Extending LANs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Extending LANs


Extending LANs Based on Chapter 11 in Computer Networks and Internets – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: extending | fiber | lans | waves


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Extending LANs

Extending LANs
  • Based on Chapter 11 in Computer Networks and

Size Limitations
  • Recall that the combination of protocol and
    wiring scheme places size restrictions on a LAN
  • Ethernet using 10Base5 (thick) allows segments up
    to 500 m
  • FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) allows a
    single ring to be 100 kilometers (62 miles)

Reason One
  • Attenuation and interference
  • The farther a signal travels, the more it
    attenuates (weakens). If the amplitude is
    reduced, the signal-to-noise ratio may decrease.
    And the information may be lost in the noise.
  • The farther a signal travels, the more likely it
    is to experience interference (noise) other
    unwanted waves adding to it.
  • Increasing the amplitude would help but that
    requires additional power and thus increasing

Reason Two
  • Sharing Speed
  • The longer a token ring (and the more computers
    on it), the longer it takes before it is a given
    computers turn to transmit.
  • The longer a bus (and the more computers on it),
    the more likely that two computers will transmit
    simultaneously causing a collision (CSMA/CD).

Fiber-Optic Extensions
  • The attenuation/interference limitation can be
    overcome by changing the medium wire ? fiber
    optic cable.
  • Recall fiber optic cable has a much higher
    bandwidth and is much less susceptible to
  • Building a LAN entirely of fiber is expensive.
  • One of the reasons FDDI did not become more
    widespread is because of its cost.
  • But fiber optic cable can be used to extend
    certain connections in a LAN.

Fiber Optic Extensions (Cont.)
  • The connection between the computer and the bus
    could be partially spanned by fiber optic cable.
  • Electrical signal goes to a fiber modem.
  • The fiber modem converts the signal into an
    optical form for transmission over the optical
  • A second fiber modem receives the optical signal
    and converts it back to an electronic signal.
  • The electronic signal is placed on the bus in the
    usual way.

Fiber Extension (Fig. 11.1)
Note as shown above one is adding a single
computer that is a large distance from the rest
of the network. But this idea can be extended.
  • Another solution to the attenuation/interference
    problem is to use a repeater.
  • A repeater receives a signal, amplifies it, and
    then retransmits (forwards) it.
  • Repeaters are used between segments of a local
    area network (LAN).
  • Segments have a fixed maximum length.
  • Repeaters are also used in WANs, both wired and

Repeater (Cont.)
  • In its simplest version an analog repeater simply
    amplifies the signal it receives.
  • Therefore, if any noise has corrupted the signal,
    that noise is also amplified. This is the best a
    repeater can do with an analog signal.
  • It is possible for a repeater to clean up a
    digital signal provided it is not too noisy.

Its possible to clean up a digital signal
A noise ridden digital signal.
Its possible to clean up a digital signal
A cleaned-up digital signal.
Repeater (Cont.)
  • While noise can in some sense be removed from a
    digital signal by a repeater, digital signals
    tend to require more frequent repeating.
  • Whereas analog signal amplifiers are spaced at
    18,000 meter intervals, digital signal repeaters
    are typically placed at 2,000 to 6,000 meter

Repeater (Fig. 11.2)
  • Repeaters allow the LAN size to be extended.
  • But the repeater solves only the
    attenuation-interference problem and not the
    sharing speed problem.
  • For this reason, some protocols place
    restrictions on the number or arrangement of
  • Ethernet standards allow only a maximum of 4
    repeaters between any two nodes.

Multiple Repeaters (Fig. 11.3)
MAC Bridges
  • Like a repeater, a bridge (a.k.a. MAC bridge)
    connects segments of a LAN, but a bridge is more
  • Under steady-state conditions, a bridge only
    passes a packet from segment A to segment B if
    the packets destination is on segment B or
  • In other words, while a repeater works at the
    physical layer and sees the transmission only as
    a wave, a bridge operates at the data-link layer
    and understands the transmission as data, in
    particular its destination and source addresses.

  • A bridge is a computer with more than one NIC
    card operating in promiscuous mode.
  • It will probably not be used for anything but
    this purpose as the processor will be quite
    occupied with this task.
  • Each NIC card is attached to a LAN segment.
  • All transmissions on these segments are read by
    the bridge.

Bridge (Cont.)
  • Most bridges are learning or adaptive bridges.
  • When such a bridge is first connected, it does
    not know which computers are on which segment.
  • When a packet first arrives, the bridge knows
    from which of its cards the message entered (i.e.
    what segment the message came from) and it also
    reads the source address.
  • It has then learned the MAC address of a computer
    (the source) and which of its ports that computer
    is on.

Bridges (Cont.)
  • It does not yet know the side of the destination
    computer, so it must transmit (forward) the
    packet to all other ports.
  • Later when a packet arrives having as a
    destination the previous packets source address,
    the bridge knows whether the packets must be
    forwarded or not.

