Discovering the material for heredity: DNA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Discovering the material for heredity: DNA


Title: Discovering the material for heredity: DNA Author: Nicole Digenis Last modified by: rami alwan Created Date: 2/24/2004 5:59:47 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Discovering the material for heredity: DNA

Discovering the material for heredity DNA
  • Scientific Discovery from a
  • Historical Perspective

Time Line
  • Frederick Griffith (1928) discovers that bacteria
    can change from one form to another (a process
    called transformation).
  • Oswald Avery colleagues (1944) follow up
    Griffiths earlier discovery and conclude that
    the transforming factor is DNA.
  • Rosalind Franklin Maurice Wilkins (1950)
    provide evidence that DNA is in the form of a
    double helix.
  • Erwin Chargaff (1951) publishes that the
    nitrogenous bases of DNA occur in a ratio, with
    equal amounts of adenine and thymine, and equal
    amounts of cytosine and guanine.
  • Alfred Hershey Martha Chase (1952) conduct
    experiments which further prove that DNA was the
    hereditary material, sufficient to code for the
    growth of a new organism.
  • James Watson Francis Crick (1953) publish the
    three dimensional structure and composition of

Ancient History
  • By the 1920's chromosomes were suspected to be
    the carriers of genetic information based on
    observations of mitosis through a light
  • Biochemical studies of chromosome composition
    demonstrated that they were composed of 30-50
    nucleic acid and 50-70 protein.
  • It was generally believed that PROTEINS would
    prove to be the carriers of genetic information.
    WHY? (multiple reasons reallythink about info
    on this slide and about protein structure)

Genetic Transformation Discovered
  • Fred Griffith unwittingly discovered
    transformation. He showed that some active
    genetic substance could be transferred from dead
    bacteria capable of causing disease to live
    harmless bacteria making these live bacteria
  • How did he accomplish this?

Griffiths Experiment
  • Griffith was attempting to develop a vaccine for
    Streptococcus pneumoniae (a type of bacteria).
  • There were two strains of Streptococcus, one of
    which was harmless to people. The other strain
    caused pneumonia.
  • The term for the ability of an organism to cause
    disease is virulence. Such a disease-causing
    organism could also be called pathogenic.

More on Streptococcus
  • Strain 1 S strain
  • Was called S strain because it formed smooth
    colonies on a petri dish culture.
  • Had a polysaccharide coat that protected it from
    attack by the immune system.
  • Was virulent.

Still More on Streptococcus
  • Strain 2 R strain
  • Was called R strain because it formed rough
    colonies on a petri dish culture.
  • Did not have the polysaccharide coat that
    protected it from attack by the immune system.
  • Was avirulent (harmless).

Griffith (and later Avery his colleagues)
performed the following experiment
  • Live S strain injected into a mouse yields a dead
  • Live R strain injected into a mouse yields a live
  • Heat-killed S strain injected into a mouse also
    yields a live mouse.
  • BUT what if you heat-kill the S strain and add
    it to the live R strain?

Griffiths Results
Live R strain mixed w/ Heat-killed S strain
Heat-killed S strain
Living R strain
Living S strain
Something (we now know this to be DNA) from the
virulent S strain had been able to transform the
harmless R strain into a mouse killer!
Avery, McLeod, McCarthys Experiments Build on
  • Avery and his colleagues repeated Griffiths
    experiment but added an additional step.
  • First they added a protein-destroying enzyme to
    the heat-killed S strain. Mice still died.
  • They repeated the experiment but the second time
    added a DNA-destroying enzyme to the heat-killed
    S strain. The mice didnt die!
  • The tranforming factor had to be DNA!!

Alfred Hershey Martha Chase
  • Even after Averys experiments, scientists were
    still skeptical about the possibility that DNA
    was the stuff of heredity.
  • In 1952, Alfred Hershey Martha Chase performed
    an elegant series of experiments which proved
    that DNA was the genetic material using a
    household blender!

Hershey and Chase used ???
  • Hershey and Chase used the T2_____________, a
    virus which infects and kills bacterial cells.
  • Virus Structure
  • Protein coat or ______
  • Nucleic acid (____________)
  • H C knew T2 phages were made of DNA and
    protein, but they had no proof as to whether
    protein or DNA was the genetic material of the

Virus Life Cycle (in brief)
  • Viruses infect living cells and then multiply
    inside these cells, producing millions of copies
    of the virus which then explode (____) the cell,
    releasing these copies to go out and

infect more cells
Experimental Predictions
  • If the virus carried the instructions for making
    copies of itself (its genetic material) in the
    form of _______, then the virus would have to
    inject its _______ into the bacteria.
  • If the virus carried the instructions for making
    copies of itself (its genetic material) in the
    form of _____, then the virus would have to
    inject its _____ into the bacteria.

