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TCEQ Environmental Flows and Water Rights Permitting Bruce Moulton Policy & Regulations Texas Commission on Environmental Quality – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: TCEQ

TCEQ Environmental Flows and Water Rights
  • Bruce Moulton
  • Policy Regulations
  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

5.013 General Jurisdiction of Commission
  • (a) The commission has general jurisdiction over
  • (l) water and water rights including the issuance
    of water rights permits, water rights
    adjudication, cancellation of water rights, and
    enforcement of water rights

Acquisition of Right to use State Water
  • The right to the use of state water may be
    acquired by appropriation in the manner and for
    the purposes provided in this chapter (11.022)

Purposes for Which Water May be
  • (a) State water may be appropriated, stored or
    diverted for
  • Domestic/Livestock, Municipal, Agricultural
    Industrial, Mining, Hydroelectric, Navigation,
    Recreation Pleasure, Public Parks, Game
  • (b)State water also may be appropriated, stored,
    or diverted for any other beneficial use.

11.0235 Policy Regarding Waters of the State
  • (a) The waters of the state are held in trust for
    the public, and the right to use state water may
    be appropriated only as expressly authorized by
  • (b) Maintaining the biological soundness of the
    states rivers, lakes, bays, and estuaries is of
    great importance to the publics economic health
    and general well being.

11.0235 Cont.
  • (c) The legislature has expressly required the
    commission while balancing all other interests to
    consider and provide for the freshwater inflows
    necessary to maintain the viability of the
    states bay and estuary systems in the
    commissions regular granting of permits for the
    use of state waters.

11.0235 Cont.
  • (d) The legislature has not expressly authorized
    granting water rights exclusively for
  • Instream flows dedicated to environmental needs
    or inflows to the states bay and estuary system
  • (2) Other similar beneficial uses.

11.0235 Cont.
  • (e) The fact that greater pressures and demands
    are being placed on the water resources of the
    state makes it of paramount importance to
    reexamine the process for ensuring that these
    important priorities are effectively addressed in
    clear delegations of authority to the commission.

Granting a Water Right
  • In its consideration of an application for a new
    or amended water right, the Commission shall
    assess the effects, if any, on the issuance of
    the permit or amendment on
  • 1. Bays and Estuaries --11.147(b)
  • 2. Existing Instream Uses-- 11.147(d)
  • 3. Fish Wildlife Habitats-- 11.147(e), 11.152
  • 4. Water Quality-- 11.150
  • 5. Groundwater or Groundwater Recharge--11.151

Applications Subject to an Environmental
  • Increase the total appropriative amount
  • Significant change in point of diversion (e.g.,
    moving the diversion point a considerable
    distance upstream where streamflows are
    significantly less, moving the diversion point to
    a tributary, or moving the diversion point into
    habitat of threatened or endangered species)
  • Change in diversion rate
  • Significant change in place of use

Instream Flow Recommendations
  • Site specific studies When available, site
    specific information is used.
  • In the absence of site specific information,
    staff apply the Lyons Method (Bounds and Lyons,
    1979). This methodology uses 60 of the median
    flow during the warm months (March-September) and
    40 of median during cool months (October
  • In instances where the 7Q2 value (two year, seven
    day low flow) is greater than Lyons, 7Q2 is used.

Freshwater Inflows
  • For permits issued within an area that is within
    200 river miles of the coast the Commission
    shall include in the permit, to the extent
    practicable when considering public interests,
    those conditions necessary to maintain beneficial
    inflows to any effected bay and estuary system.

Freshwater Inflows
  • Freshwater Inflow studies have been conducted for
    the seven major estuaries. Studies on the minor
    estuarine systems are scheduled to be completed
    by 2008.
  • Recommendations for the Lavaca-Colorado Estuary
    were developed by the Lower Colorado River
  • Inflow recommendations for three estuaries have
    been completed by the TPWD in consultation with
    the TWDB.

