Title: Water
This is an industry that takes a free liquid
that falls from the sky and sells it for as much
as four times what we pay for gas.
2Should We Be Using Bottled Water?
- Popular brands such as Dasani and Aquafina use
municipally treated tap water - Tap Water- 10 times the quality, 1/10th the
cost, and no pollution! - It takes 3 times as much water to produce the
bottle as it does to fill it - An estimated amount of 2.5 million tons of carbon
dioxide is created by the production of plastic
for water bottles
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4Why Bottled Water?
- Most countries without access to clean drinking
water turn to bottled water - Mexico, Brazil, China and Indonesia
- Because they dont have safe water to drink
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- Nine out of Ten plastic water bottles are not
recycled - Plastic bottles take up land fills and as they
sit in the ground they create toxic waste that
leaks into ground water - Of the 36 billion bottles sold in 2006, only one
fifth were recycled
7Waste of Oil
- 1.5 million barrels of oil is enough to fuel
100,000 cars which is wasted when making plastic
water bottles - U.S. production of bottled water requires an
average of 17 million barrels of oil - Bottled water has to be transported by boat,
train, airplane, or truck which burns the limited
fossil fuels we have
8Whats in the plastic?
- Bottles such as Nalgene contain BPAs (Bisphenol
A) - Endocrine disrupter which can mimic the bodys
own hormones causing negative health effects - BPAs have been known to leech from the plastic
lining of canned foods - Plastic water bottles such as Dasani contain
polyethylene terephthalate, a plastic derived
from crude oil - When burned( because most isnt recycled), it
creates harmful chemicals that are released into
the air that are harmful towards humans and
animals - Re-using water bottles is not recommended
9Who Monitors It?
- Tap Water is regulated by the EPA(Environmental
Protection Agency) - It is their job to make sure tap water is safe
- Bottled water is regulated by the FDA
- It is categorized as a food
- May be less clean than tap
- Dont have to monitor the contaminant levels
11Possible Solutions
- Banning Bottled Water All Together
- Countries such as Australia hope to become the
first to ban the sale of bottled water - Only reason to save the earth
- The townspeople all agreed it was a waste of
money and resources
12Other Solutions
- Some believe bottled water tastes much different
than tap - Using filters such as Brita can deliver filtered
water like bottled water but no cost - Use little to no energy to filter water
- Remove more dangerous contaminants than any other
filter system
13My Opinion
- I think its a waste of money and oil
- There should be a bigger push for clean tap water
around the world - Its a bigger waste of money to ship the bottled
water around the world - Our Rivers, Lake, Reservoirs, Aquifers and
underground resources cannot take it anymore
14Works Cited
- Bottled Water Blues. Doss Holdings Inc, 2002.
Web. 2 Dec. 2009. ltwww.bottledwaterblues.comgt. - Lapham, Steven S. "Bottled or Tap? A Controversy
for Science, Economics and Society." Social
Education 2009 236-39. Print. - "The Trouble with Bottled Water." Progressive
Kid. Web. 7 Dec. 2009. lthttp//www.progressivekid
.comgt. - Barlow, Mauda. Blue Covenant. Melbourne VIC
Black Inc, 2008. Print. - Aslam, Abid. "Bottled Water Nectar of the
Frauds?" One World US. Web. 9 Dec. 2009.
lthttp//www.us.oneworld.net/node/126829gt. - "Bisphenol A." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Web. 28
Dec. 2009. lthttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisphenol
_Agt. - "Standards and Regulations for Bottled Water."
All About Water - Read, Learn, and Know about
Water. Web. 04 Jan. 2010. lthttp//www.allaboutwate