DNA: The Genetic Material - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DNA: The Genetic Material


DNA: The Genetic Material A Short history of DNA – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DNA: The Genetic Material

DNA The Genetic Material
  • A Short history of DNA

Classic Genetics
  • When Mendel came out with his laws in 1865 , he
    used the term factors to describe what we today
    call genes. Genes were not known at that time
    .Actually not much about cell was known even when
    his work was rediscovered in 1900.
  • Then when scientists started to explore more
    about genetic factors they thought the genes
    were located in the cytoplasm. ( cytoplasmic
    theory of inheritance) Chromosomes were known but
    most scientists belived genes were located
    somewhere in cytoplasm. Not much about
    chromosomes cell division was known which added
    to the strength of that theory.
  • Then Sutton (1902) came out with his chromosomal
    theory of inheritance which stated that genes
    were located on the chromosomes. Many scientists
    followed with many experiments which established
    the chromosomal theory of inheritance as a
    irrefutable fact.

Suttons Reasoning
  • Sutton made two very important points in favour
    of his theory.
  • It was known from breeding experiments that both
    parents contributed equally to the offspring. If
    that was the case cytoplasm couldnot have the
    genes as the egg and the sperms have very
    different amount of cytoplasm. Eggs are very
    large and mostly cytoplasm. Sperms are very
    small with almost no cytoplasm. ( very minimal
    cytoplasm). However the nucleus of both had the
    same amount of materials. He reasoned that if
    both parents contributed the same it the genes
    had to come from the nucleus.

Parallelism between meiosis and the behavior of
the genes. Genes are in pairs as do the
chromosomes. Half genes come from one parent the
other half from the other parent as in
fertilization- half chromosomes come from egg the
other half from the sperm . There are many other
parallelisms between the behavior of genes and
chromosomes during meiosis.
Road to DNA Discovery
  • Hammerling's experiment with the single celled
    green algae, Acetabularia, showed that the
    nucleus of a cell contains the genetic
    information that directs cellular development.
  • A. mediterranea has a smooth, disc shaped cap,
    while A. crenulata has a branched, flower-like
    cap. Each Acetabularia cell is composed of three
    segments the "foot" or base which contains the
    nucleus, the "stalk," and the "cap."
  • In his experiments, Hammerling grafted the stalk
    of one species of Acetabularia onto the foot of
    another species. In all cases, the cap that
    eventually developed on the grafted cell matched
    the species of the foot rather than that of the
    stalk. In this example, the cap that is allowed
    to grow on the grafted stalk looks like the base
    species one... A. mediterranea.
  • This experiment shows that the base is
    responsible for the type of cap that grows. The
    nucleus that contains genetic information is in
    the base, so the nucleus directs cellular

Hammerling's Acetabularia
The Genetic Material
  • Frederick Griffith, 1928
  • studied Streptococcus pneumoniae, a pathogenic
    bacterium causing pneumonia
  • there are 2 strains of Streptococcus
  • - S strain is virulent
  • - R strain is nonvirulent
  • Griffith infected mice with these strains hoping
    to understand the difference between the strains

The Genetic Material
  • Griffiths results
  • - live S strain cells killed the mice
  • - live R strain cells did not kill the mice
  • - heat-killed S strain cells did not kill the
  • - heat-killed S strain live R strain cells
    killed the mice

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The Genetic Material
  • Griffiths conclusion
  • - information specifying virulence passed from
    the dead S strain cells into the live R strain
  • - Griffith called the transfer of this
    information transformation

The Genetic Material
  • Avery, MacLeod, McCarty, 1944
  • repeated Griffiths experiment using purified
    cell extracts and discovered
  • - removal of all protein from the transforming
    material did not destroy its ability to transform
    R strain cells
  • - DNA-digesting enzymes destroyed all
    transforming ability
  • - the transforming material is DNA

The Genetic Material
  • Hershey Chase, 1952
  • - investigated bacteriophages viruses that
    infect bacteria
  • - the bacteriophage was composed of only DNA and
  • - they wanted to determine which of these
    molecules is the genetic material that is
    injected into the bacteria

The Genetic Material
  • - Bacteriophage DNA was labeled with radioactive
    phosphorus (32P)
  • - Bacteriophage protein was labeled with
    radioactive sulfur (35S)
  • - radioactive molecules were tracked
  • - only the bacteriophage DNA (as indicated by the
    32P) entered the bacteria and was used to produce
    more bacteriophage
  • - conclusion DNA is the genetic material

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DNA Structure
  • DNA is a nucleic acid.
  • The building blocks of DNA are nucleotides, each
    composed of
  • a 5-carbon sugar called deoxyribose
  • a phosphate group (PO4)
  • a nitrogenous base
  • adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine

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DNA Structure
  • The nucleotide structure consists of
  • the nitrogenous base attached to the 1 carbon of
  • the phosphate group attached to the 5 carbon of
  • a free hydroxyl group (-OH) at the 3 carbon of

