Nuclear Reactions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nuclear Reactions


Notation Energetics of Nuclear Reactions Reaction Types and Mechanisms Barriers Scattering Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections Reaction Observables Rutherford Scattering – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nuclear Reactions

Nuclear Reactions
  • Notation
  • Energetics of Nuclear Reactions
  • Reaction Types and Mechanisms
  • Barriers
  • Scattering
  • Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections
  • Reaction Observables
  • Rutherford Scattering
  • Elastic Scattering
  • Direct Reactions
  • Compound Nuclear Reactions
  • Photonuclear Reactions
  • Heavy Ion Reactions
  • High Energy Reactions

  • Number of nucleons (except in reactions involving
    creation or annihilation of antinucleons),
    charge, energy, momentum, angular momentum,
    statistics, and parity conserved
  • Q is the energy of the reaction
  • positive Q corresponds to energy release,
    negative Q to energy absorption
  • Q terms given per nucleus transformed

  • Q may even be calculated if the masses of
    involved nuclei are not known
  • if the product nucleus is radioactive and decays
    back to the initial nucleus with known decay
  • Q of a reaction is not necessarily equal to the
    needed kinetic energy of the bombarding particles
    for the reaction to occur
  • nucleus conservation of momentum requires that
    some of the particles kinetic energy be retained
    by the products as kinetic energy
  • the fraction of the bombarding particles kinetic
    energy thats retained as kinetic energy of the
    products becomes smaller with increasing mass of
    the target nucleus

Reaction overview
Barriers for Charged Particles
  • Coulomb repulsion between charged bombarding
    particles and the nucleus
  • repulsion increases with decreasing distance of
    separation until charged particle comes within
    range of nuclear forces of the nucleus
  • gives rise to the previously discussed potential
    barrier of height Vc
  • probability of tunneling through barrier drops
    rapidly as energy of particle decreases
  • Coulomb barriers affect charged particles both
    entering and leaving the nucleus
  • charged particles emitted from nuclei have
    considerable kinetic energies (greater than 1

Reaction Barrier
  • Kinetic energy for reaction in center of mass
  • 1/2mv2
  • m is mass of compound nucleus
  • Projectile and target
  • v is from target velocity and mass of compound
  • vmpvp/(mpmt)
  • Comparison between center of mass and laboratory
  • Energy required for conversion to lab system
  • Reaction energetic include consideration for
    laboratory system
  • Threshold energy (minimum energy for reaction)
  • T -Q(mP mT)/mT
  • Consider the 14N(a,p)17O reaction
  • Find threshold energy
  • Q from mass excess
  • Q2.425 2.863 7.289 (-0.809) -1.19 MeV
  • T -(-1.19)(4 14)/14 1.53 MeV

Elastic Scattering
  • Simplest consequence of a nuclear collision
  • not a reaction
  • Particles do not change their identity during the
    process and the sum of their kinetic energies
    remains constant
  • As energy of bombarding particle is increased,
    the particle may penetrate the Coulomb barrier to
    the surface of the target nucleus
  • elastic scattering will also have a contribution
    from nuclear forces
  • May be considered to arise from optical-model
  • Reaction cross section is the cross section for
    all events other than (potential) elastic

Cross Section Limits
  • Although it might be expected that a nucleus that
    interacts with everything that hits it would have
    a reaction cross section of ??R2, this is only
    correct at high energies
  • wave nature of incident particle causes upper
    limit of reaction cross section to be
  • Collision between neutron and target nucleus
    characterized by distance of closest approach of
    two particles if there were no interaction
    between them
  • this distance, b, is called the impact parameter

Cross section
Cross-sectional area corresponds to collision
with angular momentum lh/(2?)
In the quantum-mechanical treatment, the result
for the total reaction cross section is where Tl
is the transmission coefficient for the reaction
of a neutron with angular momentum l (varies
between 0 and 1) and represents the fraction of
incident particles with angular momentum l that
penetrate within the range of nuclear forces
  • Our semiclassical treatment is valid for
    where the only contribution comes from l0
    and the reaction cross section has
    as its upper limit

Centrifugal Barrier
  • Coulomb repulsion will bring the relative kinetic
    energy of the system from ? when the particles
    are very far apart to ?-Vc when the two particles
    are just touching
  • The trajectory of the particle is tangential to
    the nuclear surface when it approaches with the
    maximum impact parameter bm and the relative
    momentum at point of contact is

