CS 177 Recitation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS 177 Recitation


... value of a textbox called 'fullName' on a form called 'taxForm' to 'Al Capone'? document.taxForm.fullName.value = 'Al Capone' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS 177 Recitation

CS 177 Recitation
  • Feb 16th Week 6

Event-Driven Programming
  • What is Event-Driven Programming?
  • A programming paradigm in which the flow of the
    program is determined by the occurrence of
  • So what does that mean?
  • Users trigger events through interaction with the
    webpage, and the page provides JavaScript
    functions to handle the events.
  • What are some examples of actions a user can do
    to trigger events on a webpage?
  • Clicking a button
  • Submitting a form
  • Setting the focus to a text input
  • Clicking a hyperlink

JavaScript Inputs
  • What tag is used to define a user input element?
  • The ltinputgt tag.
  • ltinput typeINPUT_TYPE name INPUT_NAMEgt
  • What are some JavaScript inputs you have
    discussed in class?
  • Buttons
  • Textboxes

Button Inputs
  • How would you create a button called button1
    with the text Press Me! on it?
  • ltinput typebutton namebutton1 valuePress
  • How would you make the same button call a
    JavaScript function buttonPressed() when it is
  • ltinput typebutton namebutton1 valuePress
    Me! onClickbuttonPressed()gt
  • The onClick attribute is used to run JavaScript
    code when the button is clicked.

JavaScript Forms
  • What HTML tag is the container for inputs that
    the user can interact with?
  • The ltformgt tag
  • ltform namemyFormgtlt/formgt
  • The name attribute specifies the name that you
    will use to refer to this form in your JavaScript
    code (more on this later).
  • What can you put between the form tags?
  • Any HTML tags that can be normally used in body
    tags (e.g. lttablegt, ltdivgt, etc).
  • However, remember that ALL inputs must be inside
    form tags.

LuckyForm Example
  • What does the example here do?
  • - When the user clicks a button, a random number
    is generated and displayed in an alert.
  • Note that even if DisplayNumber() was not
    defined, you would not get an error until the
    button is clicked.

Text Inputs
  • How would you create a textbox called txtbox1
    with the string Enter text in it?
  • ltinput typetext nametxtbox1 valueEnter
  • How can you control the size of the textbox?
  • Use the size attribute.
  • ltinput typetext namemph value size10gt
  • ltinput typetext namemph value size50gt

Text Inputs Continued
  • How would you get the value from a textbox in
  • document.ltform namegt.ltinput namegt.value
  • For example, if the forms name is myForm and
    the textboxs name is myText
  • var username document.myForm.myText.value
  • You can think of the . as narrowing the scope.
  • The whole HTML document gt the form youre
    interested in gt the input element gt its value.
  • What is the data type of the value returned?
  • String
  • What if I want a number?
  • Use parseFloat()!
  • Example for the form and textbox given above
  • var x parseFloat(document.myForm.myText.value)
  • x x 10

Button Textbox Example
  • Check This Example
  • Clicking a button and generating an alert that
    displays text from a textbox.

Changing a textboxs value
  • How would you change the value displayed in a
  • document.ltform namegt.ltinput namegt.value ltnew
  • For example
  • document.userInfoForm.zipCode.value 47906
  • How would you change the value of a textbox
    called fullName on a form called taxForm to
    Al Capone?
  • document.taxForm.fullName.value Al Capone

RandomReal Example
  • Check This Example
  • Generating a random floating point number whose
    interval and precision are specified in
  • Things to Note
  • The user-defined JavaScript functions cannot be
    defined in the same ltscriptgt tag that allows the
    use of the random.js library.
  • Use of parseFloat() in GenerateRandom().
  • Normal HTML tags are used within ltformgt tags.

Temperature Converter Example
  • What does this example do?
  • - Converts user input into a textbox from
    Fahrenheit to Celsius.
  • Note parseFloat() is used to convert the value
    in fahrBox to a floating point number.

Temperature Converter Example
Temperature Converter Example
  • can modify the conversion page to allow for
    entering a temperature in either box, then
    convert to the other
  • Check This Example

Doubler Example
  • Check This Example
  • Double the number entered, and uses the same
    textbox for input and output.

Text Areas
  • Similar to a text box but can contain any number
    of text lines.
  • General form
  • lttextarea name"TEXTAREA_NAME" rowsNUM_ROWS
    colsNUM_COLS wrap"virtual"gt
  • lt/textareagt
  • the NAME attribute gives the element a name so
    that it can be referenced
  • the ROWS attribute specifies the height (number
    of text lines) of the area
  • the COLS attribute specifies the width (number of
    characters) of the area
  • the WRAP attribute ensures that the text will
    wrap from one line to the next
  • instead of running off the edge of the text area

Text Areas (cont.)
  • unlike a text box, opening and closing tags are
    used to define a text area
  • any text appearing between the tags will be the
    initial text in the text area
  • otherwise, the contents of a text area are
    accessed/assigned in the same way

Personal Greeting Example
  • What does this example do?
  • the user enters first and last names into text
  • a long greeting is constructed using the names
    and assigned to the text area
  • Note The textareas wrap attribute is set to
    virtual to allow text wrapping.

Personal Greeting Example
Dynamic Images
  • Recall that to put an image in a webpage you use
    the ltimagegt tag like below
  • ltimg srcapple.jpg namefruitgt
  • What if you want to change the image to an orange
    later in the webpages execution?
  • Modify the images src attribute from JavaScript!
  • document.images.ltimage namegt.src ltnew valuegt
  • Example from above
  • document.images.fruit.src orange.jpg

Dynamic Image Example
  • Dynamic Image Example
  • initially the image is set to happy.gif
  • when a button is clicked, the ChangeImage
    function is called to change the image
  • the new image is specified by the parameter to
    the function
  • note the use of single quotes around the file
    names to avoid conflicts with the onClick double

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