Manifest Destiny - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Manifest Destiny


Chapter 9 Manifest Destiny – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Manifest Destiny

Chapter 9
  • Manifest Destiny

Sec 1 Migrating to the West
Migrating to the West
Americans Look Westward Main Idea By 1821,
American expansionists soon began to covet New
Mexico, Texas, and California. Thinly settled but
rich in resources, the three provinces had great
appeal for American pioneers. The Journey
Westward Main Idea Following John C. Frémonts
vivid and romantic reports from his western
expedition, the overland trails drew thousands of
settlers west to California and Oregon.
The Plains Indians
  • The Spanish and French, and Lewis and Clark all
    explored the Great Plains.
  • The vast grassland that lies between the
    Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains.
  • There were many different cultural aspects in the
    Great Plains.

The Importance of Buffalo
  • They used the
  • Hair for making ropes and pads, and for
    ornamental and
    ceremonial purposes.
  • Horns and hoofs for making implements and
  • Bones for making soup and articles to be used in
    their various occupations and games.
  • Sinews (tendons) for making their sewing thread
    and their stronger cords such as bowstrings.
  • Skins for making ropes, tipis, clothing.
  • Flesh and intestines for food.
  • Americans tried to kill the Buffalo off to get
    rid of Indians.
  • Ever heard of Buffalo Bill? He killed 4,000 in
    one season alone!

What happens to the Plain Indians
  • Diseases brought by white traders and settlers
    made them alter their lives, unless it already
    killed them.
  • Surrounding raids from other Indian groups
    seriously hurt numbers.
  • Most Indians trailed the buffalo and ran from
    their enemies.
  • In 1825, the US Govt decides to force Indians to
    relocate west of the Mississippi.

Indians and Western Migration
  • US army built forts along this as people migrated
    west along 95th Meridian (divider of Indian
    Country from Louisiana to Minnesota).
  • US Govt established in 1824 the BIA (Bureau of
    Indian Affairs)
  • They attempted to extinguish Indian land claims
    through treaties or yearly payments.
  • In the 1850s, the US Govt came up with a
    permanent solution to this problem RESERVATIONS.
  • Thousands of Indians became trapped on
  • Were 8 in California by 1858.
  • Nomadic Indians didnt want to settle down.
  • They wanted to follow the buffalo and roam the
    Great Plains.
  • Americans wanted to settle down and not have to
    deal with the Indians.
  • Result ---- VIOLENCE!

Reservation Life
  • Awful for warriors.
  • Had nothing to hunt.
  • Instead had to farm and do household chores.
  • Now had to depend on US Govt for handouts.
  • But many white Indian agents were corrupt and
    sold supplies.
  • Food was usually rotten bacon.
  • Instead of eat this and accept Govt help many
    Indians chose to starve.

Section 2 Hispanic North America
  • The US Govt thought the LA purchase would stay
    Indian land settlers had a different plan.
  • By the 1830s many white settlers pushed west
    into Indian territory.
  • Led to creation of three new states Iowa,
    Wisconsin and Minnesota.
  • Before these new states came into the Union, many
    Americans were moving west along the coast of the
    Gulf of Mexico.
  • Isnt that Spanish land? UH-OH..

Mexican Independence
  • Took 13 years, finally achieved in 1821.
  • Started with demands for self-govt and local
  • 1810, a priest named Miguel Hidalgo, triggered
    a rebellion that spread throughout Southern
  • Treaty of Cordoba officially granted Mexico its
    independence from Spain!

What you need to know!
  • Mexico opens up its border to trade with the USA.
  • Spain hadnt allowed foreigners or foreign trade
    within border provinces.
  • Mexican Govt set two conditions.
  • Settlers had to convert to Catholicism and become
    Mexican citizens.
  • American traders saw an opportunity for profit in
    the Santa Fe in the province of New Mexico.