Upper limit for the capture of charged particles
can be estimated as the area of the disk of
radius bm
  • lm?0 as ??Vc for charged particles lm?0 as ??0
    for neutrons
  • Coulomb barrier causes the transmission
    coefficient for charged particles to approach
    zero under these circumstances, whereas that for
    the neutron remains finite
  • vanishing cross section for charged particles of
    energies approaching that of Coulomb barrier to
    be compared with upper limit of ?(R?/(2?))2

Cross section and energy
Types of Experiments
  • Excitation Functions
  • relation between variation of a particular
    reaction cross section with incident energy
  • shape can be determined by stacked-foil method
  • exposing several target foils in same beam with
    appropriate energy-degrading foils interposed
  • provide information about probabilities for
    emission of various kinds of particles and
    combinations of particles in nuclear reactions
  • formation of a given product implies what
    particles were ejected from the target nuclide
  • possible to get crude estimates of kinetic
  • will not yield any information about angular
    distribution of emitted particles

  • Total Reaction Cross Sections
  • summing of all experimentally measured excitation
    functions for individual rxns rarely yields an
    excitation function for ?r
  • for most target-projectile combinations, some
    rxns lead to stable products and thus cannot be
    measured by activation technique
  • measure attenuation of beam to determine ?r
  • determine (I-Io)/Io
  • difficult to apply because target must be kept
    thin enough to minimize energy degradation of
    beam, but thin target produces a small
    attenuation in intensity, which is hard to
    measure with accuracy
  • Partial Spectra
  • focuses attention on energy and angular
    distributions of the emitted particles

  • information collected experimentally by detection
    of emitted particles in energy-sensitive detector
    placed at various angles ? with respect to
    incident beam
  • limitation lies in lack of knowledge about other
    particles that may be emitted in same event
  • either use energy so low that probability for
    emission of more than one particle is negligible
    or by having several detectors and demanding
    coincidences among them before an event is
  • Radiochemical Recoil Measurements
  • to obtain angular distributions and
    kinetic-energy spectra for heavier fragments and
    product nuclei
  • combines the activation technique with angular
    and energy measurements provided the product of
    interest is radioactive

Optical Model
  • Attempt to understand cross sections for nuclear
    reactions in which the interactions of the
    incident particle with the nucleons of the
    nucleus are replaced by its interaction with a
    potential-energy well
  • used fruitfully in interpretation of
    elastic-scattering and total-reaction cross
    sections at energies down to a few million
    electron volts

  • Represents the nucleus by a square-well potential
    Vo MeV deep and R fm wide
  • Kinetic energy of neutron entering nucleus will
    be higher inside the well than outside
  • refraction at the nuclear surface
  • index of refraction defined as ratio of
  • Modified to allow for absorption of incident
  • change index of refraction to complex number
  • damps wave inside potential well, making medium
    somewhat absorbent
  • Solve Schrödinger equation

  • Cross sections for elastic scattering and
    reaction for a given l can be expressed in terms
    of amplitude?l, which is a complex number
  • Maximum reaction cross section for given l is
    ??/(2?)(2l 1), which occurs for ?l0
  • Maximum scattering cross section is 4??2/(4?2)(2l
    1), which occurs for ?l-1
  • Appearance of resonances in elastic-scattering
    cross sections at energies corresponding to
    single-particle states of the incident particle
    in effective potential
  • Mean free path

Compound-Nucleus Model
  • Assumes incident particle, upon entering the
    target nucleus, amalgamates with it in a way that
    it kinetic energy is distributed randomly among
    all nucleons
  • resulting nucleus in excited quasi-stationary
    state and called compound nucleus
  • Nuclear reaction divided into 2 distinct
    independent steps
  • capture of incident particle with random sharing
    of energy among nucleons in compound nucleus
  • evaporation particles from excited compound
  • Excitation energy U

  • Probability for de-excitation by ? emission much
    higher than neutron escape in slow-neutron
  • excitation energy of compound nucleus from by
    capture of slow neutron only slightly higher than
    binding energy of neutron in compound nucleus
  • With low-energy neutrons, relative probabilities
    of various possible events should be completely
    determined by quantum state of compound nucleus
  • if resonances dont overlap, behavior of compound
    nucleus essentially governed by properties of
    single quantum state independence hypothesis
  • Breit-Weigner one-level formula

