Recitation Week 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Recitation Week 5


Object Oriented Programming COP3330 / CGS5409 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Recitation Week 5

Recitation Week 5
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • COP3330 / CGS5409

Todays Recitation
  • Aggregation / Composition
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation

Aggregation / Composition
  • Aggregation (or composition) is a relationship
    between objects
  • Implemented by embedding an object of one class
    type (or a pointer or reference) inside as member
    data of another class type
  • This is the idea of objects embedded inside other
    objects (components making up the "aggregate")

Aggregation / Composition
  • Often known as the "has-a" relationship
  • We might place an Engine object inside a Car
    object as member data, because a "car has an
  • We could place 52 Card objects as member data of
    class Deck, because a "deck has 52 cards"

Timer Example
  • class Timer
  • A Timer object consists of two Displays one for
    hours and one for minutes
  • class Display
  • A Display object stores and displays a single

Class Display
  • class Display
  • public
  • Display(int lim) // Initialize a new Display
  • void increment() // Add 1 to value.
  • bool setValue(int val) // Set the value.
  • int getValue() const // Return the current
  • int getLimit() const // Return the limit
  • void show() const // Show the current value.
  • private
  • const int LIMIT // largest possible value
  • int value // current value (0 .. limit - 1)

Class Timer
  • class Timer
  • public
  • Timer() // Initialize a new Timer object
  • Timer(int h, int m) // Initialize a new
    Timer object
  • // to h hours and m minutes
  • void increment() // Add 1 minute to timer.
  • bool set(int h, int m) // Set Timer to h
    hours and m minutes
  • void show() const // Show hours and minutes.
  • Timer add(const Timer t) const // add two
    Timer objects together
  • private
  • Display hours, // two displays, one for
  • minutes // and one for minutes

Relationship between Classes
  • Two Display objects are used as member data in
    the Timer class declaration variables hours
    and minutes
  • class Timer
  • public
  • // public member functions
  • private
  • // Display objects declared as private data
    of a Timer object
  • Display hours, minutes

Context Matters!
  • Always pay attention to context, including who is
    the intended "user" of any given class. In the
    case of aggregation, the containing class is the
    "user" of the embedded objects.
  • The user of the Timer is the main program (so the
    main program will be calling the timer's
  • The user of the Display objects is the Timer
    object (so the Timer object will be calling
    Display functions through the objects hours and
    minutes, because those variables are in scope)

Constructors for Embedded Objects
  • When an object is created, its constructor runs,
    but also must invoke the constructors of any
    embedded objects.
  • If nothing special is done, it will invoke the
    default constructor, if there is one.
  • To invoke a constructor with parameters for an
    embedded object, use the initialization list

Another Example Soda Machine
  • A SodaMachine object is a that contains (and
    handles communications among) other embedded
  • A ChangeCounter, to manage transactions
  • 5 Dispenser objects, for each type offered
  • Full source code
  • http//

Class CoinCounter
  • class CoinCounter
  • public
  • CoinCounter(int initial 100) // Initialize
    a counter, setting // available change.
  • int CurrentAmount() // Report amount
    tendered so far.
  • void AcceptCoin(int amt) // Handle coin
  • void TakeAll() // Accept all coins in
    response to // a sale.
  • void DispenseChange(int amt) // Return
    change, if possible.
  • private
  • int amount // the amount tendered so far
  • int available // the amount available for
    // making change

Class Dispenser
  • class Dispenser
  • public
  • Dispenser(int num 24) // Initialize with
    // default num cans.
  • bool HandleButton() // Try to make a sale
  • private
  • int numCans // the number of cans //

Class SodaMachine
  • class SodaMachine
  • public
  • SodaMachine() // Initialize a machine.
  • void DoCommand(char cmd) // process a command
    from the user
  • private
  • CoinCounter counter // A soda machine
    contains a coin dispenser,
  • Dispenser cola, // five can dispensers,
  • lite,
  • root,
  • orange,
  • water
  • int price // and the price of a can of
  • void DoCoin(char cmd) // Handle a coin
  • void DoSelection(char cmd) // Handle a drink
    button press.

Memory Allocation
  • There are two ways that memory gets allocated for
    data storage
  • Compile Time (or static) Allocation
  • Memory for named variables is allocated by the
  • Exact size and type of storage must be known at
    compile time
  • For standard array declarations, this is why the
    size has to be constant
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Memory allocated "on the fly" during run time
  • dynamically allocated space usually placed in a
    program segment known as the heap or the free
  • Exact amount of space or number of items does not
    have to be known by the compiler in advance.
  • For dynamic memory allocation, pointers are

Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • We can dynamically allocate storage space while
    the program is running, but we cannot create new
    variable names "on the fly"
  • For this reason, dynamic allocation requires two
  • Creating the dynamic space.
  • Storing its address in a pointer (so that the
    space can be accessed)
  • To dynamically allocate memory in C, we use the
    new operator.

