Title: CC FORM 104-R
1CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
For use of this form, see CC PAM 145-4
2CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
- How to properly prepare the form
3CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
What is it?
- Its a plan for graduation
- Its a contract between the Cadet and Cadet
- Its challenging to complete correctly
4CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
- CC Form 104-R must be completed prior to
contracting any Cadet
5CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
- CC Form 104-R must be completed prior to
contracting any Cadet
- CC Form 104-R is used to establish academic
6CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
7CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
- CC Form 104-R must be completed prior to
contracting any Cadet
- CC Form 104-R is used to establish academic
- CC Form 104-R must be authenticated by college
8CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
Recommend including email and phone number
9CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
- CC Form 104-R must be completed prior to
contracting any Cadet
- CC Form 104-R is used to establish academic
- CC Form 104-R must be authenticated by college
- CC Form 104-R must be reviewed each semester
10CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
11CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
CC Form 104-R must be completed prior to
contracting any Cadet
CC Form 104-R is used to establish academic
CC Form 104-R must be authenticated by college
CC Form 104-R must be revised for each contracted
Cadet annually
CC Form 104-R must be followed if not an
updated worksheet will be initiated
12CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
CC Form 104-R must be completed prior to
contracting any Cadet
CC Form 104-R is used to establish academic
CC Form 104-R must be authenticated by college
CC Form 104-R must be revised for each contracted
Cadet annually
CC Form 104-R must be followed if not an
updated worksheet will be initiated
SOU on page 3 must be completed by the student
13CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
14CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
Must Nots
- Fail to know the requirements for graduation
- Except a handwritten copy
- Fail to have it reviewed by an advisor
- Fail to stress this is a contract!
15CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
How to Prepare the Form
- Give the student a blank copy (digital) and have
them fill it out (typed)
- Get a copy of the students transcripts
- Get a copy of the degree requirements (DAPR at
- Review with the student and make changes
- Have the student review with their advisor and
get signatures
- If good to go give student a digital copy and
maintain a paper copy
16CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
Enter previous grades
Include all previous semesters
17CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
Enter the credit hours
18CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
19CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
20CC FORM 104-R Planned Academic Worksheet
Enter the credit hours