  • 1/v Law in the region where
  • if no close resonances, capture cross section may
    be quite small and follow this law
  • Statistical Assumption
  • assume interference terms have random signs and
    thus cancel out
  • reinstates symmetrical angular distribution
  • assume that overlapping states all have
    essentially the same relative partial widths for
    various possible decay channels of compound
  • reinstates independence hypothesis

Statistical Model--Evaporation Theory
  • Particles emitted with considerably less than
    maximum energy available
  • Statistical assumption implies that statistical
    equilibrium exists during compound-nucleus
  • relative numbers of compound nuclei and sets of
    particles that correspond to various decay
    channels determined by their relative state
  • Statistical model able to predict energy spectrum
    of evaporated particles and excitation functions
    for various products in terms of certain average
    nuclear properties
  • principle of detailed balance

  • Important consequences of including
    angular-momentum effects
  • compound nuclei can be formed in states of rather
    high angular momentum
  • yrast levels lowest-energy states of given spin
  • existence of yrast level at excitation U(I) means
    maximum kinetic energy of emitted particle is
    less than Uc-Sb (if assume b spinless and emitted
    in l0 state maximum kinetic energy becomes
  • Odd-Even Effects on Level Densities
  • pairing effects on level density becomes less
    marked with increasing excitation
  • level density of odd-odd nucleus at given
    excitation energy is greater than that of
    adjacent even-odd or odd-even nucleus, which is
    greater than adjacent even-even nucleus

Direct Interaction
  • Assumes incident particle collides with only a
    few nucleons in target nucleus, thereby ejecting
    some of them
  • Include event in which only part of incident
    complex particle interacts with target nucleus
  • transfer reactions
  • stripping reaction and pickup process
  • useful for determination of energies, spins, and
    parities of excited states of nuclei
  • Knock-On reactions
  • mean free path ? for incident particle large
    compared to average spacing between nucleons
  • impulse approximation--collisions with individual
    nucleons in nucleus treated as if they occurred
    with free nucleons--valid

Preequilibrium Decay
  • Intermediate model between compound-nucleus and
    direct-interaction model
  • Particles can be emitted prior to attainment of
    statistical equilibrium
  • Successive two-body interactions invoked, but
    without spatial considerations
  • focuses on total number of excitons in each step
  • assumed that for given exciton number, every
    possible particle-hole configuration has equal a
    priori probability
  • Gives no information about angular distributions

(No Transcript)
Low-Energy Reactions with Light Projectiles
  • Slow-Neutron Reactions
  • purest example of compound-nucleus behavior
  • 1/v law governs most neutron cross sections in
    region of thermal energies
  • neutrons available from nuclear reactions only
    and produced with appreciable kinetic energies
  • Reaction Cross Sections
  • Coulomb barrier makes it impossible to study
    nuclear reactions with charged particles of
    kinetic energies below the million eV region
    (except with lightest nuclei)
  • resonances no longer observable
  • with increasing energy, increasing variety of
    reactions possible

  • Deuteron Reactions
  • direct reactions in which one of the nucleons is
    stripped off by collision with a nucleus are
  • large size and loose binding of deuteron
  • neutron comes within range of nuclear forces
    while proton is still outside most of Coulomb
  • large neutron-proton distance in deuteron
  • weakly bound deuteron can be broken up, leaving
    proton outside barrier
  • Competition among Reactions
  • depends on relative probabilities for emission of
    various particles from compound nucleus
  • determined by energy available, Coulomb barrier,
    density of final states in product nucleus

High-Energy Reactions
  • Mass-Yield Curves
  • at low energies, compound-nucleus picture
    dominates, but as energy increases importance of
    direct reactions and preequilibrium emission
  • above 100 MeV, nuclear reactions proceed nearly
    completely by direct interactions
  • products down to mass number 150 are spallation
  • those between mass numbers 60 and 140 are fission
  • Cascade-Evaporation Model

  • Spallation Products
  • products in immediate neighborhood (within 10 to
    20 mass numbers) of target element found in
    highest yields
  • yields tend to cluster in region of ? stability
    in case of medium-weight products and
    increasingly more to the neutron-deficient side
    of stability with increasing Z of products
  • High-Energy Fission
  • single broad peak in mass-yield curve instead of
    double hump seen in thermal-neutron fission
  • many neutron-deficient nuclides, especially among
    heavy products
  • originate from processes involving higher
    deposition energies, have lower kinetic energies,
    do not appear to have partners of comparable
    mass, arise from spallation-like or fragmentation

