Fire Safety in the School of Earth and Environment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fire Safety in the School of Earth and Environment


Title: Fire Safety in the School of Earth and Environment Author: Michelle Lesnianski Last modified by: Michelle Lesnianski Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fire Safety in the School of Earth and Environment

Health and Safety in the School of Earth and
Environment David Banks, Jerry Lee, Sarah
Burdall (faculty HS manager) Health Safety
  • Our commitment
  • starts from the top

And cascades throughout the University to every
level and in a variety of ways
Section 2 of the HASAWA places a duty on an
employer to provide for its employees
Health and safety is the Universitys number one
  • A safe place of work
  • Safe plant and safe systems of work
  • Procedures for ensuring safe handling and storage
    of chemicals/substances and articles.
  • Adequate welfare facilities
  • Information, instruction, training and

BUT HS is a team effort!
The University has a safety policy as required by
the HASAWA. It is not just a declaration of
intent, it is also a description of the means by
which the aims are to be achieved. The safety
  • clearly identifies who is responsible for H S
    in each work area/ department.
  • outlines procedures for consultation i.e.
    committees, how to raise safety issues etc.
  • ensures staff are aware of hazards and their part
    in maintaining a safe and healthy working
    environment, this includes health surveillance
    where necessary particularly when working with
    hazardous materials
  • gives a commitment to training and the provision
    of local inductions
  • outlines procedures for accident reporting.
  • Refers to safe working procedures and protocols
    and where these are located.

The UoL safety policy can be found at
ALL Staff are responsible for
  • Observing all safety rules, procedures and
    instructions and relevant codes of practice.
  • Making proper use of all work items, and
    equipment, provided.
  • Not intentionally or recklessly interfering with
    or misusing anything provided in the interests of
    health and safety.
  • Reporting to their immediate supervisor/line
    manager any observed defects or damage to
    property or equipment.
  • Reporting to their immediate supervisor/line
    manager any hazards that come to their
  • Discussing any concerns over health and safety
    with their supervisor/line manager.
  • Referring any important issues to the Health and
    Safety Committee via their Supervisor/line
  • Co-operating with any departmental and/or
    University safety rules.
  • Discussing their safety training needs with their
    supervisor/line manager.

School Health and Safety Committee
  • Chaired by the Head of School Rob Mortimer
  • School HS Coordinators - Dave Banks, Jerry Lee
  • Faculty Health and safety Manager Sarah Burdall
  • Union Representatives - UCU, UNITE (AMICUS) and
  • Specialist officers (RPS, Lasers, waste
  • School HS administrator Victoria Parker

Terms of Reference 1. To provide a forum through
which questions of health and safety can be
discussed and local health and safety policies
and procedures can be monitored. 2. To advise
and assist the Head of Resource Centre and other
resource centre officers in the discharge of
their health and safety responsibilities,
considering where necessary. i. reports from the
School Health and Safety Coordinators, other
staff members, or students. ii. reports from the
Student-Staff Forum Committee. iii. reports on
any untoward incidents carrying a risk to health
and safety. iv. other reports generated by the
Safety Services staff or the Health and Safety
Committee. 3. To refer any general safety issues
for consideration by the Head of Safety Services
or the University's Health and Safety
Committee To consider any other issues
concerning the health and safety of all School
members while carrying out their work.
  • Fire
  • Safety

University on-line annual fire training http//89.
  • In event of fire
  • The fire alarm is a continuous alarm sounding. If
    you hear this alarm you should immediately
    evacuate the building by the nearest exit.
  • If you are teaching you should ensure that all
    the students leave the lecture venue.
  • Do not stop to collect personal belongings.
  • Do not use the lifts.
  • Do not re-enter the building until told it is
    safe to do so by a fire warden or by security.
  • There are now TWO muster points depending upon
    where the fire alarm is activated (the building
    for fire safety purposes is split in two)

  • Fire Evacuation
  • Assembly points

New Building (North)
  • If you discover a fire
  • Sound the fire alarm.
  • Only attempt to put out the fire if it is safe to
    do so.
  • Always ensure that your escape route is clear,
    your route into the building may NOT be the
    closest/fastest exit route.
  • Evacuate yourself from the building.
  • Report to the fire wardens outside the building
    with details of the location and type of fire.

