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PODKARPACKIE PROVINCE Subcarpathian Voivodeship (Podkarpacie Province) is situated in the far south-east of POLAND The name derives from the region's location close ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Subcarpathian Voivodeship (Podkarpacie Province)
is situated in the far south-east of POLAND The
name derives from the region's location close to
the Carpathian Mountains
  • The population of the Podkarpackie is around
  • 2 million 97 thousand, which constitutes 5.5
  • of the total Polish population.
  • Only 45 of the Podkarpackie citizens live
  • in cities, which, compared with the global
  • figure of 61.8, makes us the least urbanized
  • province in the country.

Subcarpathian Voivodeship is divided into 25
districts) 4 city districts (powiat grodzki)
and 21 landdistricts (powiat ziemski). The
largest districts in the Podkarpackie are Rzeszów
, Mielec, Debica (134.000 inhabitants), Jaslo
Jaroslaw Stalowa Wola

The most significant city in southeastern Poland
is the Podkarpackie administrative capital
Rzeszów economical, scientific and cultural
center of the province. Rzeszów has a
population of 171,330 inhabitants, as of
30.06.2008.  Rzeszów is served by an
international airport, is a member of Eurocities,
and is home to a number of large universities,
company headquarters, and foreign consulates.
The Podkarpackie is a special place on Earth.
Special, because it was the frontier, which
shaped its present image. The Podkarpackie
province has always been located in the
borderland. The rich history and centuriesold
coexistence of different ethnic groups resulted
in cultural qualities, incomparable with those in
other regions of Poland, strengthened by the
richness of the natural environment. Maybe this
is why the Podkarpackie province is one the most
attractive destinations for tourists from Poland
and Europe.
Castle Museum in Lancut
  • The Podkarpackie province, encompassing lands,
    which formerly were the property of the noted and
    influential Polish families, is proud of many of
    their magnificent castles and properties.

Because the lands of the Podkarpackie province
were situated close to the border, most
constructions were defensive in character. This
is why there are so many ruins of medieval
castles, many in very picturesque locations.
Especially worth visiting are the castle ruins in
Odrzykon by Krosno, praised by the Polish
Moliere, Aleksander Fredro, in his famous
Zemsta (the Revenge) comedy, referring to the
ancient dispute over the walls of the castle.
  • Ruins - Odrzykon castle

On the List of World Cultural and Natural
Heritage, two material culture relics represent
the Podkarpackie
  • The wooden gothic church
  • in Haczów
  • The church and presbytery complex in Blizne

The jewels of the Podkarpackie tourism are
certainly the Bieszczady Mountains, a European
oasis of nature secondarily gone wild.
Protected areas in Subcarpathian Voivodeship
include two National Parks and 11 Landscape
Solina Reservoir

called The Bieszczady Sea, is also the largest
reservoir in Poland, and it is especially popular
among water tourists. The lake, surrounded by
mountains, is famous for variable winds, and
presents a great challenge for water sports
lovers. No other reservoir in Poland is as
challenging, and no other gives so much pleasure
from sailing. Other major attractions are the
magnificent landscapes surrounding the lake. The
area of the lake is around 22 km2.
  • The great trumps of the Podkarpackie
    province, are without doubt the numerous
    mineral springs, discovered in 150 cities and
    towns, but only in four of those, in
    HoryniecZdrój, IwoniczZdrój, Polanczyk Zdrój
    and RymanówZdrój they are used to heal people.
    The resorts and spas, which base on mineral
    springs, offer complex and professional medical
    services. What is more, a recreation and holiday
    infrastructure was constructed around the health
    resorts, available for tourists and patients,
    giving them a chance to admire the magnificent
    nature, landscapes and culture, unique in Poland
    and abroad.

Roads and airports
  • Two international
  • highways pass through the Podkarpackie province
  • E40    from Germany through Wroclaw, Krakow and
    Rzeszów to Ukraine
  • E371  from Warsaw through Rzeszów to Slovakia

Thank you !
  • Used materials
  • http/wikipedia.org
  • http//www.wrota.podkarpackie.pl

This presentation was created for Open Minds
For Active Citizenship Project. This project
has been funded with support from the European
Commission. This presentation reflects the views
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of
the information contained therein.
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