Effects of Mexican Independence
  • The new government was hostile towards the Roman
    Catholic Church and its missions
  • So they secularized the missions, meaning that
    they were now under control of the state rather
    than the church.
  • By the 1830s, very few priests were left in
    Northern Mexico.
  • Economic reforms widened gaps b/t poor and rich.
  • Encouraged trade with the United States
  • Santa Fe Trail
  • Connected American traders from MO to Santa Fe.
  • William Becknell

Trade with the United States
  • In 1821, William Becknell (a nearly bankrupt
    American) brought goods from Missouri to the New
    Mexico capital of Santa Fewhere he sold them for
    mules and silver coins.
  • William Becknell the Father of the Santa Fe
  • Other Americans followed taking advantage of the
    commercial opening created by Mexican
    independence and economic reforms.
  • High quality and low prices of American goods
    nearly replaced New Mexicos trade with the rest
    of Mexico.
  • Hello Santa Fe Trail!!!
  • US also began to trade with California and Texas.

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Traveling West
Section 3 Trails to the West
  • There were three great trails that lead to the
  • 1.) Santa Fe Trail you have seen already.
  • 2.) Oregon Trail

  • 3.) Mormon Trail

Oregon Country
  • In early 1800s GB, US, Russia and Spain all
    claimed this as their land.
  • 1818 US and GB signed a treaty for joint
  • Ignored the Indians that lived there.
  • Mountain Men
  • Came to live here.
  • In search of beaver pelts, they adapted N.
    American ways and married their women.
  • Many churches sent missionaries here.

Overland Trails (Oregon Trail)
  • In 1843, Mtn Men started organize wagon trails to
    Oregon along the Indian routes.
  • Groups met in Independence, Missouri.
  • From there they began their 2,000 miles trek
    across the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains
    along the Oregon Trail.
  • Santa Fe Trail also started here in Independence,

Why Move West?
  • 1.) Land
  • Could be settled and farmed, or bought and sold
    for a profit.
  • 2.) Trade
  • Attracted merchants with opportunity of wealth.
  • 3.) Challenge
  • 4.) Independent Life

The Journey
  • Could take 4-6 months.
  • Cost typical family b/t 5000-1,000.
  • Went through Mountain Passes.
  • A low spot in a mtn range that allows travelers
    to cross over to the other side.
  • Most were part of a family.
  • Few free African Americans, most were white.
  • Getting across rivers, through muddy bogs, and up
    steep hills was hard work!
  • Boring, but not violent. Spent most time
    trading, not fighting.
  • Cholera killed about 4 of the pioneers b/t

Trying to make it all better
  • IN 1846, the US and Great Britain agreed to
    divide the Oregon Country along the 49th
  • Because of the threat of war with Mexico, this
    peaceful solution proved to be in the best
    interest of the United States.

Time for our Manifest Destiny!!!
Section 4 From Sea to Sea
  • In 1846, John OSullivan coined the phrase
    manifest destiny.
  • Meaning it was Americas obvious or undeniable
    fate to spread liberty throughout the continent
    in a divine mission.
  • Beliefs of Manifest Destiny are provided below
  • 1.) The nation needed more land for its rapidly
    growing population.
  • 2.) Americans could bring economic growth and
    democracy to places where they had never existed
  • 3.) American territorial expansion was blessed by
    God b/c it was morally right.

Manifest Destiny
  • We are destined to move west to spread our
  • Religion
  • Technology
  • Way of life (culture)
  • Government

Mormons Move to Utah!!! Joseph Smith Brigham
Mormons Settle Utah
  • During the Mexican War, the Mormons were heading
    west 1840s.
  • Were one of the largest groups to do so.
  • Mormons, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of
    Latter-day Saints, had been looking for a
    permanent home ever since Joseph Smith founded
    their religion.
  • Harassed by neighbors due to their belief in
    polygamy, Mormons moved to Ohio, Missouri, and
    then Illinois.
  • Smith was killed due to his practicing polygamy.

Mormons on the Move!
  • Their new leader, Brigham Young, decided they
    needed to live beyond borders of U.S (he moved
  • They chose Great Salt Lake b/c it was away from
    other Americans.
  • Within three years of when they left in 1874,
    11,000 Mormons settled here.
  • These settlements were prosperous due to skillful
    irrigation in desert farming.
  • Brigham Young was elected Governor when Utah went
    to US after Mexican War.
  • Utah became 45th state in the Union in 1896.

