Odour and Air Management Studies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Odour and Air Management Studies


Odour and Air Management Studies Presented by: Wayne Wong, M.A.Sc, EIT Key Tool in Determining Effective Odour Control Solutions Second level Third level Fourth level ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Odour and Air Management Studies

Odour and Air Management Studies
Presented by Wayne Wong, M.A.Sc, EIT
  • Key Tool in Determining Effective Odour Control

Project Team
  • Yuko Suda, P.Eng. Kerr Wood Leidal Associates
  • Ted Steele, P.Eng. Kerr Wood Leidal Associates
  • Karl Mueller, P.Eng. Kerr Wood Leidal
    Associates Ltd.
  • Chris Hunniford, PE OCTC, a VA Company

Introduction to Sanitary Odours
  • Sewer odours can be found everywhere!
  • Gravity sewers
  • Air vents
  • Pump stations
  • Forcemains
  • Manholes
  • Wastewater treatment plants
  • Operational headache and nuisance
  • Costly problem for municipalities

Source of Odours in Sanitary Systems
  • Odour Generation Odour Release Problem
  • Odour Generation
  • Combination of organic waste material and
    bacteria in the sewer generates hydrogen sulfide
    (H2S) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Especially problematic in collection systems with
    large detention times
  • Odour Release
  • Local pressurization of the air space above
    sewage results in odourous air being released
    from a contained space (sewer, manhole, tanks)

Odour Generation
  • Occurs where there are large concentrations of
    organic waste materials and bacteria in the
    collection system
  • Odour generation is accelerated under the right
    environmental conditions
  • Anaerobic conditions (typical in long forcemains
    or in collection systems with long hydraulic
    detention times)
  • Odour generation is generally difficult to avoid

Odour Release
  • Odourous compounds generally exist within the
    collection system headspace.
  • These odourous compounds become a nuisance when
    there is pressurization and air movement which
    transport these odourous compounds from the
    headspace and released into the environment
  • There are a number of physical mechanisms that
    result in pressurization. The primary mechanism
    is air movement in the sewer due to the effects
    of friction drag

Air Movement in Sewers
  • The primary force for air movement in gravity
    systems is the friction between the sewer
    headspace air and the moving wastewater below.
  • Resistance to air movement due to friction
    between air and pipe wall
  • An idealized velocity gradient can be developed
    based on these simple boundary conditions

Air Movement in Sewers
  • Friction factor between water and air varies
    depending on factors such as turbulence and rough
    water surfaces (high friction factor)
  • Slower moving, quiescent water surfaces will
    generally result in a lower friction factor.
  • The flow rate of air that is conveyed is
    proportional to the air velocity in the headspace
    and the cross sectional area of the headspace

Pressurization in Sewer Headspace
  • Occurs when there are abrupt changes in rate of
    air flow in the sewer
  • High flow rate of air from one section colliding
    with air in a downstream section that has a lower
    air flow rate
  • Change in air flow rates can be caused by changes
    in pipe slope and/or restrictions in the sewer
  • When an area of pressurization coincides with a
    vent or manhole, sewer air will be expelled at
    that point

Other Factors That Can Contribute to Odour
Ventilation Problems
  • Change in atmospheric (barometric) pressure or
    ambient temperature (air density change) can
    cause air movement in/out of the collection
  • Strong surface winds can draw air out of the
    collection system via eduction
  • Decrease in pipe diameter in downstream pipe
  • Opposing or perpendicular flows entering a
    junction can cause a temporary backup of air

Other Factors That Can Contribute to Odour
Ventilation Problems
  • Ventilation effects are more pronounced in
    collection systems with fewer service
    connections, vents and manholes, where there are
    fewer relief points for expelling air
  • Ventilation effects can be most severe at
    inverted siphons, full-flowing or surcharged
    sewers and pump stations where airflow can be
    stopped completely, creating high pressures in
    the sewers

Developing Solutions
  • Conventional solution has been to seal manholes
    or install carbon scrubbers
  • This results in increased air pressurization of
    the overall collection system and causes air to
    be expelled elsewhere.
  • This is a reactive approach which shifts the
    problem to another location rather than solving
    the problem

Developing Solutions
  • Completing an odour and air management study to
    determine the most effective mitigation strategy
    is a more proactive approach
  • A comprehensive odour and air management study
    can be used to
  • Determine the root cause of odour emissions
  • Develop options to eliminate problems while
    minimizing capital and operating costs.

Odour and Air Management Study
  • An effective odour control and air management
    study includes
  • Monitoring program (H2S, VOCs, differential air
  • Ventilation modeling (areas of pressurization,
    air flow rates, ventilation dynamics, release
  • Hydraulic modeling (displacement effects)
  • Based on the above study, an evaluation can be
    conducted to develop the most effective strategy
    for mitigating odour

Differential Pressure Monitoring
Hydrogen Sulphide Monitoring
Odour and Air Management Study
  • An evaluation can be conducted to develop the
    most effective strategy for mitigating odour
  • Key Considerations
  • Cost
  • Feasibility of implementation
  • Environmental impacts (hazardous chemicals,
    noise, etc.)
  • Overall treatment effectiveness

Active Odour Control Facilities
  • An active odour control facility draws air from
    the sewer using a fan, treats it, and releases it
    to the atmosphere.
  • Types of treatment include biofilters, activated
    carbon adsorbers, and chemical scrubbers etc.
  • Drawing air in from the sewer with a blower and
    treating it creates an area of negative pressure
    (zone of influence) in the vicinity of the
    collection system within the sewer.

Case Study Highbury InterceptorMetro Vancouver
  • The Highbury Interceptor is owned and operated by
    Metro Vancouver.
  • Combined sewer (expected to be fully separated by
  • Total length 6 km
  • Pipe diameter 2,900 mm
  • Significant odour complaints and headspace
    pressurization issues
  • Noise issues during winter storms in which large
    volumes of air are expelled from vents
  • Manhole lids have been observed to be blown off

Case Study Highbury InterceptorMetro Vancouver
  • Monitoring of differential pressure, H2S, and
    VOCs were carried out during both wet and dry
    weather periods
  • Differential pressure indicated significant
    positive pressure occurs throughout the Highbury
  • Ventilation modeling estimated the drag airflow
    at 10,000 cfm
  • Downstream end of the interceptor is a siphon,
    and no air can be conveyed beyond this point,
    creating an area of high pressurization

Case Study Highbury InterceptorMetro Vancouver
  • Hydraulic modeling indicated that sections of
    sewer becomes completely isolated from upstream,
    downstream, and tributary sewers during high flow
  • The ventilation model estimated that a typical
    storm could displace up to 7,000 cfm
  • Model indicated that as sewage level increase, a
    large amount of air can only be displaced at a
    few small vents (high pressure and high air
    discharge velocity)

Case Study Highbury InterceptorMetro Vancouver
  • KWL/OCTC project team proposed three active odour
    control facilities along the interceptor sewer
  • The main active odour control facility, with a
    design treatment capacity of 10,000 cfm, would
    have a zone of influence of approximately 4.6 km

  • An odour control and air management study that
    includes monitoring, ventilation modeling, and
    hydraulic modeling is key to determining the root
    cause of odour complaints and can be used to
    develop a cost effective solution for controlling
    odour in a sanitary collection system.

  • Contact Information
  • Wayne Wong, M.A.Sc., EIT
  • Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd.
  • wwong_at_kwl.ca
  • (604) 293-3274
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