Title: Blank Jeopardy
11 pt
1 pt
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2 pt
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3 pt
3 pt
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4 pt
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5 pt
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5 pt
2(No Transcript)
3Hazardous and Solid Waste
4Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
5Hazardous Waste Super fund
6Oil Pollution Act (OPA)
7Oil Spills
8Pollution Prevention Act (PPA)
9Seeks to prevent pollution through the reduced
generation of pollutants at their origin
10Ionizing radiation
11 enough energy to knock electrons from atoms
forming ions, capable of causing cancer (ex
12 High Quality Energy
13organized concentrated, can perform useful work
(ex fossil fuel nuclear)
14Low Quality Energy
15disorganized, dispersed (heat in ocean or air
wind, solar)
16First Law of Thermodynamics
17energy is neither created nor destroyed, but may
be converted from one form to another
18Second Law of Thermodynamics
19when energy is changed from one form to another,
some useful energy is always degraded into lower
quality energy (usually heat)
20Natural radioactive decay
21unstable radioisotopes decay releasing gamma
rays, alpha beta particles
22Half life
23the time it takes for ½ of something to decay
the mass of a radioisotope to decay
24Estimate of how long a radioactive isotope must
be stored until it decays to a safe level
25approximately 10 half-lives
26Nuclear Fission
27nuclei of isotopes split apart when struck by
28Nuclear Fusion
292 isotopes of light elements (H) forced together
at high temperatures till they fuse to form a
heavier nucleus. Expensive, break even point not
reached yet...too hot.
31a rock that contains a large enough concentration
of a mineral making it profitable to mine
32Mineral Reserve
33identified deposits currently profitable to
34Best solution to Energy shortage, two things
35conservation and increase efficiency
36Surface mining
37cheaper can remove more mineral, less hazardous
to workers
39organic, dark material remaining after
decomposition by microorganisms
40 Leaching
41removal of dissolved materials from soil by water
moving downwards
43deposit of leached material in lower soil layers
45perfect agricultural soil with equal portions of
sand, silt, clay
46Solutions to soil problems
47conservation tillage, crop rotation, contour
plowing, organic fertilizers
48Parts of the hydrologic cycle (6)
49evaporation, transpiration, runoff, condensation,
precipitation, infiltration
51any water bearing layer in the ground