Bridge (Cont.)
  • The bridge develops a table of MAC addresses, and
    after a time reaches its steady state in which
    it knows the addresses of most of the active
  • Tables are refreshed periodically in case a
    computer is moved.
  • It only transmits packets
  • That are broadcast
  • That are multicast
  • That are unicast and have source and destination
    on different ports of the bridge.

Repeater vs. Bridge
  • Repeaters lead to identical traffic on the
    connected segments.
  • Bridges reduce the amount of traffic on the
    segments, freeing up the transmission line for
    increased traffic provided a reasonable amount of
    the traffic is intra-segmental (within a
  • Increases throughput
  • When designing a multi-segmented network, one
    wants to maximize intra-segmental communication.

  • Recall that error-checking takes place at the
    data-link layer.
  • Consequently, a bridge transmits only packets
    thought to be error free.
  • Collisions, noise, interference are not
    transmitted across a bridge.
  • Repeaters do transmit error ridden packets.

Bridge vs Router
  • A restriction on a bridge is that the connected
    segments utilize the same protocol.
  • A router serves a somewhat similar purpose but
    acts at a higher level (the network layer) and is
    more intelligent.
  • Occasionally a bridge and router are combined in
    a product called a brouter.

Long-distance bridge
  • One can combine the ideas of the fiber extension
    and the bridge to achieve a bridge that extends
    over a long distance.
  • The computer connected to the first LAN (segment)
    is given a second NIC card so that it can serve
    as a bridge to a second LAN (segment).

Long-distance bridge (Fig. 11.6)
Even Greater Distances (Fig. 11.7)
2 half bridges
Bridged Networks
  • A bridged network does not necessarily just form
    a long line with the end of one segment bridged
    to the end of another segment and a given segment
    bridged to at most two others.

Bridged Networks (Cont.)
Possible Problem
Segment X
Bridge 1
Bridge 2
Segment Y
Possible Problem (Cont.)
  • If a node on Segment X unicasts a message to a
    node on Segment Y, then (in steady state) Bridge
    1 will forward it to Segment Y as will Bridge 2.
    It will arrive twice.
  • If a node on Segment X broadcasts a message, then
    Bridge 1 will forward it to Segment Y, then the
    message will reach Bridge 2 and be forwarded to
    Segment X, where it will reach Bridge 1 and be
    forwarded to Segment Y, where .
  • We have an infinite loop (actually two counter
    rotating infinite loops).

Logical vs. Physical again
  • Physically, loops are good because they can
    provide a backup route should one route fail.
  • Logically, loops are bad, they lead to an
    infinite cycling of messages.
  • So long as the network is logically loop-less
    (that is, a tree), it is OK.

  • Spanning Tree Protocol (part of the IEEE 802.1
    standard) allows for a bridged network that has
    physical loops but is logically a tree.
  • STP puts the bridges that lead to a loop into a
    standby or blocked state (forming a logical
  • However, it stores alternate logical trees in
    the event that one bridge is unable to perform
    its duties
  • Path redundancy

STP (Cont.)
  • Of all the logical trees, one wants the best,
    that is the cheapest.
  • There will be some cost function which will
    depend on the throughput of the various
    connections, the typical traffic patterns on
    those connections and so on.
  • STP will select the minimal tree, but that
    could change, which is another reason that a
    blocked bridge may later be activated.

May the circle be unbroken
  • Similar to the way one can have more than one
    logical tree in case a bridge goes out, one can
    have various logical rings in case a connection
    within the ring is broken.
  • If the networks physical topology is a ring and
    it is broken, then it goes down.
  • However, if the networks physical topology is a
    star but its logical topology is a ring, then a
    new logical ring can be formed should a
    connection or node go down.

  • FDDI Hub contains the electronic circuitry
    necessary to detect a broken link and reconfigure
    the network.
  • The FDDI logical network topology is a ring, but
    the physical topology is star.

  • A switch is an intelligent hub.
  • The hub operates at the physical layer,
    forwarding an incoming signal to all other ports.
  • A switch operates at the data-link layer,
    forwarding a (unicast) message only to the
    designated port.
  • A switch is like a many-ported bridge with only
    one computer on each segment.

Switch vs. Hub
  • For a given message a hub should be faster.
  • With increased traffic, switches should improve
    throughput, like bridges different signals can be
    simultaneously transmitted on the various
  • It allows different messages to be transmitted
    in parallel a given message is still sent
  • Hubs are cheaper.

Switch vs. Router
  • Routers operate at a higher layer (the network
    layer), so they are
  • more intelligent improving throughput for
    heavier traffic
  • slower for handling a given packet
  • More expensive
  • Theres an intermediate device known as an IP

Other references
  • http//www.whatis.com
  • http//www.webopedia.com
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