysci dla
firm czlonkowskich ZMPD, dla ZMPD, dla branzy
transportowej a takze uwzgledniaja czynniki
spoleczne i ekologiczne.
37Kodeks Etyki
- Dzialalnosc nasza opiera sie na przestrzeganiu
prawa polskiego oraz regulacji w jurysdykcjach
w innych krajach, skad pochodza nasi partnerzy
biznesowi i klienci. - Nie bedziemy angazowac sie w nieuczciwe praktyki
gospodarcze ani nieetyczne dzialania w celu
osiagniecia przewagi monopolistycznej wobec
innych podmiotów w branzy transportowej.
38Kodeks Etyki
- Charakter naszej dzialalnosci umozliwia
uczestniczenie w atrakcyjnych wydarzeniach
i spotkaniach z udzialem klientów Sekcji
Serwisowej, partnerów biznesowych oraz innych
podmiotów, gdzie moze dojsc do wymiany upominków.
Moga to byc jednak tylko upominki o niewysokiej
wartosci i musza byc wreczane lub przyjmowane
w zgodzie z prawem i w sposób otwarty oraz nie
budzacy podejrzen.
39Kodeks Etyki
- Szczególna uwage przykladamy do zachowania
najwyzszych standardów w zakresie poufnosci
informacji gospodarczej w celu ochrony danych
klientów Sekcji Serwisowej, pracowników,
partnerów biznesowych i innych podmiotów. - Nie bedziemy w zaden sposób wspierac tych
przedsiebiorców, którzy lamia prawo, ukrywaja
fakt braku plynnosci finansowej i prowadza
dzialalnosc niezgodna z nasza etyka biznesu.
40Kodeks Etyki
- Bedziemy prowadzic uzasadnione dzialania w celu
unikniecia konfliktów interesów wszystkich stron
i pracowników zaangazowanych w realizacje
programu. - Bedziemy wspierac w Sekcji Serwisowej kulture
wspólpracy i pracy zespolowej poprzez szacunek
wobec przelozonych i pracowników oraz poprzez
unikanie wszelkich form dyskryminacji
pracowników, klientów, partnerów biznesowych
i innych podmiotów.
41Kodeks Etyki
- We wszystkim co robimy bedziemy kierowac sie
korzysciami dla naszych klientów, partnerów
gospodarczych i dla ZMPD oraz stowarzyszen
regionalnych. - Ciagle bedziemy poszukiwac sposobów ulepszania
naszych uslug i ofert w celu jak najwyzszego
zaspokojenia potrzeb naszych klientów, partnerów
biznesowych i potrzeb ZMPD oraz calej branzy
42Kodeks Etyki
- Klienci Sekcji Serwisowej
- Firmy czlonkowskie ZMPD, które zdecyduja sie
skorzystac z programu Razem w przyszlosc i inni
jego uzytkownicy beda przestrzegac najwyzszych
zasad etyki biznesu w stosunku do wszystkich
pozostalych podmiotów zaangazowanych w programie.
- Beda przestrzegac prawo oraz zasad uczciwej
konkurencji, rzetelnosci i profesjonalnosci wobec
odbiorców swoich uslug transportowych w kraju
i za granica.
43Kodeks Etyki
- Beda przestrzegac Regulaminu korzystania
z programu Razem w przyszlosc, a w
szczególnosci nie beda próbowac osiagac korzysci
z bezposrednich kontaktów z partnerami
biznesowymi ZMPD z pominieciem ZMPD, które
wynegocjowalo dla nich korzystne oferty. - W sytuacji problemów z platnosciami klienci
wstrzymaja sie od korzystania z oferty Sekcji
Serwisowej do czasu osiagniecia wlasciwej
plynnosci finansowej.
44Kodeks Etyki
- Klienci nie beda przekazywac nikomu swoich
uprawnien w zakresie mozliwosci skorzystania
z ofert specjalnie dla nich przygotowanych przez
Sekcje Serwisowa, a w szczególnosci nie beda
odstepowac karty czlonkowsko-serwisowej ZMPD ani
danych z nia zwiazanych osobom nieuprawnionym. - Klienci beda przestrzegac zasad poufnosci
informacji gospodarczej, do której beda mieli
dostep poprzez oferty otrzymywane od Sekcji
Serwisowej oraz informacje poufne zawarte na
stronach internetowych portalu Sekcji Serwisowej.
45Kodeks Etyki
- Partnerzy biznesowi
- Partnerzy biznesowi Sekcji Serwisowej ZMPD
uczestniczacy w Programie Razem w przyszlosc
beda przestrzegac najwyzszych zasad etyki biznesu
w stosunku do wszystkich pozostalych podmiotów
zaangazowanych w programie. - Beda przestrzegac zasad poufnosci informacji
gospodarczej, informacji o klientach Sekcji
Serwisowej, które to informacje beda otrzymywac
od Sekcji Serwisowej w celu zawarcia transakcji
46Kodeks Etyki
- Beda przestrzegac zasady uczciwosci w zakresie
powstrzymana sie od przyznania korzystniejszych
lub takich samych warunków handlowych podmiotom
konkurencyjnym wobec ZMPD. - Przyznane warunki handlowe beda odzwierciedlac
uczciwe zasady rachunku ekonomicznego
i konkurencji w gospodarce wolnorynkowej i beda
zmierzaly w kierunku rozwoju dlugofalowej
wspólpracy z ZMPD a nie ograniczaly wylacznie do
zdobycia licznej grupy klientów przy pomocy ZMPD.
47Kodeks Etyki
- Beda przestrzegac Regulaminu korzystania
z programu Razem w przyszlosc, a w
szczególnosci nie beda próbowac osiagac korzysci
z bezposrednich kontaktów z klientami ZMPD
z pominieciem ZMPD, za którego posrednictwem
uzyskali klientów. - Razem z ZMPD beda dbali o dobre imie polskiej
branzy transportowej w kraju jak i na swiecie.