The Hershey-Chase Experiment
  • Use a batch of virus with radioactive capsid
    proteins (labeled with 35S).
  • Use a second batch of virus with radioactive DNA
    (labeled with 32P).
  • Allow each batch to infect bacteria (E. coli),
    then remove the viruses on the outside of the
    bacterial cells by agitating the cellsin a
  • Spin the bacterial culture tubes in centrifuge so
    the dense bacterial cells sink to the bottom
    (forming a pellet) the lighter viruses stay in
    the upper liquid portion (called the supernatant)
  • Collect the E. coli bacteria and see whether they
    contain 35S (radioactive protein) or 32P
    (radioactive DNA).

Hershey-Chase Experiment One Picture
Hershey-Chase Experiment Another Picture
Hershey-Chase Results
  • E. coli bacteria in the pellet contained
    virtually no 35S.
  • The offspring of the virus (its progeny)
    contained lots of 32P-labelled DNA.
  • Conclusion DNA carried the genetic information!!

What next??
  • The Hershey-Chase experiment was strong evidence
    that DNA was genetic material
  • Given this finding, what do you think was the
    next question that came to mind to scientists?
    What does this finding make you want to know?
  • What would be your first step to figuring this
  • (remember proteinswhat is the key to
    understanding their function?)

What I wonder How does DNA work? How does it
dictate what goes on in a cell?
Figuring out the STRUCTUREso you can learn
something about FUNCTION!
What did we knowabout DNA in the 1940s?
  • We knew that it was composed of chains of four
    __________ containing four different
  • Adenine ( )
  • Thymine ( )
  • Cytosine ( )
  • Guanine ( )

nitrogenous bases
What is a nucleotide?
Nitrogenous Bases
  • The bases with one ring are pyrimidines.
  • Cytosine
  • Thymine
  • The bases with two rings are purines.
  • Adenine
  • Guanine

Angels are pure in heart. (heart reminds you of
two rings)
Chargaffs Rule
  • 1949 Erwin Chargaff noticed that in every
    analysis of DNA that he performed, the amount of
    adenine present always equaled the amount of
    thymine and that the amount of cytosine always
    equaled the amount of guanine.
  • In other words
  • There could be different overall amount of C G
    and A T but these pairs of bases were always
    present in equal ratios!
  • This is called Chargaffs Rule.

A T and G C
(A G) / (T C) 1
The Big Race (early 1950s)
Linus Pauling
  • Once DNA was proven to be the genetic material,
    an increasing number of scientists became
    passionate about trying to discover its
  • The most significant scientists who were racing
    each other to be the first to discover the
    structure of DNA were
  • Linus Pauling (CalTech)
  • Rosalind Franklin Maurice Wilkins
  • (Kings College, London)
  • James D. Watson Francis Crick
  • (Cambridge University)

James Watson Francis Crick
Maurice Wilkins
Rosalind Franklin Maurice Wilkins
  • Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, a talented
    X-ray crystallographer, developed X-ray
    diffraction images of DNA.
  • Franklins uniquely sharp images indicated that
    DNA existed in the form of two twisted strands.

James Watson Francis Crick
What Watson Crick knew
  • Chargaffs Rule In a sample of DNA, adenine
    thymine occur in equal amounts, as do cytosine
    and guanine.
  • Rosalind Franklins data indicated that the DNA
    molecule was a double-stranded molecule.

What they finally figured out
  • DNA is a two-stranded (double) helix -- like a
    twisted ladder.
  • The backbone of the molecule is composed of the
    phosphates and deoxyribose sugars of the
    nucleotides (covalently bonded).
  • The rungs are composed of nitrogenous base pairs,
    which stick together by hydrogen bonding. These
    pairs consist of either A T or G C.

Three Representations of DNA
Base-Pair Hydrogen Bonding
  • A - T pair forms two H-bonds
  • G - C pair forms three H-bonds
  • Diameter of DNA helix is constant because AT
    GC base pairs have equal width

And the winner is
1953 Watson Crick publish their findings in
the journal Nature. 1962 The Nobel Prize for
Medicine Physiology was awarded to Crick,
Watson, Wilkins. Franklin died in 1958 of
ovarian cancer, at age 38. Because the Nobel
Prize is not awarded posthumously, and because no
more than three individuals can share the prize,
we can only speculate about whether the committee
would have recognized Franklins contribution to
the discovery of the double helix.
Structure Shows Action
"It has not escaped our notice that the specific
pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a
possible copying mechanism for the genetic
-Watson and Crick in the scientific paper that
was published in Nature, April 25, 1953.
Adding fuel to the fire
1968 Watson publishes The Double Helix, his
(not-so-modest) account of his participation in
the race to find the structure of DNA and the
role Crick, Wilkins, Franklin played as well.
The book is widely read and popular, despite
criticism from those involved of Watsons
subjective depiction of the other scientists,
especially his unflattering portrayal of
Franklin, who was no longer alive to defend
More Representations of DNA
More Representations of DNA
More Representations of DNA
Note that the pictures are not oriented the same
with respect to the 5 3 ends.
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