Chart Westward Migration 1840s
Westward Migration, 1840s
Transparency Brigham Young and the Mormons
Brigham Young and the Mormons
Sec 2 Texas and the Mexican-American War
Texas and the Mexican-American War
Texas Wins Independence Main Idea Tensions grew
between American settlers and the Mexican
government. Following a rebellion against Mexican
rule, Texans declared their independence and
adopted a republican constitution. Americans
Debate Expansion Main Idea Sam Houston asked
that the United States annex Texas, but many in
Congress were opposed because of the impact this
would have in the slavery debate. The
Mexican-American War Main Idea Texas claimed
the land south and west of the Nueces River as
far as the Rio Grande as its own. Outraged, the
Mexicans refused to recognize the annexation. The
war that followed resulted in an American
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Texans seek Independence
  • Tons of Americans move into Texas!
  • Steven Austin got permission from the Mexican
    Govt to found a colony of several hundred
    families in east Texas.
  • Father of Texas
  • He led the first organized group of
    American settlers into Texas in 1822.
  • By 1824, were 2,000 immigrants
    were living in Austins colony.

Texans seek independenceAmerican Demands Grow
  • 1824 Mexican Colonization Law
  • Americans promised cheap land, protection of Mex
    Govt, four year tax break if they settled in
  • By, twice as many Americans in Texas than
  • In 1830 Mexican Govt said no more 1830
  • Andno importation of slaves
  • But Americans still came with their slaves.
  • Americans in Texas were divided by wanting
    slavery and those not wanting it.

General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana
  • He declared himself dictator of Mexico.
  • He stripped Texas and other territories of their
    remaining rights of self-govt.
  • This united Texas under cause of independence.
  • Everyone wanted independence.
  • Settlers named Sam Houston, recent immigrant from
    Tenn, as their commander and chief.

Sam Houston
  • Sam Houston was a native of
    Virginia, who learned the Cherokee
    way of life, and
    then helped manage
    their relocation to Arkansas.
  • Eventually, he used his knowledge
    of law to fight for Cherokee
    rights, and
    served as an advisor to them.
  • He was sent to Texas by President Jackson to
    negotiate treaties with the Indians to protect
    American traders crossing into Mexico.
  • This put him in position to lead the independence
    movement for Texas.

Texas winning Independence
  • General Santa Anna (dictator of Mexico) went into
    action due to settlers defiance.
  • He crossed the Rio Grande with several thousand
    men and they headed for the ALAMO (a walled
    fortress in San Antionio).
  • In December 1835 a group of Texas rebels had
    ousted Mexican trooops from the Fortress.
  • The Texans at the Alamo (gt200) prepared to meet
    Santa Anna.
  • William Travis and James Bowie were their
    leaders, they wanted to slow S.Anna enough to
    assemble an army.

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The Battle of the Alamo
  • Lasted 13 days.
  • Col Travis asked for help to the people of Texas
    and all the Americans in the World.
  • Texans caused 1-1,600 causalities to Mexicans.
  • March 6 Santa Anna made his way in.
  • He said, take no prisoners
  • When the fighting stopped 180 Texas were dead
    including leaders, and Davy Crockett.
  • 15 people were spared, mostly women and children.

  • Davy Crocket -gt
  • William Travis-gt
  • James Bowie -gt

What else could happen now?!?
  • Soon after, 300 Texans surrendered to Mexicans at
    another presidio, and were subsequently murdered
    after being granted POW status.
  • These events stirred great emotion in Texans, and
    an emotional victory over the Mexican army (to
    the rallying cry of Remember the Alamo
    occurred, allowing Texas to gain Independence.
    The further expansion of Whites over the
    Southwest enraged the Mexican government,
    increasing the possibility of war.
  • On March 2, 1836 The rebels formally declared
    the founding of an independent Republic of Texas.