Bays Estuaries Data
  • For purposes of determining conditions necessary
    to maintain beneficial inflows, the commission
    shall consider among other factors studies and
    plans specified in Section 11.1491 of this code
    and other studies considered by the commission to
    be reliable

Case Studies
  • Matagorda Bay (Colorado-Lavaca Estuary) Results
    of the freshwater inflow study incorporated into
    LCRAs Water Management Plan for the Lower
    Colorado River.
  • Nueces Estuary Freshwater inflows for Nueces
    Bay are specified in the Agreed Order for the
    operation of the Choke Canyon - Lake Corpus
    Christi system.
  • Lavaca Bay Freshwater inflow release schedule
    was developed as part of the LNVAs Lake Texana
    water right amendment in 1996.

Lower Colorado River Authority
  • Water Rights for Highland Lakes adjudicated in
  • Required a Water Management Plan
  • Included maintenance of instream flows and
    freshwater inflows for the Matagorda Bay system
  • In 1992, Instream Flow Study completed

Water Management Plan-Process
  • Review of policies and programs
  • Series of public meetings to solicit input
  • Issues inventory briefing papers prepared for
    each meeting
  • Summaries of meetings prepared for public review

Instream Flow Needs (LCRA)
  • MOU with TPWD w/goal of maintaining FW
    resources in lower basin
  • Established to sets of flow needs (1) critical
    flows and (2) target flows
  • CriticalDaily minimum flows to maintain a
    viable aquatic habitat
  • TargetDaily flows which maximize available
    aquatic habitat

Bay Estuary Needs (LCRA)
  • Cooperative agreement w/TWDB,TPWD, and TNRCC to
    perform study
  • Established two levels of inflow needs (1)
    Target and (2) Critical

BE Needs (LCRA) Cont.
  • CriticalMinimum total annual inflow to keep
    salinity at 25ppt or below at mouth of rivers.
    Provide sanctuary during droughts

LCRA Environmental Flow Recommendations
  • Incorporated into the LCRA Water Management Plan
  • Dynamic document
  • Freshwater inflow restudy

Instream Flow Targets (cfs)
Month Sub/Cri Sub/Cri Target Target Target
Austin Bastrop Bastrop Eagle Lake Egypt
January 46 120 370 300 240
February 46 120 430 340 280
March 46 500 560 500 360
April 46 500 600 500 390
May 46 500 1030 820 670
June 46 120 830 660 540
July 46 120 370 300 240
August 46 120 240 200 160
September 46 120 400 320 260
October 46 120 470 380 310
November 46 120 370 290 240
December 46 120 340 270 220
Target Critical Freshwater Inflow Needs
Month Target Needs (1000 AcFt) Critical Needs (1000 AcFt)
January 44.1 14.26
February 45.3 14.26
March 129.1 14.26
April 150.7 14.26
May 162.2 14.26
June 159.3 14.26
July 107.0 14.26
August 59.4 14.26
September 38.8 14.26
October 47.4 14.26
November 44.4 14.26
December 45.2 14.26
TOTAL 1,033.1 171.1
Nueces Estuary Advisory Council
  • Letter submitted to the TWC in December 1989
    alleging non-compliance with special conditions
    contained in a water right permit held by the
    City of Corpus Christi and the Nueces River

  • Following completion and filling of Choke Canyon
    Dam and Reservoir, scheduled releases shall be
    made from the reservoir system at Lake Corpus
    Christi Dam together with return flows to the
    estuaries for the proper ecological environment
    and health of related living marine resources
    therein. Water provided to the estuaries from
    the reservoir system under this paragraph shall
    be released in such quantities and in accordance
    with such operational procedures as may be
    ordered by the Commission.

5.B. (Cont.)
  • Permittees shall provide not less than 151,000
    acre-feet of water per annum for the estuaries by
    a combination of releases and spills from the
    reservoir system at Lake Corpus Christi Dam and
    return flows to Nueces and Corpus Christi Bays
    and other receiving estuaries.