  • Fragmentation
  • involved in phenomena observed with projectiles
    in GeV region that cannot be explained with
    two-step model of intranuclear cascades followed
    by evaporation and fission
  • evident from recoil properties--ranges and
    angular distributions differ from those of
    fission products and cannot be accounted for by
    cascade-evaporation calculations
  • Reactions with Pions
  • scattering of pions by nucleons exhibits
    pronounced, broad resonance centered around 180
  • formation of nucleon isobar (?), which is
    short-lived excited state of nucleon
  • short mean-free paths of pions in nuclei

  • possibility of pion absorption by pair of
    nucleons, resulting in total energy of pion to be
    shared by two nucleons (pion capture)
  • two-step reaction formation of ? , followed by
    ?-nucleon scattering leading to two ground-state
  • reaction patterns of pions of given kinetic
    energy resemble those induced by protons with
    kinetic energy higher by 140 MeV (the pion rest
  • at higher energies, proton- and pion-induced
    spallation patterns become similar at equal
    kinetic energies
  • neutron-rich products become more prominent in
    ?--induced, proton-rich products in ?-induced
  • expected from change in N/Z ratio of
    target-projectile combination if pion is absorbed

Heavy Ion Reactions
Heavy-Ion Reactions
  • In addition to mechanisms invoked for light-ion
    reactions (elastic and inelastic scattering,
    compound-nucleus formation, direct ineractions),
    the deeply inelastic reaction is important
  • impact parameter of collision, kinetic energy of
    projectile, and masses of target and projectile
    nuclei determine which mechanisms predominate
  • Elastic and Inelastic Scattering, Coulomb
  • elastic-scattering measurements used to obtain
    information on interaction radii RR1R2 between
    mass numbers A1 and A2

  • inelastic scattering--scattering in which some of
    projectiles kinetic energy transformed into
    excitation of target nucleus--of greatest
    importance at large impact parameters
  • heavy ions valuable because can excite high-spin
    states in target nuclei because of large angular
  • high charges, so they can be at high energies and
    still be below Coulomb barrier heigths and excite
    nuclei by purely electromagnetic interactions
    (Coulomb excitation)
  • Transfer Reactions
  • stripping and pickup reactions prevalent with
    heavy ions
  • take place at impact parameters just below those
    at which interactions are purely Coulombic
  • angular distributions show oscillatory,
    diffraction-like pattern when transfer reaction
    to single, well-defined state observed

  • when transfer populates many overlapping states,
    find single peak at characteristic angle (grazing
  • projectile trajectory essentially controlled by
    Coulomb forces
  • one-nucleon transfer reactions have thresholds
    below Coulomb-barrier energies and cross sections
    rise as energy increased
  • excitation functions of multinucleon transfer
    reactions rise with increasing energy
  • Deeply Inelastic Reactions
  • processes in which relatively large amounts of
    nuclear matter transferred between target and
    projectile and which show strongly forward-peaked
    angular distributions
  • grazing contact mechanism

  • double differential cross sections are
    distinguishing feature
  • products with masses in vicinity of projectile
    mass appear at angles other than classical
    grazing angle, with relatively small kinetic
  • total kinetic energies of products strongly
    correlated with amount of mass transfer
  • the more the A of product and projectile differ
    in either direction, the lower the kinetic energy
  • at impact parameters intermediate between those
    for purely Coulombic interactions and those
    leading to compound-nucleus formation,
    short-lived intermediate complex formed that will
    rotate as result of large angular momentum from
  • will dissociate into two fragments
  • appreciable fraction of incident kinetic energy
    dissipated and goes into internal excitation

(No Transcript)
  • Compound-Nucleus Reactions
  • compound-nucleus formation can only take place
    over a restricted range of small impact
  • can define critical angular momentum above which
    complete fusion cannot occur
  • ?cf/?R decreases with increasing bombarding
  • light heavy ions produce compound nuclei on
    neutron-deficient side of ? stability belt
  • heavy ion of energy above Coulomb barrier brings
    enough excitation energy to evaporate several
  • heavy-ion reactions provide only possible means
    for reaching predicted island of stability around
    Z114 to Z184
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