Dynamic Memory De-allocation
  • De-allocation is the "clean-up" of space being
    used for variables or other data storage
  • Compile time variables are automatically
    de-allocated based on their known extent (this is
    the same as scope for "automatic" variables)
  • It is the programmer's job to de-allocate
    dynamically created space
  • To de-allocate dynamic memory, we use the delete

Allocating space with new
  • To allocate space dynamically, use the unary
    operator new, followed by the type being
  • new int // dynamically allocates an int
  • new double // dynamically allocates a
  • If creating an array dynamically, use the same
    form, but put brackets with a size after the
  • new int40 // dynamically allocates an
    array of 40 ints
  • new doublesize // dynamically allocates array
    of size doubles
  • Note that the size can be a variable!

Allocating space with new
  • These statements above are not very useful by
    themselves, because the allocated spaces have no
    names! BUT, the new operator returns the starting
    address of the allocated space, and this address
    can be stored in a pointer
  • int p // declare a pointer p
  • p new int // dynamically allocate an int
    and load address into p
  • double d // declare a pointer d
  • d new double // dynamically allocate a
    double and load address into d
  • // we can also do these in single line
  • int x 40
  • int list new intx
  • float numbers new floatx10
  • Notice that this is one more way of initializing
    a pointer to a valid target (and the most
    important one).

Accessing dynamically created space
  • So once the space has been dynamically allocated,
    how do we use it?
  • For single items, we go through the pointer.
    Dereference the pointer to reach the dynamically
    created target
  • int p new int // dynamic integer, pointed
    // to by p
  • p 10 // assigns 10 to the // dynamic
  • cout ltlt p // prints 10

Accessing dynamically created space
  • For dynamically created arrays, you can use
    either pointer-offset notation, or treat the
    pointer as the array name and use the standard
    bracket notation
  • double numList new doublesize// dynamic
  • for (int i 0 i lt size i)
  • numListi 0 // initialize array vars to
  • numList5 20 // bracket notation
  • (numList 7) 15 // pointer-offset notation
  • // means same as numList7

De-allocation of dynamic memory
  • To deallocate memory that was created with new,
    we use the unary operator delete. The one operand
    should be a pointer that stores the address of
    the space to be deallocated
  • int ptr new int // dynamically created
  • // ...
  • delete ptr // deletes space that ptr points
  • Note that the pointer ptr still exists in this
    example. That's a named variable subject to scope
    and extent determined at compile time. It can be
  • ptr new int10 // point p to a brand new
  • To de-allocate a dynamic array, use this form
  • delete name_of_pointer

De-allocation of dynamic memory
  • Example
  • int list new int40 // dynamic array
  • delete list // de-allocates the array
  • list 0 // reset list to null pointer
  • After de-allocating space, it's always a good
    idea to reset the pointer to null unless you are
    pointing it at another valid target right away.
  • To consider So what happens if you fail to
    de-allocate dynamic memory when you are finished
    with it? (i.e. why is de-allocation important?)

Application Example Dynamically resizing an array
  • If you have an existing array, and you want to
    make it bigger (add array cells to it), you
    cannot simply append new cells to the old ones.
  • Arrays are stored in consecutive memory, and you
    never know whether or not the memory immediately
    after the array is already allocated for
    something else. For that reason, the process
    takes a few more steps. Here is an example using
    an integer array. Let's say this is the original
  • int list new intsize

Application Example Dynamically resizing an array
  • Suppose I want to resize this so that the array
    called list has space for 5 more numbers
    (presumably because the old one is full).
  • There are four main steps.
  • 1. Create an entirely new array of the
    appropriate type and of the new size. (You'll
    need another pointer for this).
  • int temp new intsize 5
  • 2. Copy the data from the old array into the
    new array (keeping them in the same positions).
    This is easy with a for-loop.
  • for (int i 0 i lt size i)
  • tempi listi

Application Example Dynamically resizing an array
  • 3. Delete the old array -- you don't need it
  • delete list // deletes array pointed
    to by "list"
  • 4. Change the pointer. You still want the
    array to be called "list" (its original name), so
    change the list pointer to the new address.
  • list temp
  • That's it! The list array is now 5 larger than
    the previous one, and it has the same data in it
    that the original one had. But, now it has room
    for 5 more items.

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