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DNA Structure
  • Nucleotides are connected to each other to form a
    long chain
  • phosphodiester bond bond between adjacent
  • formed between the phosphate group of one
    nucleotide and the 3 OH of the next nucleotide
  • The chain of nucleotides has a 5 to 3

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DNA Structure
  • Determining the 3-dimmensional structure of DNA
    involved the work of a few scientists
  • Erwin Chargaff determined that
  • amount of adenine amount of thymine
  • amount of cytosine amount of guanine
  • This is known as Chargaffs Rules

DNA Structure
  • Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
  • Franklin performed X-ray diffraction studies to
    identify the 3-D structure
  • discovered that DNA is helical
  • discovered that the molecule has a diameter of
    2nm and makes a complete turn of the helix every
    3.4 nm

DNA Structure
  • James Watson and Francis Crick, 1953
  • deduced the structure of DNA using evidence from
    Chargaff, Franklin, and others
  • proposed a double helix structure

DNA Structure
  • The double helix consists of
  • 2 sugar-phosphate backbones
  • nitrogenous bases toward the interior of the
  • bases form hydrogen bonds with complementary
    bases on the opposite sugar-phosphate backbone

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DNA Structure
  • The two strands of nucleotides are antiparallel
    to each other
  • one is oriented 5 to 3, the other 3 to 5
  • The two strands wrap around each other to create
    the helical shape of the molecule.

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DNA Replication
  • Matthew Meselson Franklin Stahl, 1958
  • investigated the process of DNA replication
  • considered 3 possible mechanisms
  • conservative model
  • semiconservative model
  • dispersive model

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DNA Replication
  • Bacterial cells were grown in a heavy isotope of
    nitrogen, 15N
  • all the DNA incorporated 15N
  • cells were switched to media containing lighter
  • DNA was extracted from the cells at various time

DNA Replication
  • The DNA from different time points was analyzed
    for ratio of 15N to 14N it contained
  • After 1 round of DNA replication, the DNA
    consisted of a 14N-15N hybrid molecule
  • After 2 rounds of replication, the DNA contained
    2 types of molecules
  • half the DNA was 14N-15N hybrid
  • half the DNA was composed of 14N

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DNA Replication
  • Meselson and Stahl concluded that the mechanism
    of DNA replication is the semiconservative model.
  • Each strand of DNA acts as a template for the
    synthesis of a new strand.

DNA Replication
  • DNA replication includes
  • initiation replication begins at an origin of
  • elongation new strands of DNA are synthesized
    by DNA polymerase
  • termination replication is terminated
    differently in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Prokaryotic DNA Replication
  • The chromosome of a prokaryote is a circular
    molecule of DNA.
  • Replication begins at one origin of replication
    and proceeds in both directions around the

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Prokaryotic DNA Replication
  • The double helix is unwound by the enzyme
  • DNA polymerase III (pol III) is the main
    polymerase responsible for the majority of DNA
  • DNA polymerase III adds nucleotides to the 3 end
    of the daughter strand of DNA

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Prokaryotic DNA Replication
  • DNA replication is semidiscontinuous.
  • pol III can only add nucleotides to the 3 end of
    the newly synthesized strand
  • DNA strands are antiparallel to each other
  • leading strand is synthesized continuously (in
    the same direction as the replication fork)
  • lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously
    creating Okazaki fragments

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Prokaryotic DNA Replication
  • The enzymes for DNA replication are contained
    within the replisome.
  • The replisome consists of
  • the primosome - composed of primase and helicase
  • 2 DNA polymerase III molecules
  • The replication fork moves in 1 direction,
    synthesizing both strands simultaneously.

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Eukaryotic DNA Replication
  • The larger size and complex packaging of
    eukaryotic chromosomes means they must be
    replicated from multiple origins of replication.
  • The enzymes of eukaryotic DNA replication are
    more complex than those of prokaryotic cells.

Eukaryotic DNA Replication
  • Synthesizing the ends of the chromosomes is
    difficult because of the lack of a primer.
  • With each round of DNA replication, the linear
    eukaryotic chromosome becomes shorter.

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Eukaryotic DNA Replication
  • telomeres repeated DNA sequence on the ends of
    eukaryotic chromosomes
  • produced by telomerase
  • telomerase contains an RNA region that is used as
    a template so a DNA primer can be produced

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DNA Repair
  • - DNA-damaging agents
  • - repair mechanisms
  • - specific vs. nonspecific mechanisms

DNA Repair
  • Mistakes during DNA replication can lead to
    changes in the DNA sequence and DNA damage.
  • DNA can also be damaged by chemical or physical
    agents called mutagens.
  • Repair mechanisms may be used to correct these

DNA Repair
  • DNA repair mechanisms can be
  • specific targeting a particular type of DNA
  • photorepair of thymine dimers
  • non-specific able to repair many different
    kinds of DNA damage
  • excision repair to correct damaged or mismatched
    nitrogenous bases

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