The Defeat of Santa Anna
  • Santa Anna went after the last remaining force
    led by Sam Houston.
  • April 21, 1836 Houstons forces surprise
    attacked and defeated Santa Anna in the
  • Battle of San Jacinto, Texans won!
  • They rallied to cries of, Remember the Alamo!
  • They caught Santa Anna and made him sign a treaty
    recognizing the Republic of Texas.
  • Texans elected Sam Houston first
    President of the Lone Star
  • Created a Constitution that said
    slavery was a-okay!

Events leading to the
Texas War for Independence
  • 1821 Moses Austin recieves a 200,000 acre land
    grant from the Spanish govt to colonize Texas,
    in northeastern Mexico. He dies before he
    organizes the colony.
  • 1821 Mexico achieves indepence from Spain.
  • 1821 Stephen Austin, Moses son, recieves
    permission from Mexico to carry out his fathers
  • 1825 Mexico opens Texas to American settlement.
    American population in Texas swells.
  • 1829 Mexico abolishes slavery.

Events leading to the
Texas War for Independence
  • 1830 Mexico stops American settlement.
    Differences between American settlers and the
    Mexican govt increase.
  • 1834 General Santa Anna declares himself
  • 1835 Mexico rejects Texas application for
  • 1836 Texas declares independence.

Transparency Texas War for Independence
Texas War for Independence
Time line of Hispanic North America
  • 1821 Mexico wins independence from Spain
  • Stephen Austin receives permission from Mexico to
    bring American Immigrants to Texas for trade
  • 1825 Mexico opens Texas to American immigration
  • 1829 Mexico abolishes slavery
  • 1830 Mexico stops American settlement
  • 1834 Army general Santa Anna becomes dictator of
  • 1835 Mexico rejects Texas application for
  • 1836 Texans declare independence
  • Outnumbered Texans lose Battle of the Alamo after
    fighting bravely for 13 days
  • Sam Houston leads Texans to victory at Battle of
    San Jacinto
  • Santa Anna recognizes Texas independence

The Annexation of Texas
  • September 1836 Texas raised a flag with a
    single star the Lone Star Republic.
  • 1836 Texas asked Congress to be annexed.
  • US refused their request.
  • Northern states opposed another slave state b/c
    balance in Congress would go in the souths
  • Some govt leaders feared that it would mean war
    with Mexico.
  • Santa Anna said that annexation would be
    equivalent to a declaration of war against the
    Mexican Republic.
  • President John Tyler (10) signed the treaty,
    Congress refused.

Election of 1844
  • Annexing Texas was the HOT ISSUE!!!
  • Henry Clay opposed annexing it.
  • Didnt want war with Mexico.
  • lt- James K. Polk supported
  • - He also supported the re- occupation
    of the northern
    territory to
    gain northern support.

Decision Point Should the United States Annex
Should the United States Annex Texas?
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Election of 1844 what does it all mean?
  • Henry K. Polk wins (11th President)
  • Him being an expansionist and advocator of
    Manifest, suggested that most Americans wanted
    more territory too Legislature begins to shift.
  • Before Polk takes office, Congress approves
  • Texas becomes 28th state in the Union.
  • One month after Congress does this, Mexico breaks
    off all diplomatic relations.

War with Mexico
  • Even if Mexico accepted the annex the border
    over Texas and Mexico remained a constant battle.
  • US claimed Rio Grande was official US/Mex border.
  • Mex said it was the Nueces River (few miles
  • Polk sent John Slidell to Mexico City to try and
    buy New Mexico and California for 30 million!
  • Mexican govt didnt even receive him, or hear
    his offer.

Troops are on the move
  • Polk sent General Zachary Taylor
    to lead American forces into

    disputed territory.
  • Attacked by Mexican forces, killed US troops.
  • Polk seized his chance!
  • Angry at the American blood on American soil,
    Polk asked Congress to declare war.
  • MeanwhileJohn C. Fremont leads troops into
    California in preparation to fight.

The Trouble with Texas
  • May 1846 US declares war on Mexico
  • South and West support war.
  • Northeast opposed it, called it the war of
  • Henry David Thoreau, went to jail for not paying
    his taxes to support the war.
  • His practice of passive resistance later
    influences Gandhi and MLK, Jr.
  • Polks war plan was to seize New Mexico and
  • Stephen Kearney led forces into Santa Fe
  • Took New Mexico without firing a shot!
  • Next off to California!