Commission Actions
  • Established Technical Advisory Committee
  • Acting on TAC recommendations, established
    interim inflow targets and created Nueces Estuary
    Advisory Council to develop operational
    procedures to meet the purposes of the Special
  • Issued an Interim Agreed Order

Agreed Order
  • 1992Interim Agreed Order Issued
  • 1995Final Agreed Order Issued
  • 1997,2001, and 2002Agreed Order Amended

Agreed Order
  • The City of Corpus Christi, as Operator of the
    Reservoir System, shall provide not less than
    151, 000 acft of water per annum for the
  • gt70 storage capacity138,000 acft target
  • gt40 but less than 70--97,000 acft target
  • gt30 but less than 40-- 1,200 acft target
  • lt30-- Total suspension of Pass-thrus
  • Implementation of Drought Contingency

Target f.w. Inflow Needs(in acft) for the Nueces
MONTH gt70 gt40-lt70 gt30-lt40 lt30
January 2,500 2,500 1,200 0
February 2,500 2,500 1,200 0
March 3,500 3,500 1,200 0
April 3,500 3,500 1,200 0
May 25,500 23,500 1,200 0
June 25,500 23,000 1,200 0
July 6,500 4,500 1,200 0
August 6,500 5,000 1,200 0
September 28,500 11,500 1,200 0
October 20,000 9,000 1,200 0
November 9,000 4,000 1,200 0
December 4,500 4,500 1,200 0
TOTAL 138,000 97,000 14,400 0
Rincon Overflow Channel
Nueces Overflow Channel
Lake Texana (Palmetto Bend)
  • Water Right Permit issued in September 1972
  • Contained provision Until the TWDB has provided
    for the sale and/or use of all waters authorized
    to be diverted from this project in the manner
    prescribed, the TX Water Rights Comm. May, upon
    application and proper order,

Provision (Cont.)
  • authorize and order the release of State water
    for any beneficial purpose, including releases of
    water for research purposes in the
    Lavaca-Matagorda Bay and Estuary System.

Adjudication of Water Rights
  • Certificate of Adjudication issued in 1981
  • Amended in 1985Provision This certificate is
    issued subject to all senior and superior water
    rights and, as may be determined by the
    Commission, to the release of water for the
    maintenance of the Lavaca-Matagorda Bay and
    Estuary System

Environmental Studies
  • Joint effort by LNRA, TWDB, TPWD, and Sierra Club
  • Certificate amended in 1994 to add Bay and
    Estuary release schedule
  • 2-tiered approach based on reservoir capacity
  • Pass thrus based on historical monthly medians
    and/or means

Target Inflows (in cfs)-Pass up to
Month gt78.18 Res. Cap. lt78.18
January 84.5 5
February 142.4 5
March 86.8 5
April 806.8 5
May 1169.3 5
June 1191.4 5
July 126.5 5
August 265.7 5
September 1027.3 5
October 708.3 5
November 68.3 5
December 79.3 5
-Median, -Mean Median For DoR
Galveston Bay Freshwater Inflows Group
  • Convened in 1996 through the efforts of the
    Galveston Bay Foundation, City of Houston, and
    Trinity River Authority
  • GOAL Develop a process that will lead to
    resolution of concerns about freshwater inflows
    to Galveston Bay

Mission Statement
  • To reach consensus among stakeholders on an
    evolving process to develop a scientifically-based
    management plan and implementation strategies
    that will provide freshwater inflows to maintain
    an ecologically sound environment for the
    Galveston Bay System.

GBFIG Process
  • Created Workgroup
  • Developed Work Plan
  • 1998TPWD Preliminary Freshwater Inflow Values
  • TPWD Staff recommendation of Max H (5.22
    million acft) as the lowest freshwater inflow
    target value which generally fulfills the
    biological needs of the Galveston Estuary on a
    seasonal basis

GBFIG Process (cont.)
  • In 2001 Final Recommendations Published By TPWD
  • Recommended a target inflow within the range
    from Min Q (4.16 millions acft) to Max H (5.22
    million acft)
  • Formed the basis for the GBFIG environmental flow
    recommendations to Region H

Inflow Scenario Quantity Acft/yr Historical Frequency Target Minimum Frequency
Max H 5.2 million 66 50
Min Q 4.2 million 70 60
Min Q-Sal 2.5 million 82 75
Min Historic 1.8 million 98 90
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