Fire warden info will be posted in foyer areas
Health and Safety
(No Transcript)
Data analysis and numerical modelling, still have
associated hazards
Typical DSE assessment is 4 pages This should be
carried out annually
On-Line Training for Manual Handling
  • Your Health and your Safety is our PRIORITY.

because accidents and incidents do
happen even in universities.
  • The first priority is to treat the injured person
    - either via trained first aiders, Student Health
    or by summoning the Ambulance Service
  • Please report all accidents and incidents however
    minor even if you nearly hurt yourself (NEAR
    MISS) or see something that could harm you or
    someone else.
  • Reporting near miss incidents could prevent the
    serious or even fatal ones.
  • An entry should be made in the on-line Accident
    and incident reporting system (SENTINEL) all
    accidents incidents that occur on the premises.
  • For the more serious events, more detailed
    reporting may be required. If in doubt ASK.

Sentinel reporting team. Jerry Lee, Dave Banks,
Victoria Parker
  • Everybody has a responsibility for ensuring the
    safety of the building on a day to day basis
  • Don't tamper with any fire safety equipment.
    Don't prop open fire doors.
  • Make sure you don't create any risks. If you are
    working in a laboratory make sure you are aware
    of the risk assessments for your experiments. In
    offices the main sources of ignition are likely
    to be electric equipment. The main sources of
    fuel are paper.
  • The use of open bar electric heaters is forbidden
    by the university. Any personal electrical
    equipment brought into the department MUST be
    tested before use.
  • If you see anything unsafe, e.g. damaged fire
    equipment, fire doors not closing properly or
    unsafe working practices in a lab then report it
    to the health safety coordinators or the safety
    administrator (Trish Shepherd) or to one of the
    fire wardens.

  • Out of hours working
  • When working alone or out of hours there is
    obviously an increased risk from any incident
    since help may not be easily available. You
    should take extra care. Medium / high risk
    activities (e.g. working in labs or the workshop)
    will require additional risk assessment for out
    or hours work and some activities may not be
  • Normal hours are Monday Friday, 0830-1700
    during a normal University working day. All day
    during weekends and any University closure day is
    classified as out of hours. All staff must sign
    in/out out of hours at the front desk.
  • The university lone-working policy is available
    at http//

0113 34 32222 or 32222 (internal)
Health and Safety BEYOND the School of Earth and
Earth Environment Using the Global Laboratory
What we tell students
  • Carry out a risk assessment on all proposed
    labwork/field projects/off campus activities.
  • It is important to undertake the assessment well
    in advance of the lab/field starting (ideally at
    least two weeks)
  • ALL risk assessment (fieldwork, COSHH etc)
    should be reviewed and then forwarded to the
    Safety supervisor for clearance, without this you
    can NOT start the work.
  • Ensure that risks are reduced, as far as is
    reasonably practicable, to the minimum level.
  • Ensure that all personnel involved receive
    adequate training, written instruction, and are
    provided with adequate equipment to enable them
    to work safely.
  • Seek advice of your supervisor or the local
    safety officer, if unsure of what is required.
  • Keep documentary evidence of the above in case
    proof of action is required in the future.

HS rules apply to everyone, students and staff
alike, ALL activities require a risk assessment
to be carried out.
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
  • For more information contact our Safety team
  • Jerry Lee Health Safety Coordinator
  • (Tel 35245,
  • Dave Banks Health Safety Coordinator
    (Teaching and Fieldwork)
  • (Tel 35244,
  • Victoria Parker Health and Safety Administrator
  • (Tel 32846,
  • Sarah Burdall Faculty Health Safety Manager
  • (Tel 38581,
  • Health and Safety Services
  • Tel 32401
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