The Bear Flag Revolt
  • John C. Fremont led a rebellion against Mexican
    authority in California.
  • Seized the Mexican leader Mariano Vallejo and
    threw him in jail.
  • Made a flag with a grizzly bear and a single star
    and declared California the Bear Flag Republic.
  • 1846 Kearneys troops joined the Americans
  • 1847 US controlled California.

Defeating Mexico
  • U.S. Forces invaded Mexico
  • Zachary Taylor led forces South from Texas
  • - Defeated Santa Annas troops
  • Winfield Scott landed at Veracruz and moved
    inland toward Mexico City
  • - Killed 1,000 Mexican soldiers and 100 cadets
    at Chapultepec
  • - 1847 conquered Mexico City

Defeating Mexico
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the war
  • - Mexico accepted Rio Grande as its northern
  • - Mexico gave up a vast stretch of land between
    Texas and the Pacific Ocean that included present
    day states of California, Nevada, Utah, and parts
    of Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona
    (Mexican Cession)

Defeating Mexico cont.
  • Gadsden Purchase (1853) U.S. purchased strip of
    land across southern New Mexico and Arizona for
    10 million
  • - Completed the present-day southwestern
    boundary of the United States

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Wilmot Proviso
  • Most important thing about the Mexican War was
    it brought the question of slavery to the
    forefront of American politics.
  • Do we allow more slave states? What about the
    balance of Congress?
  • Northerners felt, Southerners felt.
  • 1846 a bill came before Congress to provide
    funds for negotiating with Mexico.
  • A Pennsylvania Democrat, David Wilmot, added
  • Slavery would not be permitted in any of the
    territory acquried from Mexico.
  • This showed the widening gap b/t the democratic
    slave-owning south, and the republican free

Note Taking Reading Skill Understand Effects
Reading Skill Understand Effects
Sec 3 Effects of Territorial Expansion
Effects of Territorial Expansion
America Achieves Manifest Destiny   Main Idea
The United States finally achieved Manifest
Destiny after its victory in the Mexican-American
War. Yet, the long-term effects of the war served
to highlight growing differences between North
and South and set the stage for future conflict.
The California Gold Rush Main Idea To most
Americans, the new lands in the West seemed too
distant for rapid settlement. But in early 1848,
sawmill workers found flecks of gold in the
American River east of Sacramento, California,
starting a mass migration to the region. Effects
of the Gold Rush Main Idea The rapid settlement
of California had unforeseen consequences on both
the territory and the nation. The most immediate
effects were felt by the people who already lived
there. Among these effects were discrimination
and violence towards Indians and Mexicans.
The California Gold Rush
  • January 1848 James Marshall discovered gold at
    John Sutters Mill
  • 1849 California Gold Rush
  • - People who rushed to California looking for
    gold were called Forty-niners
  • - Most Forty-niners were men looking to get rich
    quick and return home
  • - Some women earned money cooking, washing and
    running boarding houses

The California Gold Rush
  • Mining Camps developed along stream and rivers of
    the Sierra Nevada foothills
  • - Populations rose and disappeared quickly
    in Boomtowns
  • - When mining settled down, everyone moved on
    and the towns became ghost towns.
  • People from all over the went to California
    (especially Chinese)
  • - Chinese came as indentured servants
  • - Faced prejudice and were forced out of the
    mining camps
  • - Many found jobs cooking and washing

Effects of the Gold Rush
  • 1849 1852 ¼ of a million people migrated to
  • San Francisco became a major banking,
    manufacturing, and trading center
  • Anglo-American culture replaced Mexican culture
  • Indian population dropped
  • - Many were hunted down and killed (Progress)
  • 1850 California applied for statehood as a free
  • - 1850s Issue of slavery begins to tear the
    nation apart

Transparency Mining for Gold
Mining for Gold
Chart Growth of San Francisco
Growth of San Francisco
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